welcome to my blog ♥
if you are unhappy with anything , just go away .


Jasmine ♥
04 Oct
Long black and brownish hair
Small eyes
Big Nose
Simply Ugly
Canossa Convent Primary
Saint Anthony Canossian Convent
NYP Finance Services(Graduated)
SIM - Banking and Finance (Part time UOL)


Total Visits since 01 Mar 2009:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


HIM ; Lawrence aka Fatty Tan ♥
Dolling Up
Taking pictures
Listening to Music
Chill out
Friends: Sharon, Julia, Bei boy, Jasmine Tan, Linda, Ah An, Clara, Neth, Roswina, Max, Pal, Suriani, Jenny bf, Reagan, Yashi, Jiang Hao, Jeffrey, Sandy, Sze Ping, Elaine, Lay Eng, Celine, Jessie, Annie
My bday(04 Oct; pressie please!)
Valentine(14 Feb)
Drinks: Jasmine Green Tea, Coke, Red Bull, Lemon Tea, Mango Juice
Fruits: Mango, Honey Dew, Grapes, Apple, Strawberries, Banana, Guava with LOTS oF Pulm Powder
Food: bEef stEak, ScallOp, crAb, lObster, PraWn, chEese fRies, Salted Popcorn with LOTS of Butter, Cup corn with LOTS oF Butter, MOS Burger, Minestrone Soup, Teriyaki Chicken burger, KFC Drumsticks, Long John, Onion Ring
Snacks: KinDer bReunO, Super Ring, Lays

Red Beans/Green Beans
Root Beer
Hor Fun
Loh Mee
Bastards & Flirts
Bitches & Sluts
Attention Seekers
Egoistic, Arrogant, Supercilious People
Attitude Problem


mOi wiSh LisT

-more dresses, more skirts, more tops-
-LV Damier Neverfull and Chanel Bag-
-$$$ and more $$$-
-IPL legs and hands-
-Go DRX Clinic-
-repair aircon-
-renovate room-
-Travel to Australia, US, Europe and Japan. Go Taiwan again-

New Resolution:

1) Learn to cook
2) Punctual
3) Sleep early
4) Exercise
5) Save up
6) Bring mummy and sister out more often
7) Slim down
8) Complete my degree


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Blog Archive

人生就是为了找寻爱的过程,每个人的人生都要找到四个人。 第一个是自己, 第二个是你最爱的人, 第三个是最爱你的人, 第四个是共度一生的人. 首先会遇到你最爱的人,然後体会到爱的感觉; 因为了解被爱的感觉,所以才能发现最爱你的人; 当你经历过爱人与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的, 也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。 但很悲哀的,在现实生活中,这三个人通常不是同一个人; 你最爱的,往往没有选择你; 最爱你的,往往不是你最爱的; 而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱也不是最爱你的, 只是在最适合的时间出现的那个人。 你,会是别人生命中的第几个人呢? 没有人是故意要变心的,他爱你的时候是真的爱你, 可是他不爱你的时候也是真的不爱你了, 他爱你的时候没有办法假装不爱你; 同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你 。 当一个人不爱你要离开你, 你要问自己还爱不爱他, 如果你也不爱他了,千万别为了可怜的自尊而不肯离开; 如果你还爱他,你应该会希望他过得幸福快乐, 希望他跟真正爱的人在一起,绝不会阻止, 你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已经不爱他了, 而如果你不爱他,你又有什么资格指责他变心呢? 爱不是占有, 你喜欢月亮,不可能把月亮拿下来放在脸盆里, 但月亮的光芒仍可照进你的房间。 换句话说,你爱一个人,也可以用另一种方式拥有, 让爱人成为生命里的永恒回忆, 如果你真爱一个人,就要爱他原来的样子─爱他的好,也爱他的坏: 爱他的优点,也爱他的缺点, 绝不能因为爱他,就希望他变成自己所希望的样子, 万一变不成就不爱他了。 真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的, 你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你; 真正的感情是两人能在最艰苦中相守,也就是没有丝毫要求。 毕竟,感情必须付出,而不是只想获得; 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们感情不够稳固,只好认输, 真爱是不会变成怨恨的。 两人在谈情说爱的时候, 最喜欢叫对方发誓,许下承诺我们为什么要对方发誓, 就是因为我们不相信对方,我们根本不相信情人, 而这些山盟海誓又很不切实际: 海枯石烂、地老天荒,都不能改变我对你的爱! 明知道海不会枯、石不会烂、地不会老、天不会荒; 就算会,也活不到那时候。 许下诺言的时候千万注意,不要许下可以实现的诺言, 最好是承诺做不到的事, 反正做不到的,随便说说也不要紧, 请记住:”不可能实现的诺言最动人” 在爱情里,说的是一套,做的是另一套; 讲的人不相信,听的人也不相信。 你呢?找到了第几个? 茫茫人海中,你遇见了谁?谁又遇见了你?

please go to view encoding: Unicode (UTF-8) if you can't see those words on top. =p





please to not rip the credits =)
designer- X pictures- X
brushes- XXX
hosts- XX
fonts- X

for the brushes part , i try to credit as much as i can .
for those things i got from deviantart , i really cannot remember e poster of e pic or brushes . sorry about that . =)

4/30/2009 ♥


There's a swine flu outbreak recently and has already affected several countries like United States, Mexico, Canada, Britain, Spain, New Zealand, Germany, Israel, Austia, etc

Some had already die due to this virus. It reminds me of the deadly SARS which is so fatal. Life is so fragile. Sometimes I think maybe the world is ending soon...

Anyway, try to stay away from crowded area though the virus has yet to attack Singapore.

Anyway its Labour day tomorrow! Its a public holiday but well... having class again from 1 - 4pm! :(

蓝又时 is awesome! Look at the video in youtube, when she performed at 娛樂百分百 on 18 April 09. Anyway the first two guests on 娛樂百分百 18 April 09 are great! Watch youtube! :D I love their voice~


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/29/2009 ♥

Work from home today because I'm having lessons tonight!
Argh, its really exhausting.

Anyway I overslept today. Woke up slightly past 10am. Check my handphone and I have like 17 miss calls from Lawrence at 8am or so. I think I am really deaf la. I never hear my phone ring at all! I'm a terrible heavy sleeper!!! Anyway, don't know why he call me so many times, abit worry. But to think about it thats what he always do la, don't know up to what again. Always like to disturb people!


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

This is the 3rd time I've called up Starhub regarding the problem cause by the Internet connection. I've so far been calling like once a week regarding this problem I'm encountering. Its always during the night time (approximately 9pm -1am) that my Internet connection fails. Apparently, the problem should NOT be due to hardware.

The first and second time when I called, the CSO were very helpful to assist me. They guided me through - to check on the Internet settings and status. However, connection failure still persists and they couldn't assist from their side, thus suggest to get the engineers to look into this problem.

It'll usually be resolve in a day or two and I'll be able to serve the net as per normal at night time.

After a week or so, it happen again and get resolve again. Now its down again.

This time a Filipino CSO picked up. I'm sure you do know how to differentiate a Filipino accent right? So don't be skeptical and say I'm being bias because I dislike Filipino ok! She's apparently a Filipino! And I'm saying this over again! I HATE FILIPINO!

When I hear her accent, I knew she's Filipino, but I know I shouldn't be prejudice against them. I spoke to her politely though I say I hate Filipino. Politely like how I normally talk to other people la ok!!!!

After doing the checks, she claims that it should be the problem with my computer. LIKE I SAY APPARENTLY IT SHOULDN'T BE DUE TO MY COMPUTER, ELSE HOW CAN I CONNECT TO THE INTERNET AT OTHER TIME OF THE DAY.

I told her I ain't convince of her dubious assumption that its due to my computer. Lucky I have a desktop here, therefore I told her I have another computer here and I would like to do a connection there. And so, the Internet connection fails too.


Then she say perhaps its the Ethernet cable's problem. All she was trying to do is to blame everything on my hardware and say that Starhub's connection is perfectly fine. ITS INFURIATING OK! You could just resolve this problem after doing all the checks and suggest that the engineer to look into this matter. This would absolutely solve the problem because I do not like to talk to computer idiots like you. Its irksome.

When she said that it could be due to the Ethernet cable, she actually ask me to replace it myself. I told her that the Ethernet cable was provided by Starhub together with the modem and it was just 1 and 1/2 years ago. I ask her to check on the warranty of my modem. My modem's warranty is 2 years thus it is still under warranty. I told her if she is persistent to say that it is due to the Ethernet cable then Starhub should be liable for this. She says even though its under warranty but Starhub will not replace the Ethernet cable.

I told her anyway if the problem lies with the Ethernet cable, then again I wouldn't be able to connect to the net during the afternoons! ITS IS OBVIOUSLY THE INTERNET FAILURE! NOT MY HARDWARE!

She's such a moron.

Finally at her last resort, suggested to ask the engineers to see to this. I just replied "PLEASE DO SO!". =.= STUPID FILIPINOS ARE SUCH A MORON.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/27/2009 ♥

Its really been exhausting doing part time studies and working full time at the same time. Haven't really been catching enough rest and I'm very reluctant to do many other things already. Sometimes very slow in replying online message or via sms. Sorry if I didn't pick up call or what. Busy reading up notes / work. :( Its so hard to balance both of them. Maybe I'm stupid, after lessons still have to go home read up, else wouldn't be so occupy with school stuffs.


Went to office today. Worked from home in the morning, I took bus to office during lunch hour. Only left office at 7pm.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

This was what I wanted to post about.
Finally can post about it because it has successfully reach Philippines by DHL.
Didn't want to take the risk to post in case he reads and then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore.
It's his birthday wish though, but no this isn't for his birthday.
Rather just for a special day.

A special gift for a special someone on a 25th April; the memorable day...

LV Passport holder and a card (didn't have enough time to take a picture of the card because the DHL person was already outside my door to pick up the parcel)


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/26/2009 ♥

Had school yesterday afternoon.
Jin Siong sent me home after school because he was worried that I'm upset by the breakup and all. He said that he's going Siglap thats why I accepted his offer to send me home. I really feel bad to trouble him because his house is just nearby school. Anyway thanks so much! Jin Siong is really such a caring friend to have.

We had our late lunch; chicken chop at hawker. After that I came home and zzzz all the way till about 9pm. Was suppose to meet Ang Kong Star Clara and Neth neth but in the end I met ___.

I really feel like slapping myself several times though.
In the end I still relent after receiving 30+ miss calls from him yesterday and says he'll change.
I think the problem with me is that I'm too soft hearted.
I just hope things will get better and he'll not fail me agan.

So we had a face to face talk. Trash out everything and I feel better now. At least I've explicitly express my feelings and thoughts to him regarding this relationship, rather than just me keeping everything to myself and my blog. Since everything is already let known, I hope he'll do his part.

I have to apologise to friends who were worry about me. Anyway thanks so much~ :) I'm feeling better and really appreciate everyone of you :D

We caught Friday the 13th:

This show is about Jason a psycho homicide. The reason behind his killings wasn't clearly elaborated. It only show that he witness his mother being killed and then he became mentally unsound. Before his mother died, his mother told him to kill for her - but for what? I don't understand.

This movie is about Jason going around killing everyone, EVERYONE who camps around the area he resides in. Everything is very much expected though. Typical murder show but I do have to say that the sound effect did scare me.

Well, this movie should be rename Jason never dies instead. Expected he did not die~

If you just wanna scare yourself with the sound effects but doesn't mind a no storyline plot then its ok for you to go for this show. Anyway, there are 3 different girls in this movie who will go topless - FOR GUYS IF YOU LOVE BOOBIES and don't mind paying for a movie ticket to watch THEM then GO! LOLZ

Rate: 2 / 5

After movie came home and slept at 3am. Went to school this morning at 9am - fatigued! I overslept though and cabbed to school but was lucky I wasn't late.

Ang Kong Star Clara is heading my home soon! :D Update again!


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/25/2009 ♥


Taylor Swift - Youre Not Sorry.mp3 - Taylor Swift

All this time I was wasting
Hoping you would come around
I've been giving out chances every time
And all you do is let me down

And it's taking me this long
Baby but I figured you out
And you're thinking we'll be fine again
But not this time around

You don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore

And you can say that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry, no, no, no, no

Looking so innocent
I might believe you if I didn't know
Could've loved you all my life
If you hadn't left me waiting in the cold

And you got your share of secrets
And I'm tired of being last to know
And now you're asking me to listen
Cause it's worked each time before

But you don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore

And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry, no, no, oh
You're not sorry, no, no, oh

You had me falling for you honey
And it never would've gone away, no
You used to shine so bright
But I watched all of it fade

So you don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
There's nothing left to beg for

And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry, no, no, oh
You're not sorry, no, no, oh
No, oh, no, oh, no oh
Whoa, no, no


Just had a quarrel with Yuan. A real bad one. . . And he move out.

He says he's just moving out but he don't want to end this relationship.
He says he can't find peace and tranquility here.

Whatever it is; I don't want to continue with this relationship already. This is my limit; no more tolerance bandwidth left.
And he failed this test badly.
Giving such frivolous person another chance is totally futile. A person who doesn't know his mistake and negate being at fault is beyond salvage.

You probably wonder what happen...

I was revising in the dinning room then suddenly hear my dog growling. I quickly rushed over, my dog seems to be angry and almost biting Yuan. I didn't see what happen earlier on but I believe 狗也有人性 and apparently my dog is not crazy alright.

I reckon Yuan might be playing OR hitting him OR seem like he is going to do so or what. I really didn't know the real reason that caused my dog to do so. Anyway when my dog almost want to bite Yuan, Yuan really beat him. I quickly pull my dog away. I wanted to bring him back to the kitchen but Yuan screamed at me to let my dog down. He says he will carry him back to the kitchen himself.

But back in my mind, I know my dog will bite him or he will beat my dog again. So I refused to let him touch the dog. I merely want to protect both my dog and him. Then he was furious, he tried to knock the cupboard and then my 21st birthday - a Precious moment figurine drop and broke into pieces with every other things on that rack.

When I look at the broken pieces I am dumbfounded. My heart really hurt because he broke something sentimental to me and when it wasn't my fault he flared up at me. Subsequently he scream like a mad man again and says it was all my fault because I disallow him to let him carry the dog back to the kitchen himself. He yell and scream saying he want to move home.

Subsequently he brought out another issue that he couldn't stand staying at my place because my 2nd sister is irritating. My 2nd sister is not normal as you know, so she always like to talk to herself, especially when she watches tv. Sometimes she scream and yell at my mum. But this is her and I cannot do anything to accept my sister is like that.

A dog is just a dog afterall. I believe he beat and hurt him before so to protect itself, he can only resort in biting and growling to evidently show that he is angry. To us he might be just a dog, but to him we are his everything. Why would you want to blame it on a dog? Or even me who hasn't done anything wrong.

He don't have to accept me and my family if he's not willing to do so. I will totally forget about those words he once said to me. Like I say he was fictitious and everything was a sham.

I no longer have my father and what my family is left with is me. I will not walk out from them neither will they.

爱屋及屋. There is no nuisance or annoyance for the one you love and everytime when he says morning is not the right time to talk; at night too tired to talk; all I can say is - There's no wrong timing for the one you love. (quoted from neth neth's blog)

He says he want peace when he's the one who always get irritated and flare up at the slightest thing. Enlighten me please.

Seriously it is not about my house or any other stuffs. Its all about his temper. If only he mange his anger in a tactful manner, do you think all of these will happen? The problem with me and him is not about any other thing but his character; his temper; his attitude - it really do sucks big time. It is always him who is giving bad and harsh attitude, grouchy, grumpy and finding fault.

He don't allow me to club. Don't allow me to pub. I've never say anything; just adhere accordingly.

I gave up so much things, gave up my life because I know what it is to be in a relationship and I fathom what is sacrifice. But I'm sorry, you don't. 我为你伤心,你不懂什么叫爱情。

Sometimes I don't understand why someone I gave up my life for.
Someone I tried changing for.
Someone I see everyday.
Would ever say such cruel and hurtful words to me. Would ever bear to hurt me in such a way.

I am confident to say that I am a good girlfriend because my temper to him is VERY GOOD already. I did my best to give him the best in this relationship (irregardless of how much I love this person; taking the fact I'm already in the relationship). Since when I ever pick up quarrels or flare up at him. Since when I ever scream at him? Since when? I really don't.

He says I always ask alot of questions but I really don't feel that I overdo it. Apparently I ask questions because I'm unsure. I am merely ask questions POLITELY and then accept his answers. I did not interrogate. If I don't ask, the truth will never unveil and I'll be making myself feel uncomfortable. Anyway I'm his girlfriend and I'm ENTITLED to ask questions isn't it? Even human rights entitle you to do so.

When you no longer treat a girl the same way, she wonders why and start asking questions.

When you love me, you said the sweetest words. Now I reckon you no longer do, thats why you always say and do things that would cut through the heart. Thus, I no longer feel your love. Even through your eyes I couldn't see it. Except for the constant hurt inflicted.

I could only see my loneliness through your eyes now.

Everything you once did willingly when we started off all became otherwise.
It all became unwillingness and complaints.

Maybe you're just tired of me, sick of this relationship.
Just like I gradually feel so when things started to fall out.

I choose you, I fell in love with you because you love and dote me as well as my family. You held my hands and walk out of the darkest days of my life with me. You made me believe that everything will be fine with you. You made me believe that I will not remember my previous relationship.

Do you remember - You told me you will never want to hurt me.
Do you remember - You told me you want to stand by me always.

All forsaken.

♥ is nt really abt finding THE ONE. but BECOMING THE ONE..
Nurturing each other into THE ONE. Compromising one another's habits and trying to adapt to one another's life so that its the best combination to last you both a life time.

But the first thing is acceptance of what he is now, if he's way beyond your acceptance to compromise then forget about it.

Anyway 25th April is a significant day which reminds me of a special person. :)

I said I have a secret to reveal. But perhaps later in the day if I can. If not latest by Monday :)
It wouldn't be important to you peeps of cos, but its a significant day for me and this person so . . .


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/23/2009 ♥

After work met Jenny boyfriend and took train back to AMK with her. Jenny boyfriend waited for me at her office then we walked over to Raffles MRT station. Wow, I can't imagine if I have to take the train home everyday, its quite a distance from my office. Lucky there's a bus stop just at Central Square and I can transfer to the other bus that goes to my place.

Met Ang Kong Star Clara, Neth Neth, and Neth neth's friend. We headed 233 for butter crab!!! Ang Kong Stars are craving for butter crab so it was a rather sudden meet up we arranged in the afternoon. It was due to the really bad cravings or I should say butter crab temptations!!! :D Initially we wanted to go during the weekends, but then justttt couldn't resist.

To be frank, only the both of us really ate. Neth neth and friend already had their dinner earlier on. But the 2 of us ordered Cereal Prawn, Butter crab and Beancurd with scallop. We finish them all up! :D

After that we headed to find Marcus and Kok Ping at handphone shop. Yuan went there to look for us. Subsequently, ang kong star Clara, yuan, neth neth, neth's friend and I headed Katong for Teo Heng. We had 3 hours of singing. Neth neth's friend is a great singer and I do like her voice. ;D Especially when she sung 回家, it was almost flawless. 回家 is a challenging song I felt. I can never sing it. If you think my singing is good, you will think she's GODDESS already. Hardly see any friend who sing like that. I don't mind going for another few more KTV sessions with her because I like to sing with good singers. Though yuan think otherwise, but well different people have different perspective, never mind about him! I think I sang bad today, but its ok. I just singing for leisure, no more FEEL. I think someone must make me very upset again la! haha.

We sang till 12:30am and left for home.

Min min is falling ill again. I feel sick now. I am expecting a running nose and bad sore throat coming. I'm feeling quite uneasy now already.

Anyway, I think I wanna work from home tomorrow!

Yuan says that I'm a selfish, self centered person. I don't know if I really am or not. He says I did not even bother if he has taken his dinner and then ask him to go KTV straight. In the first place he did not tell me that he has not eaten. If he tells me earlier on I would ask him to go for dinner then we go KTV at a later time. How am I suppose to know he has not eaten when he did not tell me. Sometimes after his work he already eaten. He says not everyone is as fortunate as me. Free go eat crab, free go KTV. =.= I very free meh? I never go to school never work meh. I wake up earlier than him, sleep later than him leh! WTF?

Today while lunching with Daphne, she was telling me about ACCEPTANCE. She asked me a question "You cannot expect a man to change for you because that rarely happen, SO are you willing to accept what your boyfriend is? Are you able to compromise yourself for him?".

That question is still running on my mind till now. Can I really accept him for the rest of my life?


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

I just sign up for Nuffnang hoping I can earn alittle more bucks through this mean :)

This morning instead of taking bus to work, I hailed a cab conveniently. Well, to think about paying approximately 4 bucks to reach office in an hour time via a long and boring bus journey is quite unbearable. I left home at 10am to avoid the peak charges and ERP - thinking I will reach office in 15 minutes time with less than 10 bucks. To my dismay, CTE was on heavy traffic jam and I'm held up there. I board the cab at 10:05am and only managed to reach office at 10:40am, thus to be precise it is a 35 minutes journey and costed $12.40. The jam was pretty bad and I could relate it to a Bangkok jam. Can you visualize how bad the jam was? Distance wasn't that far though, thus 35 minutes to reach there is really quite bad.

On the other hand I was quite unhappy with the driver, because he was on a Malay radio broadcast which I don't understand. Apparently I could figure out they were announcing about traffic jam at several areas since I heard CTE, PIE and so on. If he could understand why didn't he avoid CTE? Obviously, I do not understand Malay and I cannot advice him on a better alternative route to take. Anyway, he's the driver which I think it is his rights to send me to my destination at the shortest time. I don't know if I should be angry with him or not, maybe he's just alittle inconsiderate or maybe he doesn't know there's another route to avoid CTE. If he really doesn't know the way - then its also his fault and I really hate road idiots.

Road idiots like yuan who always make me direct him when he's the driver. Sometimes when he miss the exit, he blames me but I don't even know where he's heading, thus how can I advice him on which exit to take??? Sometimes I really can't fathom whats in the driver's mind? They themselves are slow / stupid or its really quite difficult to deviate your attention when you're driving. This is why I concluded that taking cab is better than having your own car. Finding a parking lot is a hassle, encountering a minor / major accident is a hassle and everything! I also believe I won't be a vigilant driver because it is said that women are bad drivers! I don't know but I can't claim that it is true because I don't even know how to drive! Anyway, from what I perceive after being on the road for years, I have to say the bad drivers are usually women! Actually, I don't want to learn to drive because I know if I really start driving, I'll put everyone's life at jeopardy!!! HAHA.

As you can see now that I'm in the office I'm feeling so bored because Amelia is not around!!!
:( She has to attend to something at home, thus she is working from home. I'm going down for lunch soon with Daphne. Feeling so reluctant to start work, only did some when I just reach office.

Oh ya, I have a unexpected parcel on my bed last night. You know what? It is the January's parcel from MDS that was missing! It finally reach me after 3 months plus! But well, its good to see new clothings to wear though! I thought I can never have them anymore! :D Now I have so many clothings in my wardrobe that I haven't wear before.

Last night went to school 30 minutes late. :( Lesson still seem quite tough to me. I was reading through my notes when I go home at 11+pm until 3am and I haven't really finish them. Ever since school started, I am convince that I am STUPID.

Jin Siong told me he was going clubbing after school. When I hear the word clubbing, I felt distanced. It was like YEARS since I last went clubbing or pubbing. I have already long forgotten the feeling of what clubbing was like. Just like the feeling of LOVE, it has also disappeared for quite some time already. These few days on the bus journeys (since I'm not taking his car), I saw things that really make me feel sour at times. When I see couples holding hands looking into one another's eyes. You can sense their love in the air. I think this feeling was lost for sometime already and I do miss it. Ok, stop pointing fingers at me. I say I do miss it but I'm not desperately wanting to find it back ok! I merely said miss ONLY!.

Oh last night, yuan picked me from school voluntarily but he still seems quite unwilling to do so from his tone I guess. Whatever it is, I did not ask so I'm not at fault. We had dinner at hawker before coming home. Was chatting with Lao su when we saw him across the hawker centre when we wanted to walk home. In the end w came running back home because it was almost raining, the wind was SO big! I thought a tornado could be coming!

I think I should end here, this post is getting long and I can visualize your eyes halfway close when you're reading this last sentence.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/21/2009 ♥

When I look at you, the words you said that night still linger in my mind.
I didn't know someone I see everyday, someone I am staying with, someone whom I give up my life for, someone I sacrifice for would ever say something like that to me... Something so hurtful to me.

Him: You know how irritating are you when you ask me to pick you up everytime from work, from school from anywhere. You know how irritating it is when I am sleeping soundly and you have to wake me up early in the morning to fetch you to work. Deciding to study was your choice, but you're making me suffer with you when you wake me up from sleep to drive you to school. Everytime when you call me and ask me where am I because you want me to fetch you is annoying.

I did not say a thing, but tears swelling up in my eyes and I went to my bedroom. Sometimes I felt I was being CHEATED into this relationship because all you did initially was FAKE yourself. Everything was bogus, you're fictitious.

What you said wasn't justifiable for me. I don't want to say anything because I hate to quarrel. All I want to do now is note down the things I wanted to say to you in my blog, so I might feel better.

Driving me around already became a routine in which I know I shouldn't have relied on. Even though it is not a duty that you're obliged to but as a boyfriend I thought you've offered to do so since the day we are together. It already became a unspoken routine. As a boyfriend, who would mind to do so? I don't know how many of you would feel its a chore to do so. But I believe man who love their woman do so willingly and dutifully. Even if they wouldn't want to do so, they do not have to say such hurtful words and scream at their woman. I've never demanded you to pick me up, I always ask. Even so I woke you up from sleep, it was usually time for you to go work as well. It is true that you're on own time own target, but wouldn't it be better if you reach office on time? Anyway, how many days have I actually clock in office? Barely 3 days in a week and recently I've already compromise your sleeping habits and reach office in the AFTERNOON.

Fetching me from work was initially what YOU wanted because you do not want me to go out with my friends or allow other people to fetch me from work. I did not ask you to do so but it already became a unspoken routine perpetually.

Regarding school, I've only went to school 3 times and ask you to drive me to school once and it was almost 2pm. Am I being unreasonable and demanding to wake you up at 1:30pm when your office is opening at 3pm and you can go straight to work after sending me.

I don't know driving your love one to school was such a chore and a difficult task. Or maybe I ain't even your love. After what Ang Kong Star Clara mum's said, I realized it could be that you didn't love me anymore or you're just sick of me already.

I call you during your working hours because I just wanted to speak to you. I am just purely concern about your whereabouts because I care. Also want to remind you to take your meals. I call not because I want you to pick me or any other reason you thought it was for.

If you love me, you would have call me once in awhile even though you're busy. You don't even have to wait till I call you.

Don't worry, for all that you dislike. I would stop doing so! I SWEAR.
I am not as patience to you as I am to Lawrence!
I'll stop calling you.
I'll stop asking your whereabouts to AVOID you thinking I want you to fetch me.
I'll stop asking you to drive me UNLESS YOU'RE THE ONE WHO INSISTED.

Ok, its been two days I've been adhering to what I swear I'm going to do.
These two days, he has been the one calling me during his work.

And I'm putting you in this test so that I know what I should do with this relationship, even though you might not know that I'm reconsidering this relationship. Anyway, time will tell...

I know its evil allowing the whole world knowing what you have done or treated me, but I couldn't talk to you. I only wanna release my stress and unhappiness here in my OWN space.

*I was thinking if I am the JASMINE TEO who I used to be, you're in deep shit. When I met Lawrence, I change my attitude so much for the better, because I learnt what is true love and I know how to sacrifice for a relationship. I really know how to control my temper ALOT ALOT now, and all I can say is YUAN YOU ARE FORTUNATE!*

Anyway, thanks to those who care :) The tag messages, the msns, the phone calls and messages on my phone. Thanks all. :)

My lap top is fine now, but it cost me $280 for the repairs. Mum just collected it back from HP for me! :D Appreciated!!! :D

LV DAMIER NEVERFULL WILL BE LAUNCHING ON 2 MAY 2009. I went to the boutique on ____, OMG I WANNA BUY!!! I'll blog again this weekend on why I went there because its a secret now.

Tomorrow is Wednesday and I'm having lessons again. =( *tired*

My Cam Whore below, do ignore if you hate to see my face.

Trying to do stupid facessssssss!!!!

When I don't smile, I look like that... OMG

My old glasses

Mmm... My current bill. Mm why negative??? Heeeeeeeezzzz, see I hardly call people, 0 minutes!!! :D And my message drastically decrease, which is good!!!


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/19/2009 ♥

Weihao asked me about school and this was my answer:

Joker says (10:29 AM):
jasmine so how's ur studies?

♥*Jåsmiñê*♥ says (10:40 AM):
damn its stressful ! imagine the first lessons and I'm finding it so hard to cope. i don know if its becos i've lost touch with studies for a long time or wad. i usually come home read through and then go through the qns again plus need to work. i do feel stress up already! bridging shldn't sound so stressful ya but it is too me. i feel stupid!!! #$$!$

Went to school today, lesson was at Management House - Namly Road. Jin Siong actually offered to pick me up but I think I will be causing inconvenience to him, so I decide to take a bus instead. Moreover, I have a straight bus to Namly Road. However, the detestable part was that I had to walk a distance from the bus stop. Its situated quite to the inner area of Namly Road, which is rather inaccessible.

Anyway, class as usual seemed quite unfamiliar to me but wasn't too tough to understand today. Need to read through my notes again though.

Jin Siong and I had our late lunch during the 15 minutes break at the Cafe. We had fish and chips but it sucks totally because it wasn't serve hot. On the other hand, we were both famished so finish up the whole plate. 15 minutes is really such a short break! We practically gobble our food down the throat. Anyway, I heard from Jenny boyfriend and Reagan that refreshments were provided during bridging course back then. Notes were also provided. How fortunate was that! We have none of these!

After school, Reagan, Kelvin and Jenny boyfriend came to pick me up. OMFG, I realize that my class mates are driving posh cars like Ferarri, BMW, etc etc and they're only around my age. =.=
Reagan, Kelvin, Jenny boyfriend and I headed Jalan Besar Pasta Inc. When we reach there we were like 30 minutes early and the restaurant has not open for operation yet. Thus, we walked over to Mustafa, since Jenny boyfriend wanted to explore the place because she hasn't been there before.

Our dinner was after Mustafa at Jalan Besar Pasta Inc as I've mention earlier.

Here's the web page for the Italian restaurant:

We ordered:

Thinly sliced Parma ham wrapped around wedges of sweet rock melon.

Fresh New Zealand mussels sautéed with freshly cut chili, garlic and white wine.Finally, served with our famous Arriabbiata tomato sauce.

3) Mushroom Soup - me and Jenny each
Creamy homemade soup with assorted wild mushrooms.

Spaghetti cooked with fresh assorted seafood in a squid ink based sauce.

Ribbon pasta cooked with bacon and onion in cream and white wine sauce with egg yoke.

Flat spaghetti pasta cooked with fresh assorted seafood. Choices of tomato based, cream or white wine sauce.

Spaghetti pasta with fresh sautéed clams in white wine.

Ambience: 3.5 / 5
Service: 4.5 / 5
Food: 3 / 5
Value for $: 4 / 5

Random Pictures: ( I need to make Curry Pot Hair now because I can't leave my fringe all down covering my eyes T.T )

Yuan and I quarrelled again. He screamed at me like a mad man. He was saying I'm over demanding when I ask him to pick me up. But that was what he used to do when we started off. I know I shouldn't expect anything or make him obliged to pick me up. But I did not demand him to fetch me. He could have just politely rejected instead of unwillingly offer to pick me up.

The higher hopes and expectation you pinned on someone, the greater disappointment you get. Like neth told me, I shouldn't ask favour from him or anyone because when him / others fail me, I get disappointed and in a way or another it might cause a quarrel. So try to do everything by yourself instead of relying on someone else for a favour, which is true and I'm trying to learn this fact that I cannot ask a small favour from my boyfriend to pick me up from work / school / any other places. Sometimes I wonder, why some guys willingly pick up their girl friend any where any time without lamenting and its all out of their freewill because they really love their girlfriend and they wouldn't mind to do so right? Why is it so hard on him? What I'm more disappointed is he used to do it willingly, but gradually when his true colours show, he entirely change otherwise.

When we just started off, he was really sweet, caring and everything I want my boyfriend to be. I thought I was fortunate to have him, I thought I was blissful... Everything was like a sweet dream and eventually turned into a night mare when he totally change. Everything I like about him, every forte becomes a flaw now. Every morning, I wished I wake up seeing my man smiling at me and greeting me morning. It all started this way though, but now all I get from him in the morning is just harsh attitude. I'm beginning to feel terrify every morning when I wake up and realise that the person beside me is like a stranger to me. We're so near yet so far. We're merely drifting apart.

I didn't want to give up Law at any point of my life, but it was Yuan who came into my life and gave me the courage to put everything aside because I really deserve to be treated better, I really deserve someone better, and I thought he could provide me with the things that what Law couldn't. I thought he would make me believe in love once again. But I was all wrong when his true colour shows. Sometimes I feel he's far worse than Law. I was searching for the thing that Law couldn't provide me with like a sense of security and etc. ( The 20% I couldn't find in Law, I went searching and then now I realize I've lost the 80% of him which I actually needed. )

Seriously, I don't know if I'm forgiving, magnanimous or merely forgetful. Everytime when yuan piss the hell out of me and I get angry for awhile, the next moment or next day I forget about it. Like I say, I'm continuously giving chance for him to realize his mistake and change for the better, which I also know I'm giving him yet another chance to antagonize and hurt me.

Yup, I have to admit that he's not the guy I love most, but since we're already together I should take this relationship seriously and give him, me and this relationship a chance. Everyone deserves a chance before you deem him as hopeless, before you give up on everything. I don't know if my perspective regarding relationship is acceptable to others or not. But everyone has different views and perception towards the same issue, thus there's no right or wrong. I'm just taking a risk, a chance, a bet putting my time and effort at stake.

Actually, I'm quite contradicting myself because in my heart there's only this special one who is significant but I know he'll hurt me even more because I love him. Every little things he does, every single lie he says, just everything little things will impact and inflict a DEEPER pain in me because I really do love him. And things are never gonna change until he decides to come back.

I don't wanna be always fretting over relationship, thus I don't wanna think too much. Just let nature take its course. Now my priorities is just myself, working, earning more $ and study. I don't want to deviate from my priorities and wallow in self-pity though yes I'm still human with feelings and would naturally feel upset/angry/disappointed and every other feelings human RIGHTFULLY has!


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

School at 2pm today. I was 15 minutes late.

I woke up at 12pm, tried to read through my notes for 30 minutes and then showered. Woke yuan up at 1:30pm. He was ready and we went to pick up the car at 1:40pm, he walked very slowly because he was having a stomache. Apparently, out of concern I asked. But as usual, he did not answer. So we reach the car and then instead of going to the high way he turned back to my place. (If you know its another round to my house). I thought it was rude, he could have open his mouth to inform me where we were heading. My class starts at 2pm, and it was 10 minutes to 2pm then. So I already was panicky.

Me: You need to go home ah?.
Him (shouted): Of cos la! What you want me to do, my stomach very pain lei!
Me: Then you should just tell me, I can take a cab to school.

He got very angry and then pull his seat belt very hard then drove VERY FAST off the carpark and to school. On the journey honked at many cars.

WTF? Isn't this very childish of him? I don't know why ALL guys are so irritating and immature. I don't wanna care either. Just make a fool out of yourself for all you care and all you want. Just me mocking you inside :)

Anyway I missed 15 minutes of class but lucky it wasn't something too difficult to catch up. During the 15 minutes break me and Jin Siong went canteen to buy BAO. Then went back to class like 2 minutes late? I don't know how long was that, when we walked in the lecture already resumed.

After school, buddy An came to pick me up with mum, uncle and 2nd sister. We went to Clementi to view house. Today we viewed 4. Had our dinner at Mos Burger in between.

My current place is 125sqm. Mmm.. We viewed 3NG house which is only 62sqm, not very big though. Actually I kinda of like this place at Clementi Ave 2, Blk 331, 8 storey, corner house. Its a 3 1/2 flat which is about 80+ sqm. They're asking for 340k.

Around 9+pm Buddy sent us home. Anyway, my mum brought my lap top to HP today. They say they would need about 3 - 5 working days to get it done. It will cost about 300+/-. They will update me again before they start with the repairs. =(

Neth neth just came over my place. We're going hawker now for a drink. Bye!

After that I guess I need to come home and read through my notes again, I really feel that I'm becoming very busy. Hectic schedules it wearing me out! :(


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/18/2009 ♥

Was working at home today, really tiring because I worked till 3+am last night and was woken up by a call from my manager this morning at slightly past 9am. Can you imagine how fatigue I was? I hope everyone give me a break, I'm feeling really worn out lately. I can't say I'm very busy with work though, but the weird hours is killing me. I can't blame them for the late working hours too, it was just me who doesn't like to leave work uncompleted. But the next morning, I get MORNING CALLS while trying to catch alittle more sleep. T.T

Anyway, mum bought 232 crab back today for dinner as requested by me!!! :D In fact, its 233's. I think 233's crab is really much nicer than 232. Of cos at the look of it 232 looks more professionally renovated into a restaurant and also its more crowded there. However, I've tasted both sides a couple of times, still have to say that I prefer 233 more :)

Yuan came home with Marcus, then around 10+pm we left for Cineleisure. Bought tickets and then they went to the arcade as usual.

Seriously, Cineleisure brings back some memories of Law again la. Haha, I remember he asked me out to watch the movie ''300'' one day, but I was not free to meet him. The following few days, Lionel my ex colleagues asked me for the movie on a weekday midnight. If I am not wrong, it was a Tuesday 1:50am show, which you probably figure out no one will watch at such a weird hour during a Tuesday. BUT IT WASN'T THE CASE. Read on...

When we were purchasing the tickets, its only left with the front 2 rows. So we got the 2nd row at the side. We took a lift to Level 4, when the lift doors open. OMFG you know who I saw? Its Law, he was chewing on his hotdog bun or something like that. I just walked quickly into the theatre. But you know what? He came walking in after like 5 minutes with Jian Qiao and another friend (I think its Vincent). You know where they were seated at? Just infront of us. So, I called him. He turned back, looked at me and nodded with the "you're getting it from me" stare. No, at that time we wasn't together. Or rather in the midst of patching up. I feel so awkward because he must be thinking I rejected watching that show with him because I'm watching it with another guy. But everything wasn't plan beforehand, its mere coincidence.

Anyway, caught 17 Again today:

I strongly recommend you to watch this show! I totally love it! :D

Its about Mike ODonnell who was a famous basketballer in school. He has a bright future but he gave it all up when he learn that his girlfriend was expecting. They got married and after 20 years later, things started to fall out.

Yeah, like every other relationship, things start to go haywire after some time don't you think so? So like typical human, Mike ODonnell lamented about how his life was ruined after they got married.

Eventually, they were in the midst of divorce. Mike ODonnell stayed over at his best friend's place. One day, he met this ''magician" or I don't know what you call that. He was given a chance to go back to 17 years old. He turned back to what he look like at 17 years old. He went back to school and was recruited to the basketball team. In fact this chance wasn't just about his basketball life. He now studies in the same school as his daughter and son. It was then, he started to learn about their life, to encourage and motivate them as a role of a friend. It was this that gave him the opportunity to look at things in a different aspect.

This show is not just another show with no substance. Its really meaningful. Its a comedy mix educational movie to me, it really did enlighten me after watching this show. Maybe just like any other relationship when things starts to get nasty, you thought your love has faded. You wish things would end. But if you could look at things in another perspective, putting in effort to look at the whole situation then you might have a different attitude to things. When you think through or even better have a opportunity to go through everything again, you will remember the small details and how you came to this stage. Eventually you will still end up salvaging the relationship because you came a tough way to what has become today. You remember every reason that attracted you to him/her. You remember the ups and downs both of you went through and the bonds created between both of you.

Rate: 4.5/5

It reminds me of a email that talks about a men before divorcing his wife. I was searching through my email but could not find it anymore!!!

Its actually about this wife who ask her husband to carry her out from their bedroom to the living room everyday before the day they sign the divorce letter. Initially, the husband did not know the intention. Slowly, when he did this repeatedly. He realized his love for her were still strong. After many years in a relationship, you might think the love has faded gradually, but intimacy will help rekindle the feelings. Of cos this summary base on my vague memory regarding the email is not as good as the actual mail la.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/17/2009 ♥

I HATE MY FRINGE NOW, its too short to put them behind my ears, but its too long and its irritating my eyes.

Today only went in the office at almost 3pm. Woke Yuan up at 1pm but he didn't want to. I left my place at 1:30pm and decided to take bus to work. It took me slightly more than an hour to reach office.

After work, I took bus home as well. Met Ang Kong Star Clara at hawker for dinner. :D
Been a long time since I meet her. Miss those days! :)
Heez, we have the same tattoo at the neck. Thats why the Ang Kong Star name came by. LOLX. By Pigu! Argh, talking about Pigu I haven't seen him for ages too! Miss his crappy jokes so much! I can never stop laughing with him around. Where have all my neighbourhood friends went to??? I'm like missing out lots of fun ever since Yuan is around. T.T

Neth Neth then joined us for desserts. Not long after that Yuan came. After we finish our desserts and Yuan finish his dinner, we went separate ways with Neth Neth and Clara. Wonder where did they go??? T.T Miss those days when Neth Neth still drives, we'll go so many places, rounding, racing, etc etc.

Talking about Yuan. . . Why is it that he's always nearby me yet we ain't talking to one another. Sometimes, I feel like I'm staying under a same roof with a total stranger.
When I think about my relationship, I just feel confuse and then I give up thinking. . . I try occupying myself with other stuffs in order not to think, not to make any impulse decision.

Though at times, I have strong urge to make a Uturn. You know what I mean. But Uturning will not solve the problem. Problem with him still will exist like how it did previously. But my heart still stays the way it is for him. I wonder why do God want to put us in such tests. Its either we make it or we don't and though we already failed, but I'm seriously not willing to let him go away like that. I cannot imagine one day if he disappear in my life. I know I cannot take it. Everytime when we talk about the past, we still quarrel and I can see the history repeating itself when both of us get angry and enter a few days of cold war. But no matter how he irritates me, I still know how much he stands in my heart. Deep down I know Yuan won't stand a place in my heart, if this person is permanently station in SG.

Argh, let's drop this topic. I hate to talk about relationship. I'm all vex.

I wanted to revise my lecture notes, but I have been procrastinating since yesterday. Yesterday when I finish work it was almost 2am. Now as well, it is almost 3am already.

But my attention has been deviated away from work / school and every other thing that was suppose to be important.

IT IS THIS DRUM GAME my 2nd sister bought. Well this game is pretty popular these days. My mum told me that my 2nd sister has been demanding her to bring her to the arcade almost everyday. So instead of going to the arcade everyday, my mum agree to let her buy the game. A Ps is needed in order to play this game, so she bought it.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]