welcome to my blog ♥
if you are unhappy with anything , just go away .


Jasmine ♥
04 Oct
Long black and brownish hair
Small eyes
Big Nose
Simply Ugly
Canossa Convent Primary
Saint Anthony Canossian Convent
NYP Finance Services(Graduated)
SIM - Banking and Finance (Part time UOL)


Total Visits since 01 Mar 2009:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


HIM ; Lawrence aka Fatty Tan ♥
Dolling Up
Taking pictures
Listening to Music
Chill out
Friends: Sharon, Julia, Bei boy, Jasmine Tan, Linda, Ah An, Clara, Neth, Roswina, Max, Pal, Suriani, Jenny bf, Reagan, Yashi, Jiang Hao, Jeffrey, Sandy, Sze Ping, Elaine, Lay Eng, Celine, Jessie, Annie
My bday(04 Oct; pressie please!)
Valentine(14 Feb)
Drinks: Jasmine Green Tea, Coke, Red Bull, Lemon Tea, Mango Juice
Fruits: Mango, Honey Dew, Grapes, Apple, Strawberries, Banana, Guava with LOTS oF Pulm Powder
Food: bEef stEak, ScallOp, crAb, lObster, PraWn, chEese fRies, Salted Popcorn with LOTS of Butter, Cup corn with LOTS oF Butter, MOS Burger, Minestrone Soup, Teriyaki Chicken burger, KFC Drumsticks, Long John, Onion Ring
Snacks: KinDer bReunO, Super Ring, Lays

Red Beans/Green Beans
Root Beer
Hor Fun
Loh Mee
Bastards & Flirts
Bitches & Sluts
Attention Seekers
Egoistic, Arrogant, Supercilious People
Attitude Problem


mOi wiSh LisT

-more dresses, more skirts, more tops-
-LV Damier Neverfull and Chanel Bag-
-$$$ and more $$$-
-IPL legs and hands-
-Go DRX Clinic-
-repair aircon-
-renovate room-
-Travel to Australia, US, Europe and Japan. Go Taiwan again-

New Resolution:

1) Learn to cook
2) Punctual
3) Sleep early
4) Exercise
5) Save up
6) Bring mummy and sister out more often
7) Slim down
8) Complete my degree


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Blog Archive

人生就是为了找寻爱的过程,每个人的人生都要找到四个人。 第一个是自己, 第二个是你最爱的人, 第三个是最爱你的人, 第四个是共度一生的人. 首先会遇到你最爱的人,然後体会到爱的感觉; 因为了解被爱的感觉,所以才能发现最爱你的人; 当你经历过爱人与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的, 也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。 但很悲哀的,在现实生活中,这三个人通常不是同一个人; 你最爱的,往往没有选择你; 最爱你的,往往不是你最爱的; 而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱也不是最爱你的, 只是在最适合的时间出现的那个人。 你,会是别人生命中的第几个人呢? 没有人是故意要变心的,他爱你的时候是真的爱你, 可是他不爱你的时候也是真的不爱你了, 他爱你的时候没有办法假装不爱你; 同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你 。 当一个人不爱你要离开你, 你要问自己还爱不爱他, 如果你也不爱他了,千万别为了可怜的自尊而不肯离开; 如果你还爱他,你应该会希望他过得幸福快乐, 希望他跟真正爱的人在一起,绝不会阻止, 你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已经不爱他了, 而如果你不爱他,你又有什么资格指责他变心呢? 爱不是占有, 你喜欢月亮,不可能把月亮拿下来放在脸盆里, 但月亮的光芒仍可照进你的房间。 换句话说,你爱一个人,也可以用另一种方式拥有, 让爱人成为生命里的永恒回忆, 如果你真爱一个人,就要爱他原来的样子─爱他的好,也爱他的坏: 爱他的优点,也爱他的缺点, 绝不能因为爱他,就希望他变成自己所希望的样子, 万一变不成就不爱他了。 真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的, 你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你; 真正的感情是两人能在最艰苦中相守,也就是没有丝毫要求。 毕竟,感情必须付出,而不是只想获得; 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们感情不够稳固,只好认输, 真爱是不会变成怨恨的。 两人在谈情说爱的时候, 最喜欢叫对方发誓,许下承诺我们为什么要对方发誓, 就是因为我们不相信对方,我们根本不相信情人, 而这些山盟海誓又很不切实际: 海枯石烂、地老天荒,都不能改变我对你的爱! 明知道海不会枯、石不会烂、地不会老、天不会荒; 就算会,也活不到那时候。 许下诺言的时候千万注意,不要许下可以实现的诺言, 最好是承诺做不到的事, 反正做不到的,随便说说也不要紧, 请记住:”不可能实现的诺言最动人” 在爱情里,说的是一套,做的是另一套; 讲的人不相信,听的人也不相信。 你呢?找到了第几个? 茫茫人海中,你遇见了谁?谁又遇见了你?

please go to view encoding: Unicode (UTF-8) if you can't see those words on top. =p





please to not rip the credits =)
designer- X pictures- X
brushes- XXX
hosts- XX
fonts- X

for the brushes part , i try to credit as much as i can .
for those things i got from deviantart , i really cannot remember e poster of e pic or brushes . sorry about that . =)

8/31/2009 ♥

Lervonne with bra, Lervonne is 20 months old, going to 2 years old this December.

Kryence on Lervonne's toy pram. Kryence is 3 months plus old

Lervonne: MY NEW TOY!!!


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/30/2009 ♥

Dinner @ Nolboo Hangari Galbi - 29 August 2009 (Saturday)
Located at Orchard Central Level 7

Yashi came over to fetch me and we headed to Orchard Central. DAMN the fuck up carkpark. You need to turn in circles to reach the first level of the car park, which is already level 4. It was giddy enough when we reach the first level. To our dismay there wasn't any lot available. Quite a small carpark though. We turn round and round to level 10 !!! I am cursing and swearing already.

I didn't like the mall either, perhaps there are quite a number of shops that still hasn't start operating. It was rather quiet, except for the restaurants. We waited for some time before there are seats available for the 6 of us and baby Kryence.

Yashi, Jenny boyfriend, Aunt Gina, Brother in Law Lawrence, Fat Sister Jacqueline, Baby Kryence and I.

Its our first visit there, the food is delicious but the quantity isn't alot. The varieties of food is little too.

Service: 4.5 / 5
Food: 4 / 5
Variety: 2 / 5
Value for $: 3.5 / 5


Grilled Mushroom

Ginseng chicken soup

Haha as you can see above its a family dinner la ok. Jenny boyfriend, Dad Yashi, Aunt Gina and my sister and brother in law with baby Kryence. Opps I just realize Yashi didn't take any picture.

After dinner, Aunt Gina, Yash, Jenny boyfriend and I headed over to Acid Bar. Uncle Steven then joined us after awhile. We chilled there until 2+am.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Everyone's top favourite. Liu Ming Xiang.
I think Ai Jia didn't really sing very well this time but she still won Ling Yu Ze.
:( and Ling Yu Ze is out!!! :( One of my favourite!

Omg Anthony is so cute and full of emotions, like him la!!!
Xu Yong Ling sang so well.

Anticipating for next week's competition! Xu Yong Ling and Ai Jia!!! If I'm not wrong, I think Ai Jia lost. =(


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/29/2009 ♥

Ling Yu Ze is one of the male contestant I also like, I think he sang well but he didn't score that good though. :(

Ai Jia VS Yang Jun Wen
Ai Jia and Yang Jun Wen sung well - LOVES
Ai Jia got full marks ok!

Anthony VS Sun Zi You
Anthony is so cute looking and can sing with lots of feelingssss.
Sun Zi You is one of the male contestant that I really like and for this round he did marvellous.
Both of them got full marks!!!


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

28 August 2009 - Friday

Had a flamboyant day today or rather tonight. Was anticipating for tonight's program since afternoon! Was a last minute thing. Anyway, it was good compensation after a week's of hectic work.

I love live band and tonight I get the REAL LIVE BAND!!!

Its MAYDAY DNA CONCERT!!! - 28 August 2009 at Indoor Stadium.

After work I rushed home to pick up my camera, prepared and met Rei at Geylang East for dinner. Took a cab down to Indoor Stadium after dinner.

The concert was fabulous and a success. Details from the stage, visuals and May Day's performance was good. Its really enjoyable and May Day fans are such a supportive and enthusiastic bunch.

The concert started from 8:30pm all the way till 1210am.

Didn't regret accepting the free tickets :) Its great hearing your favourite songs by the original singer live.

Please thanks me in advance before watching the video clips. Thanks me for sharing part of the concert.

These are not all of the videos from the concert. You can go to my youtube to see the rest of them.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Adorable Nephew Kryence

Cutie Lervonne

With the dress I bought her


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/28/2009 ♥

My mum is so sweet, she bought me these lovely pillows. Its with the eye cover. Never use that though.

I spoil my favourite heels today. T_T
Another heels that I also love is also going to spoil. =(

Anyway really tired, going into slumber land right now! Goodnight people! and TOMORROW IS FRIDAY! YESH!


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/27/2009 ♥

A long distance relationship is not a normal relationship.
You don't do the normal things to maintain a relationship like that.
It may be a common.
Or acceptable,
but, not in a relationship like this.

I may be unreasonable but I have my reasons too.

Its so simple. Yet it cannot be executed in that manner.


I need to focus on school and work. Been so tiring, havent got adequate time to think of other matters.

Its almost 3am, I SERIOUSLY need to turn in before I wake up late.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

I will just keep this post as short AS POSSIBLE because my eyes are 3/4 close now. Also, my brain is very much shut off already. Its like near concussion already.

Caught a few shows recently,

District 9:

Its a stupid show really. If it happens that you reach the ticketing booth and the movie tickets for the designated movie you wanted to catch is sold out, don't bother choosing this show, you will DEFINITELY regret wasting your time in the theatre watching stupid aliens which look like cockroaches running around. The aliens in the show look more like an useless animal who eats everything from tyres, to cat food and humans. The only thing apart from animals is they can write! The idea of this movie such stupidity.

Part of the alien ship they call it, fell out from the main ship. It fell apart and landed on earth. The humans went to recky and find out that there were millions of aliens trapped in there. They evacuated the aliens to a piece of land and the aliens stayed there for many years. The place became like a slum, the aliens which look like prawns / cockroaches just sleep, eat and stay there without doing anything.

Some underground Nigerian gangs then traded weapons with the aliens bla bla. THEY EVEN SOLD PROSTITUTION TO THE ALIENS! LIKE WTF?

Ok anyway, MOST part is crap. Then this guy who's working for this company in charge of these aliens went to the slum to get signatories from all the aliens. They need to seek approvals from the alien society there before they can move these millions of aliens to another piece of land which is very much deserted. The reason why they have to look for another place for these alien was because the human protested against the government spending unnecessary monetary resources on these frivolous aliens who had accidentally invaded their world.

Then this man was attacked by the aliens and HE TURNED ALIEN! OMG. The press announced that he turned alien because he had sex with alien.

Yes, this is the storyline. Tell me if its crap! Totally rubbish. I don't know how I was able to finish watching the entire thing!

I rather you go home sleep than to watch this show.

Rate: 0 / 5 (IT IS THAT BAD)

The Proposal:

The Proposal is a must watch movie. Its not extremely fantastic though, but good enough to be certain that its worth watching. Its a combination of romance and comedy. Rather meaningful as well. Its talking about integrity and honesty.

Margret an editor is facing an deportation back to her country. She came out with a idea to make his assistant Andrew marry her so that both of them wouldn't lose their job.

During the entire process, they had to meet the parents and learn more about one another before they can officially be married. Gradually they fell in love.

It can happen that you might fell in love with someone you ever hated to the core. Love's a ironic ya. You never know.

Rate: 4 / 5


Good plot and storyline. Never expected that this little girl was in fact 33 years old. She has a sickness that she cannot grow up physically, thus she looks totally like a 9 year old girl and she has serious mental illness. This couple who had lost their 3rd child decided on adopting another child from the orphanage. They saw Esther and like her on their initial interaction with her, therefore decided to adopt her.

Esther tried to seduce the man and break up the couple. She even tried to kill their kids. She's extremely smart and good at mind games, as well as manipulating people. She's really good at it, the husband totally trusted her until she failed to seduce him, she then killed him.

Rate: 4.5 / 5

I would also wanna watch:

1) Scandal Makers

2) The Final Destination


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/23/2009 ♥

Can someone please enlighten me why guys keep adding unknown girls on their list?

I cannot think of a better reason other than flirting. And flirting with the online girls whom the guys really don know.



you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/21/2009 ♥

Had been really busy these days and everyday has been pretty much mundane thus you see there's a lack of post here.

Its been a week since I start working. Throughout this week, its just work, school and home; and nothing out of the norms though.

Work has been occupying most of my time other than school, been doing OT if I don't have classes at night. Its draining up ALL my energy and I have none left for after event when I knock off from work. After doing the routine things like showering, facebook-ing, checking mails, I soon go into concussion already.

On a lighter note, tomorrow is weekend!!!

Mmm... But I need to stay home to revise, I'm really lacking behind after much procrastination.

If you want to ask me about work. Its really yet too early to comment on anything. Things are ok so far but the work itself IS NOT EASY!!! Imagine doing the whole company accounts all by yourself and things are quite in a mess now. You gotto start from almost nothing. Yes, only 1 person doing accounts for the company.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/18/2009 ♥

LV with their forever tempting message to my email.

Its there since afew weeks ago, and I didn't want to delete the mail because I'm so in love with this bag now.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]