welcome to my blog ♥
if you are unhappy with anything , just go away .


Jasmine ♥
04 Oct
Long black and brownish hair
Small eyes
Big Nose
Simply Ugly
Canossa Convent Primary
Saint Anthony Canossian Convent
NYP Finance Services(Graduated)
SIM - Banking and Finance (Part time UOL)


Total Visits since 01 Mar 2009:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


HIM ; Lawrence aka Fatty Tan ♥
Dolling Up
Taking pictures
Listening to Music
Chill out
Friends: Sharon, Julia, Bei boy, Jasmine Tan, Linda, Ah An, Clara, Neth, Roswina, Max, Pal, Suriani, Jenny bf, Reagan, Yashi, Jiang Hao, Jeffrey, Sandy, Sze Ping, Elaine, Lay Eng, Celine, Jessie, Annie
My bday(04 Oct; pressie please!)
Valentine(14 Feb)
Drinks: Jasmine Green Tea, Coke, Red Bull, Lemon Tea, Mango Juice
Fruits: Mango, Honey Dew, Grapes, Apple, Strawberries, Banana, Guava with LOTS oF Pulm Powder
Food: bEef stEak, ScallOp, crAb, lObster, PraWn, chEese fRies, Salted Popcorn with LOTS of Butter, Cup corn with LOTS oF Butter, MOS Burger, Minestrone Soup, Teriyaki Chicken burger, KFC Drumsticks, Long John, Onion Ring
Snacks: KinDer bReunO, Super Ring, Lays

Red Beans/Green Beans
Root Beer
Hor Fun
Loh Mee
Bastards & Flirts
Bitches & Sluts
Attention Seekers
Egoistic, Arrogant, Supercilious People
Attitude Problem


mOi wiSh LisT

-more dresses, more skirts, more tops-
-LV Damier Neverfull and Chanel Bag-
-$$$ and more $$$-
-IPL legs and hands-
-Go DRX Clinic-
-repair aircon-
-renovate room-
-Travel to Australia, US, Europe and Japan. Go Taiwan again-

New Resolution:

1) Learn to cook
2) Punctual
3) Sleep early
4) Exercise
5) Save up
6) Bring mummy and sister out more often
7) Slim down
8) Complete my degree


05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
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Blog Archive

人生就是为了找寻爱的过程,每个人的人生都要找到四个人。 第一个是自己, 第二个是你最爱的人, 第三个是最爱你的人, 第四个是共度一生的人. 首先会遇到你最爱的人,然後体会到爱的感觉; 因为了解被爱的感觉,所以才能发现最爱你的人; 当你经历过爱人与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的, 也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。 但很悲哀的,在现实生活中,这三个人通常不是同一个人; 你最爱的,往往没有选择你; 最爱你的,往往不是你最爱的; 而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱也不是最爱你的, 只是在最适合的时间出现的那个人。 你,会是别人生命中的第几个人呢? 没有人是故意要变心的,他爱你的时候是真的爱你, 可是他不爱你的时候也是真的不爱你了, 他爱你的时候没有办法假装不爱你; 同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你 。 当一个人不爱你要离开你, 你要问自己还爱不爱他, 如果你也不爱他了,千万别为了可怜的自尊而不肯离开; 如果你还爱他,你应该会希望他过得幸福快乐, 希望他跟真正爱的人在一起,绝不会阻止, 你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已经不爱他了, 而如果你不爱他,你又有什么资格指责他变心呢? 爱不是占有, 你喜欢月亮,不可能把月亮拿下来放在脸盆里, 但月亮的光芒仍可照进你的房间。 换句话说,你爱一个人,也可以用另一种方式拥有, 让爱人成为生命里的永恒回忆, 如果你真爱一个人,就要爱他原来的样子─爱他的好,也爱他的坏: 爱他的优点,也爱他的缺点, 绝不能因为爱他,就希望他变成自己所希望的样子, 万一变不成就不爱他了。 真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的, 你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你; 真正的感情是两人能在最艰苦中相守,也就是没有丝毫要求。 毕竟,感情必须付出,而不是只想获得; 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们感情不够稳固,只好认输, 真爱是不会变成怨恨的。 两人在谈情说爱的时候, 最喜欢叫对方发誓,许下承诺我们为什么要对方发誓, 就是因为我们不相信对方,我们根本不相信情人, 而这些山盟海誓又很不切实际: 海枯石烂、地老天荒,都不能改变我对你的爱! 明知道海不会枯、石不会烂、地不会老、天不会荒; 就算会,也活不到那时候。 许下诺言的时候千万注意,不要许下可以实现的诺言, 最好是承诺做不到的事, 反正做不到的,随便说说也不要紧, 请记住:”不可能实现的诺言最动人” 在爱情里,说的是一套,做的是另一套; 讲的人不相信,听的人也不相信。 你呢?找到了第几个? 茫茫人海中,你遇见了谁?谁又遇见了你?

please go to view encoding: Unicode (UTF-8) if you can't see those words on top. =p





please to not rip the credits =)
designer- X pictures- X
brushes- XXX
hosts- XX
fonts- X

for the brushes part , i try to credit as much as i can .
for those things i got from deviantart , i really cannot remember e poster of e pic or brushes . sorry about that . =)

5/29/2008 ♥

after work went town with Celine to shop.
after that had dinner and chatted for a long time :)
had a good time together.


human tends to be selfish.
most people choose to be love than to love.
maybe this is the reason why this statement "你结婚的那一个往往不会是你最爱的。" is true.

so i wonder...
if 你结婚的那一个不会是你最爱的,
this might be part of the reason for divorce.
like since your wife/husband isn't your 最爱,
you'll tend to treasure this person lesser.
and when there's someone better who comes along,
there's a higher possibility not to resist the temptation.

so marry someone you love or marry someone who love you more?
marry someone you can live with, or marry someone you cannot live without?


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/28/2008 ♥

min is unwell. having rashes like this all over my hand and body...

anyway my friendster email is hehe_53@yahoo.com.sg
but this is not my msn email.
hmm... hehe_53 sound funny la, but not i create one. its an very old email account i used for my poly project. you can kpo at http://geocities.com/hehe_53/
think quite childish and ugly la.
but still my work ok.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/27/2008 ♥

didn't go out after work today. having a bad headache.
today is tuesday. another 3 more working days to weekend.
saturday going to huizhen's birthday.
sunday going to celebrate dad's birthday.


there are things that kept running in my mind repeatedly.
kept trying to ask myself and finding the real reason for this breakup.
it was true that i wanted to give up this relationship.
but later on i gave this relationship another chance despite his bad attitude and the way he treated me before, during and after the trip.
i was taking risk i thought.
leopard never changes its spot. guys never change; you can only lower your expectation...
but it was because of love.
the special feelings that not everyone is able to give.

we had many quarrels.
but still i planned to go over there to be with him.
i am taking risk again.
but for him i guess its worth the try.
i just hope things will get better when we're both at the same place.
but i had to give up my everything.
but it was ok.
because i wanted him more than what i have here.
because he is more than everything.

love is too irony to explain.

someone told me that it is not because we're not suitable,
but its because we love each other too much. thats why we're quarreling over minor things.
over everything.
because we cared.
because we were afraid to lose.
(is this true? i am not sure...)

but now we still ended up apart.
i was the one giving this relationship another chance, and enduring all the hurt i felt, yet because of friendster he initiated the breakup.
but friendster is really a small thing. a really stupid thing to quarrel over.
i really don't know why.
and things had gone so bad that we don't even talk anymore.
not even as a friend.

maybe he just want it to be this way.
so it doesn't really matter whose fault is it anyway...
在爱情里没有谁对谁错, 只有谁不够珍惜谁。

love can make one feel very blissful.
so blissfully in love.
but on the other hand.
it really hurts ALOT.

these 20+ years
after so many relationship i've been through;
so many passerbys.
i've learn that not everyone that come by is able to give you that kinda of special feeling.
but in every relationship things will never be that perfect and wonderful.
there are many ups and downs.
but i believe a strong relationship is able to withstand all these obstacles.
both parties must treasure one another and put in effort together to work out the relatioship.
and in this case we failed.

well. since things have turn out this way.
the only thing we can do now is MOVE ON.

and people says 你结婚的那一个往往不会是你最爱的。
and this is true...

anyway not hurrying for another relationship and since its not easy to have that feeling
爱要耐心等待, 仔细寻找, 感觉很重要
so let nature take its course ya.
i do not want to rush into another relationship and i'm definitely not ready.

but currently;
im still so hurt and so so upset.
but well. . .
时间可以让你爱上一个人, 也可一让你忘记他。
只不过是一下下的痛ya :)

Zhen Shi - Zhang Hui Mei


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

so extremely disappointed with him.

hurt but ... slowly.

time can make someone so in love with another person;
but time can also heal all wound and slowly forget...


last night went to crew room, then to orchard plaza to drink. didnt drink much though.

hmm... reach home around 3am. pretty tired and stone nowww.

Happy birthday to Samuel. And all the Gemini babies!!!


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/25/2008 ♥


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Went to Tang Lee (relative) place for her baby 1 month. :)
Had a good time talking to my relatives.

Left around 7pm and had dinner at Jack's Place Marina and then to Singapore Flyer for the 2nd time.


since he wants things to be this way.
to summarize
things had turned very ugly for us now.
i'm no longer using my old msn anymore.
do text me if you're trying to contact me ya. :)

tomorrow is Monday. Hope everything will go well ... :)
its a new week; a new start for Jasmine.
jia you~~~


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

i remember j told me back then.
there are people who are struggling to live;
yet we want to take away our lives so easily...


so many natural disaster happening now...
many out there trying to live. hoping there's a tomorrow.

i feel so guilty.
i was wrong last time.
and i know it will never happen again.
so i'm so sorry for the people i've hurt and the people who were worried the other time.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Yet again 傻.

I've gave this relationship another chance to prove itself. But it just failed another time.

This time we broke up over this stupid thing again. I created friendster when we almost broke up during April.

But now. He's bringing up this friendster issue to say everything is my fault.

Then just let this friendster makes everything my fault.

and I'm sorry for recreating friendster.
and I'm also sorry for every other thing that I made you angry.

during April I stoppped blogging about us... because my whole blog is filled with our quarrels.
I wrote them down and save them in my computer.
now I'm pasting them all here... (exactly what i wrote in notepad)

writing since April 2008; when Jasmine Teo already starts to realize her patience are depleting.
signs are showing that i'm giving up very very soon...
we're just waiting till that day when my endurance and patience has reach its limit...
that will be the day Jasmine Teo leaves you forever...

it still hurts;
but i believe
there will be a day when love eventually becomes hurt and hatred;
there will be nothing left to reminise...

this will be a space i pen down the times LAWRENCE TAN makes me unhappy...
well in this way :

1) we don't have to quarrel anymore, since we're both sick and tired of all the quarrelings already

2) one day when i look back i know how much we quarrel and how much he TREASURES me by doing all these

3) and perhaps one day i shld show him, then maybe he will realize how often he makes me unhappy

4) and this is the certifcate he will get when one day i give up and break up with him. LOL! XD


21 April (Monday):
We just recovered from our quarrel. A quarrel over him lying to me so often and going to pick up this girl call Crystal when he came back sg.
We make a point that we can only go out twice aweek, go home before 8am.
He should also not use vulgarities on me again.
He finished work at 6am, told me he's going out for a friend birthday. I agreed asking him if he could be home by 8am. He agreed.
At 7+, I called him. He told me if its okay if he reach home at 815. I told him okay, because i know the time frame from 6 to 8am is short and travelling
home needs time.
I went for my shower; came out and saw his message that if its okay he reach home by 9am. I understand hence agreed without asking anything.
At 9+, he messaged me while i was in the office. he told he he couldn't catch a cab...
in the end, he turned back to the pub to pick up his drunkard friend and wanted to send him home.
10am he was downstairs his house 711 buying drinks and food.
reach home around 1045.
i was unhappy because we just recovered from the quarrel and have set things which we agreed on. but yet, none was adhere to.
he even say "so what if i dont want to go home at 6am; 8am. i go home at 12pm so what?!"; "he even say since we have been quarreling so often, nothing new"
scolded me vulgarities too and i hang up the call. . .
he continue to call me but i didn't pick up. he called almost 30 times or more. so he messaged me vugarities asking me to pick up the calls.
but in the end he apologized for scolding me... not apologize for coming home late...

24 April (Thursday):
We quarrel again because i asked him not to go out since
- i am still unhappy with the quarrelled and the lies he told
- i am still unhappy because he's still went out on monday after the rules we set
- 25 April is our anniversary. i wanted him to stay home to talk to me after his work (after 12 was 25th). he refuses. he doesnt want to give in to me.
- he told me on thursday that friday is the anniversary; not thursday. despite 12am.

27 April (Sunday):
I was angry again because we said 1 week twice. but it isn't Monday yet he's going out again.
i really do not know whats so fun about a decent phillipines pub till my boyfriend rather quarrel with me and disregard my feelings.
but its okay. i shall endure and not quarrel over such minor things... and perhaps. it already hurt too much now. quarreling makes it worse.
lets continue to endure until the time is up that immunity takes place and endurance at its limit...
he told me Sunday after 12am is Monday. but why on our anniversary the things he said is different? Thursday is Thursday, Friday is our actual anniversary even if its thursday after 12am...
when a guy wants to do something. they have 101 ways to explain. i do not want to hear anymore explaination. i just know my heart hurts because i lost faith in this relationship and that it simply shows GUYS NEVER CHANGE; LEOPARD NEVER CHANGE ITS SPOT.
why? why do we always forgive and forgiving simply means overlooking their mistakes and giving another chance yet to get hurt.

8 May (Thursday):

recent we had alot of quarrels. almost everyday.
i know i'm picking up quarrels.
i've turned so sensitive, so paranoid.
the only reason that i'm still clinging on is because i really love him.
but we've lost trust (too many lies, small ones and the major ones like - massage and picking up crystal. and not admitting until after a long time)
we've lost faith in this relationship.
we no longer can continue...
both of us feel so terrible.

today i scream again because he went out... this week he went out on sunday to eat, off day went drinking till at least 8am when he told me he will be home by 5+. thursday (today) he's out drinking again. (when the next day we already going bangkok)
i asked if he could go home.
he told me NO.
i really don't understand why he couldn't give in to me just once, to make me happier.
is it really so difficult? or it doesnt bother him if i'm angry or not.
maybe its really fun at philippines.
maybe he had someone else.
maybe he doesnt love me at all.
i really don't know.

all i know is my heart still feels painful each time we quarrel and each time he ignored my feelings.
everyday i couldnt eat well.
i couldnt sleep well either.
i'm so cynical, so negative.
i fear everyday.
fear that he will lie to me again.

i should have been very excited for the trip to bangkok with someone i love so much.
but i'm totally unhappy and not anticipating for it at all...
i guess we'll end soon...

sometimes i really hate him for landing jasmine in this state.
why don't i open my eyes and give myself and others a chance? i feel stupid.

i'm always waiting. but waiting for NOTHING. really.
what do i get eventually at the end of the day. NOTHING.

i'm really stress up and work. i really want to quit this job and be happy.
i thought of changing to a new job. but i'm waiting for his reply so i can go over philippines.
so ... i cant really change job at this period of time...

i wanted to study.
but i wanted him more.
so i gave up applying for my degree and wait for time to go philippines.

i guess i give up too much things.
almost everything.

i'm so stress at work.
but i dont have a boyfriend to pamper me or even lend a listening ear.
we are far apart, we dont have trust, not even communication.
having him is like having nothing.
i feel so empty.

guess we'll never be able to build this trust back again.
its time we should let go...

if i look back one day; i would have realized how much time i've wasted and most importantly i've lost the ones that loves me...
it will definitely make me remorseful that very day about the choice i've made.
so... i'll learn to let go now before i've lose even more...
its pain, but soon. soon it will fade away...
guys never changed for the better. only getting worse as each things accumulate and new things add on.
so jasmine. jia you~

17 May (Saturday):

let me talk about my trip to bangkok.

1) i didn't have a say when he chose the dates. of cos i would want him to pick on the public holiday week. but he didn't so i have to apply more leave. the date he choose clashes with mother's day and i couldnt celebrate with my granny and my mum like usual...

2) on the first day of the trip, he fell sick... we didnt go anywhere then. i had to take care of him and furthermore his attitude wasn't good when he's not feeling well...

3) on the 2nd day of the trip. his attitude was not good either. but since he's sick. i bear with it. i bought them to mbk. i wanted to go siam to shop for alittle while. i know it will take less than 30 minutes for me. i wanted to shop separately because it was 8+ and about to close. i'm afraid i wouldnt have time to do so. and 3 days trip to bangkok is really short. furthermore he was sick and we didn't really had time to shop. well. since he insisted that we shop together, i did so. by then siam, was close when they're done with mbk.

4) on the last day... we check out at 12+. was suppose to leave the hotel at 345pm, so we can reach the airport at 430. our flight was 630. this time estimation was more than enough. so we had around 3 hours more to spend at bangkok. he said he wanted to go erawan four face buddha. so we did... i asked if i could shop for alittle while at siam. since siam is just 10 to 15 minutes walk away from erawan.

while walking there, he kept asking me if we are about to reach. i already felt irritated. meanwhile, he drag on a face. his mum and brother were walking behind us and i really feel stressed up. i told him "i feel so stress". he was angry and asked why but i ignored him. when i keep quiet its usually because i'm really pissed already; another word from me will really be nasty i guess. so i chose to ignore and keep quiet. when we reach the place, he still gave me that very unwilling face. so i told him, why he need to drag on that face just to let me shop for alittle while here. in the end he scream at me and say the objective of us going there is to pray. he already gave in to me and accompanied me to shop and what more LAN JIAO do i want. he screamed so loud at siam. even though thais do not understand a word, but they are not stupid to understand that this man is scolding me. his mother and brother heard how he scream at me, but they did not utter a word of justice too. while shopping at the 2nd floor, his mum told me "zhou - to leave". then lawrence at another side say "zhou - to complete my shopping here". it put me in a fixed and add on to my unhappiness. its just less than 10 minutes shop yet i'm ask to leave. one ask me to finish shopping here, the other ask me to leave. WHAT SHOULD I REPLY AND HOW SHOULD I REPLY WHEN I'M ALREADY PISSED. i guess i was rude too but NO ONE COULD UNDERSTAND HOW U FEEL ULTIMATELY. i asked them to go back first and i'll meet them when i'm done. and lawrence with his brother and mum really left me alone at siam. he left without a call to see if i'm alright. its a foreign country and i'm a lady. how could my boyfriend even leave me all alone there even if i'm familiar with the place. EVEN IF its my fault, i dont expect a boyfriend to leave me alone at thailand like that...

i'm really unhappy you see.
first i already cant choose the date and had to take extra leave because he was adamant that he doesnt want to take the week on public holiday. even though it also crashes with mother's day, i had no say. then 3 days is short and he's sick. i also took leave to come and enjoy myself; not to be unhappy. its fair for me to shop and enjoy myself isnt it??? my work is acculumative. before the trip i slog so hard at work to get my things completed. after the trip my work piled up and i have to work like mad again. but if its a fruitful and happy trip, its totally worthwhile. but look now! i didn't even enjoy myself. i cant even shop. he's sick and i have to bear with his bad attiude while taking care of him. what do i gain? NOTHING. just take leave, have my work pile up, get scream at thats all... he even say the purpose of going there is to pray. i feel so insulted. does it mean that when he pay for my trip i have to abide to only going bangkok to pray. i cant SHOP. then why in the first place do i want to go? i am not even a BUDDHIST OR TAOISM. how fair is his words to me... haiz...

when we reach the airport. i was pulling my baggage, another hand holding on to the bottle of vodka and 3 cans of beer, i also have my bag on my hand. it was really heavy for me. but 3 of them was right ahead of me. none gave a hand to help me or even slow down... not even my boyfriend. i really dont know what he's thinking. that feeling i had really sucks. and when another guy was there looking down at you wanting to pick u up. seeing your boyfriend and his family walk right ahead not even slowing down to wait for you and left you alone to carry your heavy stuffs... HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU'RE ME. AND TAKING THE FACTS AFTER ALL THE EVENTS THAT HAD HAPPEN AT BANGKOK TOO.

when we are at singapore, we did quarrel alittle too. but those were minor ones. jasmine wanted lawrence to support her shop, she asked him to go down for massage. but he didnt want to have the massage, so i did. before we reach her shop, he told me that he will go pick up his car when i am doing my massage. he didn't complete his sentence. so as normal we will take what the person said. i didn't know i gave a grumpy look. i really did not realize. but i guess that was my natural reaction after hearing that sentence he said. then he started scolding me again for giving that kinda of face. but i really did not do anything, i didnt even utter a word. i dont understand why he had to scold me and say i'm terrible, not understanding and unreasonable. M I REALLY SUCH A LOUSY GIRLFRIEND? HAVEN I ALREADY DID MY BEST TO PUT UP WITH HIM AND HIS ATTITUDE? DIDNT I? i really dont know what else i can do. i already know i treat him very well. he say he will pick up his car then go back jasmine's shop to pick me. why do i have to give that face. but in the first place he did not complete this sentence. and i've not made any noise about it. that grumpy face was just part of natural reaction and i haven't realize i did that too. and then i was screamed at. haiz.

i really do not know how long we can drag this on...
i only know my limits is really at its wits end.
i'm just going to let go if i find out another mistake he make. just another one. . .


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/24/2008 ♥

this weekend i'm home. all bored. i really really want to get out of the house. i'm feeling very irritated over some stuffs and i say again i really want to go out!!! but my leg is injured and i'm suppose to stay at home to rest. so fucked up.

FUCKING pek chek


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

deep paper cut on my palm
iron mark on my hand
sprain my leg


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/21/2008 ♥

Just came back from lunch.
Had farewell lunch for Lay Eng.
She's leaving for another company :(

My company got 2 contract staffs, and I'm no longer the youngest here.
One is 20 , the other 22.
I feel old...


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/20/2008 ♥


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

today buddy an was around my office. so we went for lunch at bugis sakae...
at least a lunch with my old friend brighten my day... first day of work after a long weekend is really tiringggggg and SIAN.


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Apple iphone! i want i want!!!!


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

damn i iron my hand again


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

my favourite chocolate molten lava at the wine company! :)


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/19/2008 ♥

special milo drink at Dragonfly. haha
eldest sister, mum and me at Dragonfly
eldest sister, jenny boyfriend, me and aunt gina at Dragonfly
jenny boyfriend and jasmine girlfriend

mum and i
mum, me and eldest sister jac
mum and i

mum and i


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]