welcome to my blog ♥
if you are unhappy with anything , just go away .


Jasmine ♥
04 Oct
Long black and brownish hair
Small eyes
Big Nose
Simply Ugly
Canossa Convent Primary
Saint Anthony Canossian Convent
NYP Finance Services(Graduated)
SIM - Banking and Finance (Part time UOL)


Total Visits since 01 Mar 2009:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


HIM ; Lawrence aka Fatty Tan ♥
Dolling Up
Taking pictures
Listening to Music
Chill out
Friends: Sharon, Julia, Bei boy, Jasmine Tan, Linda, Ah An, Clara, Neth, Roswina, Max, Pal, Suriani, Jenny bf, Reagan, Yashi, Jiang Hao, Jeffrey, Sandy, Sze Ping, Elaine, Lay Eng, Celine, Jessie, Annie
My bday(04 Oct; pressie please!)
Valentine(14 Feb)
Drinks: Jasmine Green Tea, Coke, Red Bull, Lemon Tea, Mango Juice
Fruits: Mango, Honey Dew, Grapes, Apple, Strawberries, Banana, Guava with LOTS oF Pulm Powder
Food: bEef stEak, ScallOp, crAb, lObster, PraWn, chEese fRies, Salted Popcorn with LOTS of Butter, Cup corn with LOTS oF Butter, MOS Burger, Minestrone Soup, Teriyaki Chicken burger, KFC Drumsticks, Long John, Onion Ring
Snacks: KinDer bReunO, Super Ring, Lays

Red Beans/Green Beans
Root Beer
Hor Fun
Loh Mee
Bastards & Flirts
Bitches & Sluts
Attention Seekers
Egoistic, Arrogant, Supercilious People
Attitude Problem


mOi wiSh LisT

-more dresses, more skirts, more tops-
-LV Damier Neverfull and Chanel Bag-
-$$$ and more $$$-
-IPL legs and hands-
-Go DRX Clinic-
-repair aircon-
-renovate room-
-Travel to Australia, US, Europe and Japan. Go Taiwan again-

New Resolution:

1) Learn to cook
2) Punctual
3) Sleep early
4) Exercise
5) Save up
6) Bring mummy and sister out more often
7) Slim down
8) Complete my degree


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Blog Archive

人生就是为了找寻爱的过程,每个人的人生都要找到四个人。 第一个是自己, 第二个是你最爱的人, 第三个是最爱你的人, 第四个是共度一生的人. 首先会遇到你最爱的人,然後体会到爱的感觉; 因为了解被爱的感觉,所以才能发现最爱你的人; 当你经历过爱人与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的, 也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。 但很悲哀的,在现实生活中,这三个人通常不是同一个人; 你最爱的,往往没有选择你; 最爱你的,往往不是你最爱的; 而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱也不是最爱你的, 只是在最适合的时间出现的那个人。 你,会是别人生命中的第几个人呢? 没有人是故意要变心的,他爱你的时候是真的爱你, 可是他不爱你的时候也是真的不爱你了, 他爱你的时候没有办法假装不爱你; 同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你 。 当一个人不爱你要离开你, 你要问自己还爱不爱他, 如果你也不爱他了,千万别为了可怜的自尊而不肯离开; 如果你还爱他,你应该会希望他过得幸福快乐, 希望他跟真正爱的人在一起,绝不会阻止, 你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已经不爱他了, 而如果你不爱他,你又有什么资格指责他变心呢? 爱不是占有, 你喜欢月亮,不可能把月亮拿下来放在脸盆里, 但月亮的光芒仍可照进你的房间。 换句话说,你爱一个人,也可以用另一种方式拥有, 让爱人成为生命里的永恒回忆, 如果你真爱一个人,就要爱他原来的样子─爱他的好,也爱他的坏: 爱他的优点,也爱他的缺点, 绝不能因为爱他,就希望他变成自己所希望的样子, 万一变不成就不爱他了。 真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的, 你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你; 真正的感情是两人能在最艰苦中相守,也就是没有丝毫要求。 毕竟,感情必须付出,而不是只想获得; 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们感情不够稳固,只好认输, 真爱是不会变成怨恨的。 两人在谈情说爱的时候, 最喜欢叫对方发誓,许下承诺我们为什么要对方发誓, 就是因为我们不相信对方,我们根本不相信情人, 而这些山盟海誓又很不切实际: 海枯石烂、地老天荒,都不能改变我对你的爱! 明知道海不会枯、石不会烂、地不会老、天不会荒; 就算会,也活不到那时候。 许下诺言的时候千万注意,不要许下可以实现的诺言, 最好是承诺做不到的事, 反正做不到的,随便说说也不要紧, 请记住:”不可能实现的诺言最动人” 在爱情里,说的是一套,做的是另一套; 讲的人不相信,听的人也不相信。 你呢?找到了第几个? 茫茫人海中,你遇见了谁?谁又遇见了你?

please go to view encoding: Unicode (UTF-8) if you can't see those words on top. =p





please to not rip the credits =)
designer- X pictures- X
brushes- XXX
hosts- XX
fonts- X

for the brushes part , i try to credit as much as i can .
for those things i got from deviantart , i really cannot remember e poster of e pic or brushes . sorry about that . =)

4/30/2007 ♥

I can keep quiet by feigning ignorance or being nonchalance
But when I ask something I expect an answer
If there isn't
I shan't mention it again.

Rushing out. will update again. Bye!

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Woke up at 3:30pm yesterday, which also mean I slept 13 hours. I love to sleep. *oinkz*

Was suppose to meet dear at City hall 630pm. But he waited for me at Aljunied MRT and as usual I was late. Took my lunch at home then rushed out to meet him. Took the shuttle bus over to Carrefour. Went to Carrefour to collect tickets from Vincent before we headed for our movie. We caught 'Hills have eyes 2'. Another gruesome movie but I like this movie more than 'Turistas'. Its about a military base being terrorise by a group of mutated humans. They were not normal due to the researching of nuclear bomb (that was how dear explained to me since I've never watch Part I). So this movie was about how this group of military army fought with the mutated men. The suspense is good. Overall a good movie.

We're catching Spiderman tomorrow. I wanna watch 200 pound beauty too!

Anyway after the movie we met his friends for steamboat. Had steamboat at Bugis. Didn't have much appetite though, so I ate very little. Nevertheless, it was late. I shouldn't be eating alot too. =) Usually, I'll be the one peeling prawns for everyone. But, this time round dear peeled them for me. =) All I did was sit at the table and eat. *sweet*

After dinner we decided to go K at Boat Quay Party World. The norms is I AM THE ONE WHO OWN THE MIC most of the time. But... Yesterday wasn't the case. But still I enjoyed because singing is my all time favourite. The ktv session should end at 3am but we left at slightly past 2am.

His friend Ferrance send us home. Bathed and watched tv. Only slept at 4am.

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/29/2007 ♥

This morning woke up at 930am. Went for movie with Sembcorp colleagues at Lido. Its a Japanese animation call "Little hearts song". A flim bought over for some film festival. Its new experience for me to watch Japanese anime in the theatres. Meaningful show and somewhat touching. Though not yet enough for me shed tears.

After the early show, we went for lunch at Lucky Plaza. After which we left separately. I left for home. Need to catch some rest first. :)

Didn't make the wrong choice to do so because initially Winnie & Yanie wanted to meet at Orchard. So I was having 2nd thoughts to go home. In the end, we had change our plans to meet up at Roxy Square which is nearer to my place :D

Waited for Yanie to come over to my place before we left for Roxy. Had steamboat there~ Yummy. Costed $40+ for the 3 of us. Not that expensive right? And its nice most importantly plus with air con. =D

After dinner, I came home. Alighted the bus without noticing dear. He called me on the phone and say he yet to reach my place. Was rushing to go home for the toilet, so I walked pretty fast. Until somewhere near my block, I turned back and saw dear running behind. *abish*. But well. Cute of him! Love him alot! :D

Sometimes I really think too much...
When you ♥ someone alot. You'll be afraid of losing him.
Its like when you're at the top and you fall right into a pit hole.
The thought of it is scary. I don't like it.
But inevitably it keeps triggering my thoughts. How long will dear ♥ me.

He's going to hate me if I kept doubting him. I'll try not to. TRY... =x

*LaWrEnCe TaN* says:
wat hw long i will love u!
*LaWrEnCe TaN* says:
i hate u
*LaWrEnCe TaN* says:
u don trust mi at all!
♥*Jåsmiñê*♥ aKa uGLy dUckLiNg hw long will u ♥ me ? says:
not dont trust
♥*Jåsmiñê*♥ aKa uGLy dUckLiNg hw long will u ♥ me ? says:
jus scared
*LaWrEnCe TaN* says:
since we are together must trust each other
*LaWrEnCe TaN* says:
i don like u to be on anyhow think
♥*Jåsmiñê*♥ aKa uGLy dUckLiNg hw long will u ♥ me ? says:
when u ♥ someone alot. u're just afraid of losing it.
♥*Jåsmiñê*♥ aKa uGLy dUckLiNg hw long will u ♥ me ? says:
u know when u're so high and u fall to the pit hole
♥*Jåsmiñê*♥ aKa uGLy dUckLiNg hw long will u ♥ me ? says:
its gonna be scary
*LaWrEnCe TaN* says:
nw i told u i wont lose u k
*LaWrEnCe TaN* says:
don u anyhow think again
*LaWrEnCe TaN* says:
n i will ahte u
*LaWrEnCe TaN* says:
hate u
*LaWrEnCe TaN* says:
must say ok dear!!!
*LaWrEnCe TaN* says:
dear dear promise u

promise but i'm still afraid... its hard to predict things. we don't know what will happen along the way. so afraid to pin high hopes and then fall right to the bottom... Fearful~

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

notti dear talking on da phone. the hp with lots of girls contacts and messages! *bleahz*
Yanie darling & me

Winnie darling & Me

while dear went to the nxt line and i was kept waiting...

somehow this picture of me reminds me of someone... haha.

Cam Whoring at home

Cam Whoring at home

Cam Whoring at home

Cam Whoring at home

After Friday Mid Night sales. With Sharon darling at MacDonald while Julia queuing for food.

After Friday Mid Night sales. With Sharon darling at MacDonald while Julia queuing for food.

After Friday Mid Night sales. With Sharon darling at MacDonald while Julia queuing for food.

After Friday Mid Night sales. With Sharon darling at MacDonald while Julia queuing for food.

Friday OT.

zhu zhu. dear says i act cute.

in the office. taking pictures becoming a routine for me in da office. haha. super zi lianz!

in the office. taking pictures becoming a routine for me in da office. haha. super zi lianz!


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/28/2007 ♥

At dear house now. He still isnt home alright. So ANGRY! hmph! So bored, so sleepy. Still have to wake up early for movie at Lido with colleagues. Meeting them at 1045am! Such a early show.

Today had OT till 8+pm. Dear waited for me to end work at Suntec and since I was able to claim for my cab fares, I took a cab over to Suntec then cabbed home. So instead of him fetching me, I fetched him! >.<

He bought 3 bottles of herbal tea for me. hmm... anyway, I feel so sick, so weak. I almost fainted again this afternoon after lunch. My heart kept pumping very fast and I felt nausea and about to faint soon. I'm so afraid of that feeling. It seems like I'm gonna collapse anytime.

Anyway, I felt better after that... So was ok... But still once awhile that kinda of sick feeling comes back. Loathesome.

Cabbed home bathed and waited for Sharon and Julia's call. Meeting them for Friday midnight sales. First time going to this midnight sales thingy. Cabbed to Paragon to meet them, while dear went KTV Pub drink with Vincent.

We shopped at Metro. Got myself a Lancome consealor and YSL Oil Free base. Hehe. Hope its good. :D

After shopping had our late dinner at MacDonalds. So sinful. But well, they claim that I've lost weight. I've realise that too. hehe.

Gonna end here. Its so hard to type with a lappy. Not too use to it. Bye!

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/26/2007 ♥

Daddy isn't around and many things happened. Things just didn't go right.

That idiotic man stayed at my house for two nights. I ain't happy.

My 2nd sister see things. Dirty things i mean.

I was bathing in mum's room. I heard her crying while she was sleeping. Kept saying "don't look for me" in Mandarin. My mum says recently she kept talking to herself saying "Who are you, why are you always following me". And there was once she saw a man's reflection on a lorry's side mirror while walking through the carpark. She couldn't sleep the entire night after that yesterday.

Today, me; mum and sister all didn't go to work...

Lawrence dear is so sweet! Surprise me with flowers at my place at around 5+pm. Thanks dear! I love you ALOT! :)

We ate at hawker then headed to Plaza Singapura for movie. Caught Turistas. It was a gruesome show but not that fantastic though. After the movie we went to the arcade before he send me home. =) Asked him to stay over but he didn't want to. =( But anyway, really enjoy myself today and I'm VERY HAPPY :)

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/25/2007 ♥

time flies...

mathematically its been a year.

though we're not really together for the whole full year.


happy anniversary! :)

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/24/2007 ♥

in da office

ugly on mask



in da office

in da office

been a long time since i tied up my hair. I use to tie it this way everyday.

been a long time since i tied up my hair. I use to tie it this way everyday.

@ home

Jasmine Green Tea. Thats my brand alright. haha

me @ home


PIG. oinkz oinkz


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Today after work met up with Jessie's friend in regards to the Great Eastern's products. Had dinner at Soup Spoon and after that we headed to Vivo City. Celine wanted to go World of Feng Shui. Seems pretty interesting to me cause its an eye opener.

After Celine purchased some things from the shop, we continued to shop around Vivo then went into a cafe to have a drink. Chatted while we drink. Jessie initially wanted to order a drink call 'Shake a banana'. It makes me LOL so loud! Was funny!

Anyway, our argument over and all is fine now. =)

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]


couldn't sleep last night

What have I done again. Law got extremely angry with me when he saw pictures of HQ and Me. Whatever it is things has already passed. I was single then. Yes, he did hug and kiss me when we're not together. We were suppose to be together but I told him no till I can completely can over Law. I didn't do anything wrong. Why does he have to be so harsh on his words?

Why is it that he will never see the 101% of effort I put on him that no one will ever get. Why is it always so hard to love him.

Or is this another way of him to get away from me.

I really have no idea.

only can say I love him ALOT... Sorry if I disappoint you. Why is it that we always have to end things in such a crude way. I really don't want to end.

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/23/2007 ♥

I'm back home. Decided not to go anywhere. I'm feeling very stress up today. Not by work but by some personal stuffs. I want to cancel my Standard Chartered plan but apparently their service provided sucks and no one could assist me. They kept directing me to another person and then another. SUCKS! FUCKING IDIOT. So turn off by Standard Chartered ok. So inefficient. If I need to go directly to Prudential to check my status. I don't see why I have to go through a middle bank to sign up for the application. BAKKA!

And in order to sign up my plan with Cheryl. I want to ensure myself that I've check through Insurance plans offered by other companies. I'm meeting Cheryl next Monday or Tuesday so I have to meet up with Jessie's friend tomorrow and Celine's friend on Thursday.

So my plans for this week are OUT.

Today had a choice to meet:
1) Neth and chup lao friends for movie '200 pounds'; or
2) Sandy; or
3) Cousin Hanqiu and his wifey; or
4) Cheryl and Jessica

But so sorry everyone. I'm feeling very sick today. Headache + stress + tired. Don't feel like going anywhere. Want to stay home and have a good rest.

1) Meet Jessie and friend

1) Christy and Cousin at Bala; or
2) Julia and Sharon

anyway 25th is a pretty memorable day ya. If we were together... It would have been a year...

1) Meet Celine's friend

1) Midnight sales. Looking for someone to go with me!

1) Afternoon going for movie with Sembcorp colleagues. (Daddy coming home!). Free at night.


Work was fine today. Rather relax. Just these things that I've to settle making me very tense up la. Don't know whats the rush too. Pissed.

I'm so disappointed with a friend or rather my GOODIE FRIEND'S EX BF. Shan't consider him a friend as for now I guess. Fedup. Why are guys so FUCK UP. FUCK UP! GO DIE GO DIE! >.<

I'm losing faith in guys and relationship already. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS THINKING? Someone whom you've put so much effort in and for a long time. But when its finally yours... This is the way you treat her? With that MUCH of APPRECIATION huh? FUCK LA. Full of deceit. Everything is a SHAM.



you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

4/22/2007 ♥

Just came back home from Marina Square. Went Bowling with my boyfriend Jenny and daddy Yashi. Played 2 rounds and my hands are soooo tired oh. This is the result of not exercising often. Anyway, we had a enjoyable time! After bowling had dinner at Spag. Yummy~~~ And its dirt cheap because they're having one for one promotion. Thus each of us only paid 9 bucks! :D Good deal. First time spending so little there.

Before I headed Marina Square I went over to Sim Lim Square to look for my cousin Catherine. She was working as MC for this IT shop. She asked me over to see how she work because she's recruiting more MC. Anyone interested? Pay is attractive oh! And my aunt shop was at Sim Lim too. So chatted for quite some time with her. =P

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

@ Chevrons KTV
Me and Ah Xian

@ Chevrons KTV
Me and Ah Xian

@ Can Cafe
Me and Celine

@ Can Cafe
Me and Celine

@ Can Cafe
Tristan and Me

@ Can Cafe
Tristan and Me

Me @ home with Pimple cream

Me @ Chevrons KTV

Me @ Law house

Me @ Can Cafe

Me in da lift going out

Me @ home. Going out soon

Me in da office

Me in da office

Me in da office

Me in da office

Me in da office

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]