welcome to my blog ♥
if you are unhappy with anything , just go away .


Jasmine ♥
04 Oct
Long black and brownish hair
Small eyes
Big Nose
Simply Ugly
Canossa Convent Primary
Saint Anthony Canossian Convent
NYP Finance Services(Graduated)
SIM - Banking and Finance (Part time UOL)


Total Visits since 01 Mar 2009:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


HIM ; Lawrence aka Fatty Tan ♥
Dolling Up
Taking pictures
Listening to Music
Chill out
Friends: Sharon, Julia, Bei boy, Jasmine Tan, Linda, Ah An, Clara, Neth, Roswina, Max, Pal, Suriani, Jenny bf, Reagan, Yashi, Jiang Hao, Jeffrey, Sandy, Sze Ping, Elaine, Lay Eng, Celine, Jessie, Annie
My bday(04 Oct; pressie please!)
Valentine(14 Feb)
Drinks: Jasmine Green Tea, Coke, Red Bull, Lemon Tea, Mango Juice
Fruits: Mango, Honey Dew, Grapes, Apple, Strawberries, Banana, Guava with LOTS oF Pulm Powder
Food: bEef stEak, ScallOp, crAb, lObster, PraWn, chEese fRies, Salted Popcorn with LOTS of Butter, Cup corn with LOTS oF Butter, MOS Burger, Minestrone Soup, Teriyaki Chicken burger, KFC Drumsticks, Long John, Onion Ring
Snacks: KinDer bReunO, Super Ring, Lays

Red Beans/Green Beans
Root Beer
Hor Fun
Loh Mee
Bastards & Flirts
Bitches & Sluts
Attention Seekers
Egoistic, Arrogant, Supercilious People
Attitude Problem


mOi wiSh LisT

-more dresses, more skirts, more tops-
-LV Damier Neverfull and Chanel Bag-
-$$$ and more $$$-
-IPL legs and hands-
-Go DRX Clinic-
-repair aircon-
-renovate room-
-Travel to Australia, US, Europe and Japan. Go Taiwan again-

New Resolution:

1) Learn to cook
2) Punctual
3) Sleep early
4) Exercise
5) Save up
6) Bring mummy and sister out more often
7) Slim down
8) Complete my degree


05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
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Blog Archive

人生就是为了找寻爱的过程,每个人的人生都要找到四个人。 第一个是自己, 第二个是你最爱的人, 第三个是最爱你的人, 第四个是共度一生的人. 首先会遇到你最爱的人,然後体会到爱的感觉; 因为了解被爱的感觉,所以才能发现最爱你的人; 当你经历过爱人与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的, 也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。 但很悲哀的,在现实生活中,这三个人通常不是同一个人; 你最爱的,往往没有选择你; 最爱你的,往往不是你最爱的; 而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱也不是最爱你的, 只是在最适合的时间出现的那个人。 你,会是别人生命中的第几个人呢? 没有人是故意要变心的,他爱你的时候是真的爱你, 可是他不爱你的时候也是真的不爱你了, 他爱你的时候没有办法假装不爱你; 同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你 。 当一个人不爱你要离开你, 你要问自己还爱不爱他, 如果你也不爱他了,千万别为了可怜的自尊而不肯离开; 如果你还爱他,你应该会希望他过得幸福快乐, 希望他跟真正爱的人在一起,绝不会阻止, 你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已经不爱他了, 而如果你不爱他,你又有什么资格指责他变心呢? 爱不是占有, 你喜欢月亮,不可能把月亮拿下来放在脸盆里, 但月亮的光芒仍可照进你的房间。 换句话说,你爱一个人,也可以用另一种方式拥有, 让爱人成为生命里的永恒回忆, 如果你真爱一个人,就要爱他原来的样子─爱他的好,也爱他的坏: 爱他的优点,也爱他的缺点, 绝不能因为爱他,就希望他变成自己所希望的样子, 万一变不成就不爱他了。 真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的, 你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你; 真正的感情是两人能在最艰苦中相守,也就是没有丝毫要求。 毕竟,感情必须付出,而不是只想获得; 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们感情不够稳固,只好认输, 真爱是不会变成怨恨的。 两人在谈情说爱的时候, 最喜欢叫对方发誓,许下承诺我们为什么要对方发誓, 就是因为我们不相信对方,我们根本不相信情人, 而这些山盟海誓又很不切实际: 海枯石烂、地老天荒,都不能改变我对你的爱! 明知道海不会枯、石不会烂、地不会老、天不会荒; 就算会,也活不到那时候。 许下诺言的时候千万注意,不要许下可以实现的诺言, 最好是承诺做不到的事, 反正做不到的,随便说说也不要紧, 请记住:”不可能实现的诺言最动人” 在爱情里,说的是一套,做的是另一套; 讲的人不相信,听的人也不相信。 你呢?找到了第几个? 茫茫人海中,你遇见了谁?谁又遇见了你?

please go to view encoding: Unicode (UTF-8) if you can't see those words on top. =p





please to not rip the credits =)
designer- X pictures- X
brushes- XXX
hosts- XX
fonts- X

for the brushes part , i try to credit as much as i can .
for those things i got from deviantart , i really cannot remember e poster of e pic or brushes . sorry about that . =)

5/31/2004 ♥

i'M sO daMn bOreD nOw... hai~ waT shLd i dO nOw leh? d3ar nOw at taN tOng seNg c dOctOr. i mEetIng saNdy aT 5pM at bUgiS laTer.bUt tOo eaRLy tO gO ouT nOw... anYway, hOpe wE hAf a gD tiMe laTer.sO lOng nv c hEr le... sANdy alsO 1 oF my bEst freN whIcH i nOe aBt 4 yeaRs agO baH,aT parKway... laSt tiMe uSe 2 haNg aRd thERe mah... wE laSt tiMe reaLly veRy clOse,almOst eveRyday wiLL meEt uP dE...sHareD sO mUch sEcRets N thIngs 2gEther.miSs thOse daYs. . .

hMmm...thOse hU reaD my lAst jOurnaL wiLL reaLLy thinK wAt a cRazy wOman I m. bUt itS trUe maH.waT 4 b wiF sOme1 hU alwaYs maKes U unHapPy riTE? fRm waT i oBsErVed aRd me,N fRm pASt exPeriEnCes, I reaLLy dUn tRUst lUv anymOre.sOme gERs wOuld hAf thE mentALitY oF wAt i uSeD tO haF laSt tiMe lyK '' iF bOth cOupLes R reaLLy in lUv,miRacLes caN haPpen,eVEn iF tHey R nOt sO weLL-OFf,tHEy wOuLd stiLL liVe haPpiLy eVer aFteR". i alsO uSeD tO beliEvE tAT thEre's trUe lUv,N waT mOst oF thE pPLe aLwaYs saID "FOREVER". bUt nOw, tO thInK Of it,itS pRetTy naiVe. iTs reaLity, thERe wOuld nv b trUe lUv, nOt in tHe paSt,nOt nOw N nOt in the fUtUre.cOme oN lEts fACe reaLity.i reaLly duN beLieVe iN 100% trUth betWeeN cOupLes.tHere'S sUre 1 oF theM oR eVen bOth oF theM hIding sOmetHINg bhInd tHe oTHer. i reaLLy caNt fInd aNy faCts tO obJeCt tO wAT i sAId. lUv NEVER sUrviVe wiThOut 'bReaD'. aS sEen,maNy mArrIed cOupLes dO hAf daILy cOnfLicTs aNd stUFfs bcOz oF $$$. sO hOw cOuLD lUV be sO peRfEct witHOuT $?sO hOw cOuLd thERe b waT oThers sO caLLed 'tRue Luv' ? itS abuRD. gETtIn mArriEd N faLLiNg in LuV is jUz paRt N pArcEL oF liFe. iTs nOt tAt wOndeRfuL aS waT i aLways thInk iN the paSt. iTs dEfiNeteLy nOt lYK waT U sEe in faIry taLe. anYwaY,tiS is jUz my pOiNt OF vIew.dUn eXPeCt ppLe tO thInK the saMe waY aS me...

aNyway, jAcqUeLinE, I reALLy diD nOt bLame aNythIng On U. iTs uR sOrt of dIAry, U hAf aLL thE ritE tO wrIte anYthIng. sO dUnch wOrry,I'm fInE. nV bEAr anY gRUdgES on U tOo... =)

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/30/2004 ♥

hMM...2daY waTch 'thE daY aFteR tML' wIf d3aR aT shAw pLaZa. a iNtErEstIng sHOw inDeeD. waS feELin kInda oF gD 2day untiL aFtEr tHe shOw wHeN wE wEre hEadIng 2wArdS baLesTier pOint. wE waLked pASt tiS uGLy wOmaN wIf liTtLe cLotHes oN & d3aR kEpt lOokIng aT hEr. I dId nOt saId tAT shE's ugLy oUt oF jEalOusLy oR waTeVer.bUt shE's iNdeEd reaL uGLy! (maYb 4 my tAsTe, d3Ar haVe bAd tAste,sO tiS shOws Y he chOse mE~ pRetTy oBviOus) he kEpt oN lOokin aS i M tOkin tO him. i lOokEd aT him,bUt he dIdNt nOtice.I saw hiS eYebaLL jUz fOllOweD taT wOman aS shE waLked.dOh!~ waT waS taT suPpoSe tO b? lOoking aT anOther wOmaN whILe wiF me.dOes he eVeN giF me tHE leaSt rePeCt? N heLLO, tHe wOmaN is kiNda oLd 4 him N is UGLY! iTs aLreaDY nOt tHe 1st tiMe i cAUght hIm dOin tIs. bUt i jUz cOulDnt tOlerAte tiS faRking tIMe,N aGain I'm teLLing U itS bcOz thE wOmAN is FaRKINg UGLY... aFew tiMes I cAUght hIm dOin iT,bUt he dEnieD.sO weLL, i LL.bUt tiS tIme I reALLy caUght hiM sTraIght,sO he gOt nO waY tO dENy. i'M nOt beIng pEtTy oR waTeVer.bUt lOokin aT a UGLY wOMan rIte inFrOnt oF me? WTF? gUys aRe reaLLy fREaK! faN JIAN! hEAr me? FAN JIAN! uGLy wOman alSO waNt tO c unTIL lyK taT. hEY U're a hUman lEh,nOt a bEaSt lOokin aT itS preY leh.hElLO. OmG. iTs reAlLy shOws sUch a diSgRace tO u gUys wHO r rEAdiNG tIS fReaKIng bLoG.

wELl wE starTEd quaReLLinG ovEr thIs. N ++ mANy oTHer tHings. I beGan thinKiN oF oUR relAtiOnshIp. i reaLLY thiNking waT's tHE pOint oF saLvaGIng tIs reLaTioNship wHen he dOeSnt eVen hAf aNytHing gD aBt tAt wOuld mAKe mE waNNa staY... eVErytiMe wHeN we hAd a qUarReL oR iF i hAf anYthing unhAppy wiF him,i wOuld alwaYs waNt a tOk wIf hiM.bUt he wOuld b lyk gIvIng mE tHe feELing tAt he dOesnt waNt tO tOk.eVen aFteR hEAring wAT i saY,he juZ kePT qUiet n cARriEd On wIf thE things he's dOin.nV gIving any atTentiOn tO waT i teLL him,nV wANting tO chANge 4 me,oR 4 thE beTter. hE alsO aLways lyK tO lIe tO me aBt aNytHing,eVEn if itS 4 nOthIn.SOmething taT nv haPpen,he alSo waNna lie.he caN telL me untiL thE thIng reaLLy haPPen,sOme1 reaLLy saId sUch thinGs. he alsO veRY 'biG bOMb'. N he alsO lyk tO lie tO me jUz bcOz he waNna hiDe soMething,cOz he THINK taT iF i nOe the tRUth i wiLL gEt angRy.bUt nO! i hATe lIars. iF eVEn ur gF U caNnOt be tRue wIf,tHen hU caN u b tRuE wif? i nV trUst waT he saY siNce tHe daY i nOtice he lyk tO tOk cOck.teLL liEs. i rATher sOme1 teLL me thE tRUth,thAN rAtheR he liEd tO me N I haPpen tO find oUt thE trUth aT laSt. iF he teLL tHe tRUth,i cAN stiLL teLl myseLF tO 4giF.bUt i wiLL nV 4giF sOme1 hU lieS tO his oWN gF...U liE tO me.NvM lOr...i beliEve iN rEtrIbUtiOn N i alsO wOnt dEny tAT 1 m i daMn bitcH tAT wOuLd rEvEnGe oN mY oWN bf. oNli tO bf,nOt my fRens.cOz i faRKiN hATe gUys wHo lie tO their oWn gf,cHeat thEir oWn gF. weLL,iF U aRe 1 faRKing gEt oFf fRM my sIght. wE qUaRreLeD 4 aBt 2 hrs i gUess aT baLesTier pOint wiF maNy sTraNgerS giVing uS a faRniE lOok. I waS prEtTy sUre i diDnt wANt a pAtcH at 1st. Y shLd i,wHen i nOe i caN fInd bEttEr gUys oUt thEre? iF he caNt dO his jOb weLL,i aLwaYs beLieve tHere's bEtTer gUys oUt tHEre.I juz caNt sTAnd gUys hU r sO egOstic,aLways thiNking tAT wE gErs caNt lIve w/O thEm. bUt i m teLLinG U NO nOW!!! hEY cOMe oN,tis iS aLreaDy 2004. wOmeN dO nOt neEd tO livE bcOz oF man! We liVE wIF U aLL bUt dOesNT mEAN wE caNt liVe w/O U alL!. U gUys bEtter gET tiS riTE... heY maNy gErs hERe hAf cERt,hAf thE abiLity tO liVE on oUr oWn. We dUnCh faRKing neEd U aLL! nOw is U aLL gUys nEed tO sUrvIve wIf US gERS!!! y dO wE gERs aLwayS haF tO fOLlOw bhiNd U guYs,aLWays lisTening tO wAT U aLL saY? N alWays hAf tO gIf iN tO gUys ''tOo-mUch wROng-dOingS" ? dO U thinK wE nEed tO tOlerATe wiF aLL tis??? pLS dOnt thInk tOo highLy Of uRseLF gUys. gEt aWAy iF U jUz waNna pLay N haF fUn... i staNd On wAT i beLieVe itS rIte, i dUn jUz foLloW thE bLind k? wAt I thiNk itS wROng,i wiLL nOt tOleRate. liViNg wIf U gUys iS suCh a tOrmEnt!

d3aR kePt On apOlOgisiNg. aS wAt he aLwayS dO,i'm sUre tO nOt oNLy me bUt evEN oTHer gERs. wE qUaRrEl fRm abT 9pM+ tO 11pM...he hIt hImsELf N stUffs...wAS kINda oF crAzy. bUt gUys OftEn dO tis jUz tO gEt sOme eMpaTHy fRm wE gErs... he kePt oN saYin he wOnt dO all tis aGAin. wELL,nOw we Ok le. bUt leT's c iF he fOllOwEd aS waT he saiD he wOuLd... iF nOt nO mOre crYin N beGgiNg.jUz fReakIng gEt OuT oF my sigHt. . . (sInce U aLsO kePt oN coMpLaiNing me tis N taT,tHen gET urSeLf oTher beTter 1 !!! )

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/29/2004 ♥

wOoo...jUz nOw rUsh bACk fRm zi yang's chAlEt & bBq b4 mIdnIte tO avOid thE mIdnIte chARge N waNna chEck my eXaM rEsUlts. (cOz chAngI tO d3Ar hSe w/O mIdnIte chArge alReaDy aBt $13 le,sO waNna sHeng $ cOz d3aR n mE bROke le,N d3aR bday alsO cOmin le~). jUz nOw kepT wannA lOg in tO thE sCh wEb buT faILed tO...sO sian.aFter taT wEnt tO chAt wiF eUgeNe,luCky he saVEd me.he gaVe me tHe dIreCt uRL sO tAT i caN lOg in tO viEw my rEsUlts.eRm waSnt aS beaUtifUl aS i waNt it. gOt 1 A fOr aCcouNts,5Bs aNd 2 Cs. pHew,i tOt mArketing wiLL faIL,cOz i dUnch nOe hOw 2 dO the 20 marks quEstiOns.sO its lyk i dUmp 20mArKs aWay le...bUt luCKy stiLL gEt C. C is 60-69.B is 70-79. A is 80-89.sO i waS stiLL qUite glad wiF my resuLts thOugh it wasNt as beaUtifUl as i waNt it...haHa,I'm alwaYs lyk tAT.dUn waNna sTudy stiLL expEct gD resULt.toOpid riTe? hHaHa, bLame it oN my lAzinEss! hee =pPp i waS hOpin i gOt at leAst 2A & nO Cs...bUt aFteR my exaMs, i waS lyk cOnfIrm gOT C liaO. thOse 2 C waS eXpEctEd.sO i shLd jUz shUt uP! i sUch a bItcH. =X

HmmM...anYway,jUz nOw aT yAng's bdaY wAS pRetty fUn...tHey brOught aLoNg 1 chIvAs,1mArtEL,aNd 1 jACk dAniEL.bUt i dIdnt dRink,dUnch feEL lyk dRinking 2day.cOz yEsterday alReady hAd sOmE bEeR aT sOme pUb aT whAMpOa wIf d3aR N sOme oF his fREns.(dear yeSterDAy nO frenLy mAtcH,caNceLeD,dUncH nOe y alsO,lASt mIn de.)Eee,nOw i reaLLy disLike bEer...dUnch nOe y alsO...pReFer mArTeL oUt oF aLL...aT tHe cHaLet oNLi aTe sOme bBq stUffs... tHen aS uSuAL rL7 pPle gO n tiS tiMe yAng's gF N faMiLy alSo gOt gO,cOz his bdaY mah~ =pPp hMmm...rIte hEre aLsO wiSh yANg hapPy biRthdaY! hOpe he nJoy himseLf wOrx... eNd aT:2:50aM (aLfREd(dEar 16 yEAr oLd bRo) jUz cOme bACk fRm sParks...)

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/27/2004 ♥

weLL 2nD jOuRnAL 2Day.(aBt 20miNs aFtEr i wrOte thE prEviOus 1) hMmm...awhiLe mOre mUz waKe d3Ar uP gO wOrk lE...i alsO neEd tO gO hM le.mEetIng shEena in thE aFteRnoOn aRd 3pm lyK tAt tO tOk tOk aNd maKan.sO lOng nv c hEr le,kInDa oF miSs her.gOt sO mUch tO teLL hEr~ =pPp tHen aFteR tAt gO c d3ar's fRenly maTch aGaiN aT aBt 6:30pM bAh~ tHen mAyB staY d3Ar hSe...hMmm...buT b4 mEetiNg sHeeNA,I tHInk I nEed a gD sLp.sO tirEd bUt hAven sLp.sInce jUz nOw 5+am tHen rEAch d3ar hse,6:45am mUz waKe uP,tHen hOw 2 slP???

hMmm...jUz saW jAcqUeLine's jOurNaL(my ex bF cUrRenT Gf).wELL sHe hAtes me sO mUch,bUt i gUeSs iTs jUz fIne wIf mE.I nOe I nV dO anYthIng cAN le...aNyway,laSt tIme i alsO hAte sAMueL's ALL eX gf! LOLx. 4 nOthinG alsO,jUz hAte lOr.i wOrst stiLL,C thEM shOw tHEm 1 fAce N diaO thEm.LOLx.lAst tiMe maH,cHaO aH liAn.l0lx =/ *shY* bUt nOw i wOnt hAte aDam (my d3aR) 's eX gfs. cOz i thinK i hAte thEM alsO nO uSe baH` iF i thinK tAt d3ar tReAt thEM bEtter thaN me,iTs nOt theIr faUlt alsO,i think its d3ar FAULT!!! cOz evEry1 haF a hiStoRy N hAf eX's alsO.u caNt eXpEct ur pArtnEr fRm thE 1St daY theY R bOrn tO be uRs.sO every1 hAf thiEr paSt. wEll,it dOesnt mEan i lyK hiS ex alSo.bUt jUz dUncH haTe lOr. I caN aCcepT bUt i cANt fOrGet lOr. iTs stiLL alWAys in my mInd,always thinKin hOw cLOse r thEY, wAt hAd tHey dOne 2Gether.N sOmemOre d3ar laSt tiMe quIte fLirT dE lOr,gOt many ex gFs. eVen hIs mAma saY iF aLL the gErs infrOnt Of hEr,sHe alsO caNt recOgnise wHiCH 1 gOt cOme uP thEir hse b4.N d3aR's bRo eVen save d3aR's nAme in his hp aS 'hUa xIng koR kOr'.aNd alsO mOst Of hEr gF sTAy hIs hSe b4,1 eVen stAyed mOre thaN 1 year.hE even hAf alOt oF ger's sTuFfs wiF him,lyK cLothEs,UnDer gaRmeNts,mAKe-uP bAg,N mOre~(hIs eX de,bUt cLothEs N uNdergaRments,hIs mAmA thROw aWay lE).wE alsO hAf a phOtO albUm whIch we pUt oUr phOto N tiCkeTs oF thoSe mOvie tAt wE waTch 2GeTher dE.bUt iN tHe saMe pHoTO albUm alsO hAf his ex gf N his phOto. (cOz laSt tIme is theIr phOto albUm,sO nOw is 3 of uS dE phOto albUm)...sO,aS 4 thOse whO R readin,I thInk U nOe hOw i feEl? i fEel qUite tErribLe. i jUz hOpe d3ar wOuld b mOre seriOus in tis rElatIonshiP N caRe mOre abT my fEelIngs. anYway i alsO eXpeCt d3ar tO tReAT me bEttER thaN aLL of his ex.iF he dOest N he faLL shOrt oF wAt my eX tReaTs me,tHen gOodbYe...I caNt eXpECt my bf tO trEAt me lEssEr thAN wAt he tReats his ex.I jUz caNt tAKe it.aS i saY thOugh iTs the pASt, i aCcePt bUt cannOt fOrgEt.dUn hAte thEM,jUz hAte thInKing oF the thIngs thEy did 2GethER...hAte beIng tReaTed unFaiRly. yes, i gUess i eVer beeN tReaTEd qUite uneQuaLly?he saId I wAS lAzy jUz bcOz i dId nOt pOur him a cUp of Water.sInCe i waS tOo tIred aFteR scH,sCh wAs fRm 12pm tO 9pm,N wE jUz rEAch my hSe at aRd 10pm. (cOz my sCh is aT yiO chU kAng,N my hSe aT aLjUniEd,sO lOng joUrnEy) .i nV eVen hEard a sIngLe wOrd he cOmpLain abT his eX gf.cOz fRm waT i hEArd fRm hIs mAma,hIs eX gf is Lazy lOr.eRm,gUess shLd nOt wrIte wAt sHe dId oUt.tHen I nv eVen hEard hE cOmpLain anythIng baD abT her.N eXcuSe me,I'm tHe 1 hU alWAys wasHes thE plaTEs,pACk hIs rOom clEan hIs rOom N stUffs.i'm nOt his maId leh,his eX gF aLso nv dO,I aLsO can dUn dO wAT rite?bUt i jUz thiNk i wANna dO,bUt hEy jUz bcOz of a cuP oF wAter,hE sAId i waS laZy.i jUz canT beAr tiS.tIs sOooo jUz iRritATing.N hEaRd hIm pRAise tHEm sayiN thEM prEtty N stUffs,mAny gUys kePt caLLing thEm,N saY 1 Of his ex lOoK lyK aYuMi hAmAsAki,1 lOok lyk a tCs sTar cALL xU qi,wHich I peRsoNaLLy thInk is sUPer chiO(thE stAR,nOt his eX).tHen he onLi wILL saY i uGLy aNd jOke tAT i lOok lyk thE hOngkOng shOw 'zHen qIng' tAt 'aH qIOng' (wHO lOoks sUper uGLy!). ai Ya,he alwAys lyK taT 1 la...I alsO dUnch nOe waT 2 saY my d3aR.hE aLways saY thiNg tat R hUrTIng N he dUncH eVen nOe.alwAys saYiN tHingS taT R nOt meAnt tO b jOke N hE lAff wHeN diStuRbiN me. hMmm...sOmeTImes I jUz fEel sO lOusy aBT mySelf tOo...oK lOr,i fAce reALity lOr,sInce fRm his Own mOutH i hEArd hiM sAY aLL tis tO me thEn fIne lOr,i take it aS it is lOr. I uGly,I tis I taT lOr,bUt aS iF he veRy gd lyk tAT. $@%#$^#$^@#$...he aLways thInk tAt he is vEry gD in mAny thIngs.tis N tAT.vEry hIgh ego oF himsELf.bUt thEN its lyk ... =X (enOff sAiD)

anYway,2day iTs my eX's bF bDAy!~ wRiTe hEre wIshIng hiM hAPpy bIrtHDAy, N aLL thE bESt 4 hiS fUtUre.hOpe he tReat hIs ger gD,dUn b lyK aDam. hOpe thEy aLL tIan cHAng dI jUI,dUncH alWays qUaRreL.

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

jUz caMe bACk fRM biLLiaRd saLoOn.daMn tIreD...nOw 5:45aM.cOz d3aR pLay nUmbeR bALL wIf his fRens,wIn abt $23 aFtEr paYing taBle. hMmm...hE tmL wOrk 7am stiLL waNna pLay tiLL sO latE.dOh...tiS aFteRnOon aFteR his wOrk aT 3pm I aLreADy aT his Hse...cAMe bACk fRM cLasS chAlet.dAmN tiREd...i dId slePt in thE chaLet,bUt cOulDnt sLp wELL...sO whEN i reACh d3aR hSe aGAin.OMG...I jUz wENt bACk tO zZzz aGAin tiLL aRd 9pM.tHen AftER taT gO mAKan mAcDOnaLds.(dOh aGAin!~~),tHen biLLiArd le lOr...hai~ aLL thE way siaL,thiNk its abT 6 tO 7 hRs...I sIt thERe wATch Tv,N hE pLayEd nOn-sToP...

hMMm...yEstERday tOn aT chAlet.waS pRetTy fUn...i ReaCh cHALet aT aRd 9+pM,cOz b4 tAt d3ar gOt biLLiArd fRenLy mAtch.bUtttt,hE dId nOt pLay weLL dUring thE maTch.Haha...lOse tO a uncLe,abIt bOtaK hEAd de...shLd be pLay 1 sEt (3 rDs) de,bUt 1st 2nd rD lOse le,sO 3rd rD nO need tO pLay le.aNyway,qUite sAd alsO.cOz rIte aFter he reACh tHere tHEy sTarT the mAtcH le.hE dId nOt eVen pRatice,whILE the oPP. pLayerS pLay fRm aFteRnOon tiLL 6+pm (wHeN thE maTcH stArtED). hMmm...thE 1St rD wAs pRettY bAd.2Nd rD was 40/45.sO wAs clOse the 2nd Rd.iF wIn maYb stiLL gOt chAnce...haI~ toO bAd...aNyway,tmL saMe tiMe,sAMe pLace again,hE gOt anOtheR fRenly mAtch. wELL wiSH hiM aLL thE besT,hOpe hE win,dUn siA suAy.HaHa...

tOkin aBt tHe cHaLet, i tOt it wAS aT nTuC paSir rIs chALet,bUt its tHe cOasTaL sANd cHaLeT whIch wAs qUIte dEserteD. bUt Y dId I stiLL saY tAT iT waS fUn?tHOugh tHe fACiLitiEs tHEre waS lyk qUite sUxOR aNd tHe pLAce wAs qUite wOo lOo. lEt's sTart fRm tHe beGginiNng:rOzlIanA pIcKeD mE up aT nTuC cHalet tHere,cOz I tOt wAS tHere,N sHe cyCle me bacK tO the rIte pLace.WheN i 1St reAch the chAlet,rOzlIaNa aNd rOswIna heLped me BBQ aNd I waS jUz bZ rELaxiNg N tOKin tO sUrIaNi,saNdRA aNd rEAgan.fEeL qUIte bAd,lEaViNg tHEm tO dO aLL thE jOb,bUt if u sEe tis tHx aLOT!!!mUAcKs =pPp tHeN aFtER taT mR DeXtEr(my eCons tEachER),aLsO gOt cOme. wE (mR dExTer N anOther 10? Of uS;oThers sTaYed aN PLayEd monOpOly ) wEnt 4 a nIte waLk n wANteD tO gO tO rEd hOusE(hAuntEd hOuse).bUt thEn it wAs lOckeD N wE diDnt hAd a tOuCh liGht.hEnce,wE dEciDed tO heAd 4 tHe beAch.ThEn whiLe waLking, we waNtEd tO waLk thrOugh a pLace sOrt of a fOreSt lyk Tat. (shOrt-cUt way tO thE beaCh). iT waS pRettY dARk tHere N mR dExtEr wEnt tO chEck It Out wHeTher tHe rD lINks tO the bEAch. N yEs it dOes~ bUt sOme oF theM diD nOt aGree tO cOntiNue wALkiN taT way.sO wE tOok the nOrmAL wAY whIch wAs abIt lOnger. sO whEN wE rEAch tHe bEach wE sAt aT a shElTer whIch hAF aFew sEaTs aRd it. bUt waS so fARnie,in tHe cENter oF thE sEats,tHere's a bIg piLLaR bLocKin uS fRM the pErsOn sItTIng riTe oPp. uS. dOh! sO dUmb. wE tOk cOck tHere (abT mANy tHings incLudIng ghOSt!!! ) wAS quITe sCARy. aFter taT aRD 2am, wE wALked bACk tO ouR chaLEt.wE tOok tHE bACk dOor whIch wAS nEarEr.hOweVer,it waS lOcked aT tAt time,N wE aLL cLimb thrOugh it...aFter tAt,we hAd a fEw gaMes tOgEther N mR deXter weNt oFf aRd 3am.hMmm...aFtEr tAT, wE aLL sLAckeD aRd.N thOse pPLe hU diD nOt waNt tO taKe tHe dArk Rd tO the bEach saiD tAT tHey saW 'sOmetHIng'. yA itS taT.... Erm, my hAir R stAnding noW... Hmmm...tHEn aFteR tAT, sOme oF uS sLp aT dUnch nOe waT tIme,inCludIng me...tHen nXt daY le...tHEn aRd 3pm aFter eATing lUch (cUrry cOokeD bY rOwIna's mUm,waS spiCy bUt reALLy niCe), I weNt tO d3ar hSe le LoR~ =pPp

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/23/2004 ♥

aWww...its 5aM in the mOrning aLready...stiLL caNt gEt tO slp...jUz cAMe bacK d3aR hse at aRd 4aM. 2dAy is aNthOny kOr's bday...ok,I shLd sTarT fRm the beginnIng.1st i mEet d3aR aT bUgis aRd 5:30pm tO shOp 4 kOr's bday prEsent.aFter shOppin 4 quIte sOmetimes,we dEcidEd tO bUy kOr a pOlO-Tee.d3Ar alsO lyk thE pOlo-TeE alOt,sO he gOt hImseLF 1 tOo,bUt dIffRereNt deSigN dE.aFteR taT,wE tOok a cAb tO TaKa N meEt kOr,dA sHaO,N sOme oF kOr's fRens.tHen tHey gO plaY snOOker aT cUppaGe aLL thE way tiLL aRd 9+pm.tHen wE wEnt tO a kTv pUb aT sErangOon tHere,kOvan cEntRe thERe.wOw,itS reaLLy a big cELebRatiOn 4 kOr 2day.i gUess there's prObably aRd 40 pPLe thEre.iT wAS rEALLy reALLy reaLLy fUn!!! kOr oPen 1 'da bAO' marTel N 4 smALLer 1s,whIch is = tO 2 'dA bAO'.N tHere wAs aLSO aRd 40++ bOttLes oF bEer.eVery1 reALLy hAd alOt of fUn siNgiNg,PlayIn aRd, dRinking N tOkin cOck.wHen bLow caNdLE tAT time tHey fOoleD aRd wiF kOr.tHey bOught cAndLEs tAT R diFfiCuLt tO bLow tHem Off.tHen tHEy even pLacEd tHe caNdLe rIte at the cEnter of thE caKe (vEry dEep tOo) N askeD kOr tO uSe his mOutH tO taKe it Out.ya rIte,i gUess its qUite the nOrmaL rOutine oF the cAKe's gaMe.N yES,hE waS pUsh rIte oNtO thE cAKe,N waS daMn dIrty,tHey sTartEd pLAying aRd wiF the cakE n mOst oF the pPLe wEre dIrtIed wIf it.wHen I fOlLOwed my d3Ar tO the tOilet tAT time(cOz d3ar alSO kANa),kOr nOticed me,N yeS,i kAna tHE caKe oN my wHOle fAce N hAIr.hAha...tHen the tOilet wAs sO crOwdEd by thEM,N aFter tAT tHey eVen staRted pLAyin wIf the wAter.the tOilet waS rEALLy in a mEss,N was reaLLy fLoodEd.(onLi 1 tOilet sHared by gErs N gUys).tHen aS uSUaL,kOr wAs mADe tO 'Ta' the mARteL.lATer he was rEALLy dRunk maN! he vOmited the whOle flOor.If sOme1 eVer see it,U wiLL nOe hOw scARy it was.itS rEALLy aLOT!!!! lUcky d3ar N kOr haD sPare cLotHes tO cHange(bOuGht aT bUgis;C lASt jOurnAL). aRd 2+ kOr wEnt bACk le,cOz he rEALly caNnot tAHan le,tOo seh le...sO afTer 30minS,me N d3aR aLsO leFt.thEN laTer we aLReaDy pLan pROperLy is gO my hSE sTAy de 2niTE.thEn wHen in tHe caB rEAChin my hse,dA sHAo caLLed.sHe saId kOR was sO druNk taT he wAs slpIN bElOw hIS bLk N sHe dUn hAF sTrengTh tO cArry him hOme (cOZ sHe aLSo was abIt dIpsy le).sO me N d3ar dEcIded tO gO n heLp up sInce kOr waS stAyin nEar d3ar's hSe niA.sO i wEnt up hOme tO gEt my stUffs N my clOthes 4 tMl,cOz I meeTIng my jIe mEi gO shOp shOp tml~ wOooott...hee...tHen lATer we piAz caB gO dOwn kOr hse.sAw hIm lyin on tHE gROund,reAL seh.stELla's bf (kOr rEAL sIs sTeLLa) aLsO rEAcHed tHEre le. tHen he caRrIed kOr up hIS hsE at 2Nd fLoOr,mE N d3Ar heLp tO cARry his sTuFf(prEseNts) N tHe fInisheD 'ta bAO' bOttle. tHen aFtER taT me N d3ar gO d3ar hsE le.tHen iMmediaTely wE gO bATh,cOz aLL stInK wIf the caKe smeLL...oUR cLOTHes n bAg aLL sTAineD wIf the cAKe...aI yO...d3ar aLsO vERy drUnk wHen he rEacH hm.kEep tOkin rUbbish.nOw he's asLp.wEll me stILL heRe lOr~ hee...fInaLLy fIniSh le~ LOL =pPp

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/22/2004 ♥

hAi ~ sOmetImes i feeL sO bAd aBt myseLF, i meAN lOw-seLf eSteEm abT mysELf. jUz hAd a quArreL wiF aDam laSt niTe, sLpt at 6 in the mOrning.bUt jUz nOw aRd 12pm waKe up le~ i rEaLLy nOt lyk lASt tiMe sO pOwERfUl le caN sLp 1 N 1/2 dAys dUn waKE up,dUn eAt. LOLx. yeSteRDAy aSk aDAm waNNa peI me & 1 oF miNe zHUi aI dE sIstEr & hEr bF & sOme oTher pPle gO ocH (Old cHANgi hOspItaL) 2nIte,tHEn hAd a qUaRrel. thOugh I gO thEre b4 le,bUt my sIs nv gO b4,sO shE reALLy waNNa gO tis tiMe.shE aSKed me tO gO,I sO waNNa aCcomPany heR.We lOng tiME nv mEet up lE~cOz i aLsO jUZ sTArteD my hOlidays,aFter a tiRIng sEMester wIf a heLL lOT oF hMwORk,pROjeCTs & sTuFfs.thOugh wE aLReady pLan tO gO oUt shOpping tis sUNday,bUt I rEALLy waNNA gO wiF hER! bUT aDam saId it wAS dANgEROus,N itS bO liaOz, hE dOEsnt wANt me tO gO.N he aLsO dUn wannA gO.i sTarTed tO feEL abIt unfaIR cOz eVerytIme i aLsO fOLlOw hiM tO the pLacEs he waNna gO N whIch I dUn rEALLy fOnd Of.i nV uttER a wOrd N fOllOwed hiM. aDding tO my aNGer,he sAId if U waNT gO fiND a gUy tAT alSO lyk tO gO lA.dAMn iT! i wAs fURIOus bY thEN,thOuGh i nOe tAt he hAD a baD-mOUtH tAt aLwaYs sAId sUch thIngs w/O thInkIng.i fLAre up at hIm N hUng up tHE phOne.i jUZ pRess the rEd bUttOn,wHen he caLLEd baCk afEw tImes.i was jUz thInking,thOugh i dUncH fANcY clUbbIng,i jUz gO sInce he lOved daNCing sO mUch.N y iS he aLwaYs gRUmblIng N tOkin tO me in sUch a diSgUsTing waY wHEn hE jUz caN sAY he dOesnt waNT tO gO in a nICer waY.aWww...aNywAY,he kePt oN caLLing fRM aRd 2:30 tO 5 in tHE mORning.eVEn iF i waNNa ZzZz,I wAs kePt awAKe bY his caLLs. hE msG me aRd 7 tImes, kEPt sAYin sRry he dIdnt meAnt 2 tOk lyk tAt N sAiD sUch thINgs. aRd 5 i fiNaLLy fOrgIf hIm,sInce it stiLL waSnt sUch a bIg mATter. hMMm...jUz hOpe he wiLL reaLLy stOp dOin aLL tis nOnseNse...oR i dOubt wE wOuld lASt...

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/19/2004 ♥

1st daY cReate my oWn blOg... hee... =pPp nOw at hM nORx. gOin 2 prEpARe tO gO bUgis wIf my mAma... gO alt my 3 pants tO stRaight cUt... hMm...tHen aFter taT sHld be gO my ::d3aRiE:: hsE bah~. cOz tis wEEk my eLDest sIster nOt suPpOse tO staY at hM de,sHld be at her oWn hse aT PuggOL de...dUn nOe why sHe cOme back... iF she cOme baCK,she wiLL sLp in the saMe rOom aS me...sO my dEar pAIseh tO slp sAMe rOom...sO he dUn waNna staY at mOi hSE lOR! sO tOday mUz gO his hse...

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]