welcome to my blog ♥
if you are unhappy with anything , just go away .


Jasmine ♥
04 Oct
Long black and brownish hair
Small eyes
Big Nose
Simply Ugly
Canossa Convent Primary
Saint Anthony Canossian Convent
NYP Finance Services(Graduated)
SIM - Banking and Finance (Part time UOL)


Total Visits since 01 Mar 2009:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


HIM ; Lawrence aka Fatty Tan ♥
Dolling Up
Taking pictures
Listening to Music
Chill out
Friends: Sharon, Julia, Bei boy, Jasmine Tan, Linda, Ah An, Clara, Neth, Roswina, Max, Pal, Suriani, Jenny bf, Reagan, Yashi, Jiang Hao, Jeffrey, Sandy, Sze Ping, Elaine, Lay Eng, Celine, Jessie, Annie
My bday(04 Oct; pressie please!)
Valentine(14 Feb)
Drinks: Jasmine Green Tea, Coke, Red Bull, Lemon Tea, Mango Juice
Fruits: Mango, Honey Dew, Grapes, Apple, Strawberries, Banana, Guava with LOTS oF Pulm Powder
Food: bEef stEak, ScallOp, crAb, lObster, PraWn, chEese fRies, Salted Popcorn with LOTS of Butter, Cup corn with LOTS oF Butter, MOS Burger, Minestrone Soup, Teriyaki Chicken burger, KFC Drumsticks, Long John, Onion Ring
Snacks: KinDer bReunO, Super Ring, Lays

Red Beans/Green Beans
Root Beer
Hor Fun
Loh Mee
Bastards & Flirts
Bitches & Sluts
Attention Seekers
Egoistic, Arrogant, Supercilious People
Attitude Problem


mOi wiSh LisT

-more dresses, more skirts, more tops-
-LV Damier Neverfull and Chanel Bag-
-$$$ and more $$$-
-IPL legs and hands-
-Go DRX Clinic-
-repair aircon-
-renovate room-
-Travel to Australia, US, Europe and Japan. Go Taiwan again-

New Resolution:

1) Learn to cook
2) Punctual
3) Sleep early
4) Exercise
5) Save up
6) Bring mummy and sister out more often
7) Slim down
8) Complete my degree


05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
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Blog Archive

人生就是为了找寻爱的过程,每个人的人生都要找到四个人。 第一个是自己, 第二个是你最爱的人, 第三个是最爱你的人, 第四个是共度一生的人. 首先会遇到你最爱的人,然後体会到爱的感觉; 因为了解被爱的感觉,所以才能发现最爱你的人; 当你经历过爱人与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的, 也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。 但很悲哀的,在现实生活中,这三个人通常不是同一个人; 你最爱的,往往没有选择你; 最爱你的,往往不是你最爱的; 而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱也不是最爱你的, 只是在最适合的时间出现的那个人。 你,会是别人生命中的第几个人呢? 没有人是故意要变心的,他爱你的时候是真的爱你, 可是他不爱你的时候也是真的不爱你了, 他爱你的时候没有办法假装不爱你; 同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你 。 当一个人不爱你要离开你, 你要问自己还爱不爱他, 如果你也不爱他了,千万别为了可怜的自尊而不肯离开; 如果你还爱他,你应该会希望他过得幸福快乐, 希望他跟真正爱的人在一起,绝不会阻止, 你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已经不爱他了, 而如果你不爱他,你又有什么资格指责他变心呢? 爱不是占有, 你喜欢月亮,不可能把月亮拿下来放在脸盆里, 但月亮的光芒仍可照进你的房间。 换句话说,你爱一个人,也可以用另一种方式拥有, 让爱人成为生命里的永恒回忆, 如果你真爱一个人,就要爱他原来的样子─爱他的好,也爱他的坏: 爱他的优点,也爱他的缺点, 绝不能因为爱他,就希望他变成自己所希望的样子, 万一变不成就不爱他了。 真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的, 你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你; 真正的感情是两人能在最艰苦中相守,也就是没有丝毫要求。 毕竟,感情必须付出,而不是只想获得; 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们感情不够稳固,只好认输, 真爱是不会变成怨恨的。 两人在谈情说爱的时候, 最喜欢叫对方发誓,许下承诺我们为什么要对方发誓, 就是因为我们不相信对方,我们根本不相信情人, 而这些山盟海誓又很不切实际: 海枯石烂、地老天荒,都不能改变我对你的爱! 明知道海不会枯、石不会烂、地不会老、天不会荒; 就算会,也活不到那时候。 许下诺言的时候千万注意,不要许下可以实现的诺言, 最好是承诺做不到的事, 反正做不到的,随便说说也不要紧, 请记住:”不可能实现的诺言最动人” 在爱情里,说的是一套,做的是另一套; 讲的人不相信,听的人也不相信。 你呢?找到了第几个? 茫茫人海中,你遇见了谁?谁又遇见了你?

please go to view encoding: Unicode (UTF-8) if you can't see those words on top. =p





please to not rip the credits =)
designer- X pictures- X
brushes- XXX
hosts- XX
fonts- X

for the brushes part , i try to credit as much as i can .
for those things i got from deviantart , i really cannot remember e poster of e pic or brushes . sorry about that . =)

7/29/2004 ♥

finaLly wOrx. caN finish dOin my thiNgs le... juz nOw went tO jubilee eAT mOs bUrger dUring breaK time. wIf reaGan, tiaN cai and rOswiNa. yUmmy!!!~** wAS sO bz tis mOrning, didnt evEn eat my brEAkfast. sTarVe all the waY tiLL 12pM wOrx!!! **ssObbbbxxxx** aNyway, now 4+pm le...waIting 2 gO hOme!!! tmL is fRiday le!!!! yiPppeeeeeee..... tiS saT oFf!!! kakakakakaka.... sOooooo daMn haPpy wOrx... i gOnna gO OUB bank apply fOr my debit caRd, theN go dO rebOrnding. tHen seE where tO gO lOr. wiLL be meeTing my d3ar fRen shaRon!!! my 2nd ai ai... LOLX... =) mayb after we dO rebOrnding wanna gO shOp tiLL at nite. cOz deaR gOt dUty on saT, sO we cANt gO out 2gether. theN shaRon alsO pasSing me hamster on sAT nite. we pLan 2 gO her bf hse picK up the haMsteR. theN ask her bf senD me hOme. d3aR agRee tO haF the haMstEr de. I'm sOooo  haPpy! i lUv pEts!!! they're cUte!~ shaRon's hamster jUz gaVe birTh, sO she waNna gIf theM away. cOz she gOt tOoo many le... sO i neeD tO get theM a caGe sOon. bUt nOw sO brOke... saD... =( waNna bUy sO many thIngs alsO......

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

7/28/2004 ♥

blOody heLL!!! faRking pCb!!! jUz nOw in scH actuAlly had a gD tiMe de. bUt b4 scH end. the mS kOh. Cb la. kNn. spOil my faRkin mOod. the whOle thing happen lyk tis:
b4 i wenT fOr tis taLk fOr tEAm leaDer. cOz eveRy1 haF tO b teAM leaDer fOr oNce, sO i wenT fOr miNe tUrn tiS weeK. sO b4 i wEnt fOr the tALk, i tOld my gRp tO fiNish sUrveYin thE pPle. sO evEry1 dOne aNd haNdEd theiR sUrveYs tO mE b4 i weNt fOr tALk. eXcept fOr cLaris. sO i tOld her tO giF me the 5 sUrveys aFter i cOme back frOm thE taLk. i sAw that she onLi haD 3 wiF her.sO i asKed heR, where's the oTher 2? she saiD she dUnch nOe whERe is iT. sHe lOSt iT. sO i sAy aNyway jUz fiNd it aNd gEt it dOne b4 i cOme baCk fROm the taLk. sO ... I gO fOr the tALk le... wHen i caMe bacK at aRd 4:45pM tO 5pm. i saW thAT the 3 pieCe oF pAPer werE stiLL lEft on the tabLe untOuch. sO i aSked heR again. sO wherE's the oTher 2 papEr. shE say she fOrget she haNded it tO hU. shE can't fiNd theM. sO i jUz kiNda of shOuted tO the cLass tO asK iF thEY seEn the 2 pieCes of paper. Ok. tHey fOund theM aNd diD the sUrveys fOr us. tHx tO theM. aFter fiNishing the sUrvEy thiNgy. I gaTherEd the gRp. aNnOunce tO theM abOut the tALk, siNce i m sUppOse tO dO sOoo. taLk taLk taLk. aFter aNnOuncing abT the taLk, i cOntiNue tO aSsigN thEM wOrk. rePort taT neEd tO b hAnded in tiS cOmin fRiday. Every1 heArd mE. bUt it was theN 5:15pM. 15 mOre minS tO gO hOme. EVery1 was obviOusly in the pLayin mOod. in thE gOin hOme mOod. Every1 pACking theiR stUffs, siGning oFf, and sAving up thEir sTuffs. sO eACh oF us wEre dOin our oWn stUffs, lyk tOkin, sUrfing thE web and bla bla bla... thEn ms kOh caLled me. sHe saW me sUrfiNg the nEt. sHe gOt vERy angry. shE asked me tO shOw hEr the fRAme wOrk. wtF? i wAs on Mc yeSTErday. hOw the heLL she want man. sHe did nOt taLk abOut dOin the fraMe wOrk and sHe's aSkin me fOr taT? in thE pieCe of pAper she gaVe us. wE werE onli tOld to haNd in our rePort by fRiday. mOreoVer, eVery1 nOes whAT tO dO. Y dO wE stilL nEed tO sPend thE tiMe dOin wAT sOrt of fRAmewOrk... sHe sAiD sHe's beEn tRyin tO b nIce on us aNd we R gETting oUt oF hand. sAy tAT i kEpt tAKin mC aNd nO 1 wOuld rEspEct me. my teaM mates wOuld nOt resPect me. say tAT i dUnch nOe anYthIng. sHe sAId if she aSK my tEAm mates thIngs, shE's sUre tAT theY nOe mOre thAN me...sAy tAT iTs nOt eASy beIng a teAM lEAdER and sAId tAT i m nOt dOin wAt a teAM leADer shOuld dO. saiD i pLayin aRd.  aNd waT dOes mY Mc gOttO dO wiF her. heLLo i haF mC. aNd itS nOt lyk i miSs scH w/O a reaSon. rEAgaN dIdnt cAMe 5 daYs aND shE diDNt eVEn saY anythiNg abOut iT!!! nV eVen dEduCe his leAve. oK....sOoo...i tOld her. I jUz caMe baCK fROm the taLk nOt lOng aGo. I alrEAdy aSsigN the wOrk. aNd she saY ok, sO teLl me wAt haF ur gRp dOne? wtF? i jUz asSign. N its nEAr tO knOck oFF tiMe, wAt she eXpeCt tO see siA. knOck oFf sOon, eVEry1 sUre sLackIng aRd 1 wAt.  i dUnch think i'm iN the fAult. eitHer arE my gRp members. i think shE jUz in baD mOod oR sOmething lyk tat... dUnch neeD tO veNt hER anGeR on me rite. I dunch miNd gETting scOlded fOr a gOod rEAson. n nOw its lyk heLlO, u jUz caMe in the rOom aNd u dUnch eVEn nOe waT's haPpening and u sTart fLarIng at me? PcB lOr... iF nOt fOr my gRades, I wOUld haf fARk her !!! aNd nOw shE waNts tO see thE frame wOrk bY tMl 9:30aM... scH sTArts aT 8:30aM. wE oNLi haF 1 hOur tO dO? aNd heLLo oUr mOrning brEak is at 9aM. dOes sHe mean wE haF nO brEAK? wAt haF wE dOne maN! NOTHING!!! She sAId oTher gRps aRe almOst dOne wiF theiR rePorts. sO wat. theY haf prEseNtatIOn tis frIday. taT's y they aRE rUshin. wE duNch hAF pREseNtatIon leh. wE haF tiMe. Y the faRk wE neEd tO rUsh? bOnkerS? she is!
ANyway, I duNch nOe wAT the faRK wE're dOin thIs faRkin TEP. We aiNt pAY fOr wOrkin fOr thEM. aNd wE neEd tO paY the fUll aMounT oF sCh feES. iTS nOt beIng fair u see. aNd in tiS mOdule wE nEed 2 dO peRsonal seLling. aNd hOw the faRK the gOnna gRade us? i dUnch uNderstaNd. thEy say if nOt by the aMount wE sELl. iTs bY the eFFOrt. tHEy wOnt b thERe tO see hOW we sELL. sO hOW the faRk they gOnna sEe oUr efforTS? tis perSonal seLLing is 10% the whOle mOdule and the paSsing rate fOr tis mOduLe is 65%. sO it meAns tat 10% is alOt tO us. peRsonaL sELling is lyk u haF tO bUy the pRodUct 1st b4 seLlin theM out tO oUtsiDers or ur fREns. bUt mOst oF the tiMe ppLe jUz bUy fOr seLf-usE. iTs sO bO liaO. whO in the heLL wiLL ask U bUy thIngs fOr thEM, wHeN they caN jUz gET it thEMselvEs outsidE. y taKe the tRouble ask pple helP u buY riTE? and the prOduct are perFUme, naiL pOlish fRom sAsa. aNd disc and disc maN aNd mOre... ppLe cAn jUz bUy theMselvEs lOr. aNd sTuffs lyk tibiTs aNd cheaPers sTuffs caNnOt be cOunted as the peRsonaL sELlin. onLi thOse abOve $20.tHey jUz waNt uS to spENd mOre in scH lOR... sLy mAN!!! FARkin Nyp. FArkin sCH!!!. wE aRE sTuCk thE whOle tiMe at TEP. wEekday 8:30am to 5:30pm and saT 8:30am to 1:00pM. hOw the hEll we geT tiMe tO wOrk Outside? we dUnch eVEn geT pay dOin TEP, haF to paY fuLL amOunt sCh fEeS aNd thEY maKe us sPend sOo mUch in sch. they think we ricH ar? siaO...
Aiya... cb la...i Juz waNna gO zzz nOW... tOo feDup 2DAy. faRKing dAy. fARkin cb. fARkin TEP.

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

7/26/2004 ♥

sAt wENt oRchaRd wiF rOswina, sAndrA, Rene anD jOsh. tHen wE rEAch thERe aRd 2pM. shOp aLittLe anD wEnt tO maKan mOs bUrgER. keke... mY faV!!! thEn aFter eating shOp agAin lOr. thEn aRd 4+ reNe and jOsh gOtTo gO le. sO the 3 oF uS wEnt cineleIsure tO bUy mOvie tiCket. wE waNna watCh meaN geRs. bUt cOuldnt get thE tiCkets... aLL fUll... nO where available also, as we diD tRied tO cheCk out~. wE eveN wALked fRm cineleisure tO LidO, aNd liDo baCK tO cineLeisurE again. sO we eNd up watChini Connie aNd carlA. waS qUite lAme bUt faRnie la... aNyway, wE hAd a gReaT tiMe tOkin. cOz shOw stArted at 925. wE haD a lOng tiMe sHoppin, eaTing & chAttiNg. sAw sOme cLothEs tAT i rEALly reALLy liKe at ciNelEisuRe!!! waNna bUy. kaka... waIt tilL d3ar taKe paY, aSK him tO bUy fOr me!!! yEa!!!
wELL, i sOrta oF cOpy tis gEr dEsign fRm her bLog. dUnch nOe she nOe oR nOt.cOz in her blOg she pOst sOmethIng lyk sOme1 cOpy hEr bLog things. sHe was kiNda of aNGry frM the waY she wROte her bLog. shE wRote in on saT eVening. bUt dUring tAT tiMe, my blOg waS dOwn. dUe tO my carelEssnesS. I gO saVe thE thiNgs b4 thE paGe fInish loAding. sO eNd up all my thiNgs waS gOne. HaF tO re-deSign again ... itS nOt the 1st tiMe le. sO i kiNda pEK chek le. sO nOw gO bacK her bLog tO gO coPy heR desIgn... keke... iF shE's tOkin abT me stEalin her blOg dEsign, thEn she mUz hAf liNk mANy pPLe tO me bah~.
aH^m1n -gOnes- tO dO heR stUFfs. taTa~~~ 

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

7/23/2004 ♥

wOooo... nOw jUz rEAch scH nia. tiREd wOrx... tOoopid Office. toOopid AttaChmenT!!! aWwww.... bUt yesteRday waS pREttY fUn... keke... wEnt mAlaYsia wiF sOme oF my cLass mATes & d3AriE... my frEn Kelvin diDnt gO 2 sch. He weNt tO reNt a caR. a hOnda. lOoks sOoo cOol fROm OutsidE. lyk chiOng cAr. wHen U gO inside, thEn thinGs lyk abiT spOil spOil 1. abiT oLd. bUt stiLL caN la... nOt tAT baD. tHen my fRen reAgan weNt oFf fRm sCh arD 3+pM. Kelvin cOme and feTch hiM gO SIR buiLding and gEt his paSspOrt chOp. thEN aT 5:30pm d3ariE cOme tO sCh tO meEt uP wiF us. sO we meet kelvin aNd reaGan at my scH caRpaRk. theN after taT we sTArteD our jOurney tO maLaysia. waS nOt reaLLy jAm. theN we reach, in nOt loNg theN 45 mins. aFter tAT wE wEnt tO haF ouR dinneR. wOoo... oRdeReD sO many things sia. cOst ArD Rm$131. thEn sOon aFter wE finish eaTing, wE wEnt tO cIty squaRe tO shOp. wE rEAch at aRd 815. tHen we gO sepERately tO shOp. I weNt wiF d3Arie, pREtty obviOus. theN reaGan weNt wiF  kElvIn nOrhx. they bOth gAy paRtnerS mah! kaKa... thEN we mEt uP at 9aM. sO we onli haf 45 mins tO shOp.wAs kinDa of hUrry. i think wE nXt tiME shLd gO dUring wEekeNd baH. cOz ouR weEkdAy is aLL bUrn. nO off. caNt gO duRing wEekdaY, gOt tOoopid aTtachment fOr all of us. and d3Arie alsO gOt wOrk mah. oFfice hOurs tOo. bUt we did njOy oUrseLvEs aFteR aLL. bUt wheN shOppin, d3ar gO aCcideNtally spOil my wAtch. cOz my wATch is thOse eaSiLy tAKen oUt 1, jUz a hARd sWing on my hand, and my watCh wiLL jUz dROp. i LuV tAT watCh. cOz i nv weaR waTch de wOrx. bUt tis waTch waS taKen frM my aUntie's stALL. i thinK its reaLLy nicE, aNd it kindA of sUit me. sO i onli weaR tat watCh. aNd wHen he spOilt it, i waS vERy aNGry la. bUt he kePt apoLogising. i waS still angRy. he tRieD fiXing the wATch. aLL the wAy caNNot fixEd, tiLL we in the cAr gOin baCk sG theN its fixEd. sO he gOt abit fedup wiF me, aNd staRted qUarreling. wE seLdom quarrel. bUt tis tiMe iNfrOnt oF my fRens he qUarrel wiF me. he vEry ai mian zi lOr (want his dignity). i thinK he dUnch wANna leT my freNs see taT i kiNda 'buLLy' hiM lyk tat nOrhx. he's lyk taT la. gOt once we quARrel, he waS lyk cRyin aNd apOlogising lyk tat. cOz tat time was his fauLt (can see other post), theN whEnevER gOt pPle walk past, he'll stOp. LOLX... dUnch cAre hiM la. bUt we laTer ok liaO la... theN gO baCk sG. ReaGaN bOught ciG. for a gEr sU-aNne in my TEP claSs, cOz she aSK hiM to. tHen aT the cUstom. oUr caR gOt scReen. THen the cig. wAS fOund. cOz they nV keep prOperly la. me aNd dearie bOught 3 gAmes cds, buBble guM, aNd cig. tOo... bUt ourS wAS nOt fOund. wAs luCky... theN aftER wE rEAch SG, we wENt fOr spinning...wOooo... Kelvin drive tO its tOp speEd at 140km/h. thE car waSnt vERy pOwer. bUt we aLmost knockEd a cAR man. cOz tis caR sUddeNly tUrn tO the 3rd lAne. tHEn luCky Kelvin brake and tURn tO nXt laNe.  bUt waS kiNDa fUn.  kElvin's heArt waS beaTing vEry fasT. cOz he drIver mah. pressure leh...kaka... theN aFteR tat he drIve us all of us home. rEAch d3ar's hOme abt 10+. theN lateR beNNy called me. thEn d3arie abit angry lor.  now he abiT cOntrOl me le... lyk aLL gUys alWAys dOes. tHen aFter tOkin tO benny. I gO wasH my faCE theN i Zzzz le... tirEd sia...
Oh ya,yesterday in sch I felt lyk jOining chEer leAding sO mUch. bUt d3aRie dUnch let wOrx... he say he dUnch lyk. he say will lEt gUys tOuch. cOz fOr sOme stUns wHEn tHey haVe tO thRow me up or waT, theY woUld haF tO cArry me. aNd he diDnt lyk taT idEA!~ sOooo... I caNt jOin nOrhx... waT tO do...hMm.... i thinK  i shLd stOp here bah~ bB!!!

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

7/21/2004 ♥

hMmmm...2daY mOrning waS rainIng...i was sO tiREd...theN i dUnch fEEl lyK wakIng up fOr sCh. actuaLLy i oPenEd my eYes aT abT 5:30aM. i saW thaT it waS stiLl earLy sO i weNt baCk tO zZzz... wHen thE aLArm cloCk raNg, i jUz stOpped it. afTer stoPpin the lASt alArM call, i tOld mysELf tO cOntiNue slPing...dUnch gO sCh la. sO tirEd le... theN i jUz Zzzzz..... aWWwww.... wAT a pIg i am !!! **oOooiNks oOoooiNks** d3Ar did nOt gO to wOrk tOo. he wAs bsidE me slPin. We jUz went oN slPin tiLL abT 8aM, he wOke uP. he nEeds tO gO gET an MC. b4 his siR cALL him. or he wiLL b in dEep shIt. sO aFter taT, he went oUt, i cOntinUe sLPin lOr... hAHa... i wOke uP onli aT 10aM. nOw thinking oF whERe 2 gO and gEt my toOoopid mC. See la, blAMe it on my toOopid laZiness. my pIggy-neSSs!!!! aWwww.... nOw haVeN bruSh tEeth then cOme infROnt oF the mOnitOr pLay cOmputEr le. wiF my hAIr sO mESs-uP, my faCe sO oiLy... Eeeeee... lUcky nO 1 caN see. oR i **shY**... lAtER mUz gO baTh, tHEn pACk my thiNgs fOR tmL,tHen taKe $$$ fRM my Mama, thEn gO finD my d3aR, thEN gO c dOctOR 2 geT my mC. 2nitE mOst mOst mOst pRObabLy wiLl be stAYin aT my d3AR hse. theN tmL gO sch fRm theRE... bUt theN, he dAMn gOOd lOr,he gOt 2 days MC.tmL i gO sch,then he caN at hOme sLp aLL he wanT. he daMn gd liFE seh. haI~ wanDer wAT he wiLl do aT hOme tmL, tiLL 530 nOrhx. sCarlY he gO out nv teLL me. oR gO naUGhty... ai ya, i thinK tOo mUch... bUt tiS kiNda oF thingS, caNnot fOreseE maH.mayb he reALLy naUghty leh... hai ~ sOmetiMes reaLLy caNt trUst lUv dE nOrhx.

actUALly i dUnch haVe aNy ambitIon la. bUt tOt oF beiNg sOmethIng simpLe. lyK beIng a hOusewiFe, beIng a gOod mOther.  gOin shOppin wiF my kiDs, aNd cOOkin fOR my d3Arie b4 he cOme hOme fRoM wOrk. bUt tis caNt be aCHieve jUz by onLi me pUttiN iN eFForT.  cOz in a relAtiOn, its nOt onLi the gERs hU haF tO pUt in eFfort. iT neEds 2 hanDs tO cLAp. if i'M the onLi 1 pUttiNG in eFFort, N d3aRie dUnch. tHen it wOuld be suCKy, u see. . . aNd its reALly diFficUlt tO trUst a gUy aNd reLy tOtALLy oN the gUy. oVer the yeaRs, i'vE reALLy seEn tOOo mUch, beEN thrOugh tOoo mUch. iTs reALly nOt an easy taSk fOr me tO pUt in alot oF eFfOrt in a relaTion.  iTs qUite a fEarfUl thIng u nOe. nO1 waNts tO geT hUrt. nO1 wanTs thE otHer paRty tO taKe adVaNtaGe Of theM. sO the leASt thing u cOuld dO tO heLp urSeLf is rEALly nOt tO pUt in sO mUch efForTs aNd thOughts in a relaTion.  as i aLways saY, pREventiOn is beTter thaN cUre. itS nOt taT i'M nOt taKin my relaTIonshiP seriOusly. bUt i dUn waNna hOpe tOo mUch oUt oF it. I dO waT i caN. aNd leT's sEe iF d3Arie dO his besT tOo... i dUnch nOe. sOmetimes i dUnch tRust a relatiOn. cOz i alWAys beLieve nOt every1 caN be hOnest.  mayb i thinK tOo mUch. maYb itS me mysElf hU caNnot be hOnest tO him... sOmetimEs i dUnch teLL hiM eveRYthing tAT hapPen,dUnch teLl hiM the tRUth. sO mayb itS dUe tO my oWN fAuLt, taT's y I can'T ovERcOme the prObLem bah.  i nOe i'm nOt gD. bUt i stiLL waNt hiM tO b gD tO me... i'm alitTle seLfish... ERm, dUn gEt it wRong. i diD nOt dO sOmething rEAl bad. iTs jUz taT he dUnch lyk me tO cOntaCt my gUys fREns. sO sOmetiMes theY caLLed, n i tOk 2 theM. i dIdnt teLL hiM. tAT's aLL... aNd haNgin aRd wiF gUys,taLkin tO guYs in sCh. i bEt he dUnch lyk it, i'm veRy sUre he dUnch lyk it. i wOuldnt lyk it iF he dO tis tO me tOo. bUt i duNch fiNd tAT its a wRong thiNg tO haNg aRd wiF cLass maTes, hAving luNch wiF theM. coZ we nv dO anything bad...or waTever... jUz frENs,jUz clAssmaTEs taLkin and having lUnch la... sOoo in case itS bcOz oF mysELf, or my pARtnER, my sOrta oF ambitiOn is nOt aChieVe. oR caNT be aCHieve. ya, lUcky i'M stiLL schLing. at leaSt haF a cERt. cAn sUpPorT mySeLf nxt time. . . sOmetiMes, rEALly feEl lyK quIttIng sCh. bUt 2 thinK oF it, as i saiD U caNt reLy tOtaLly on a gUy, it pUshes me tO cOntiNue ... I'm qUite lAZy 1. thOse dUn lyK tO stDy, yeT waNt tO get gD gRaDes. sOmetiMes i'm lUcky. bUt u caNt be lUcky ur whOle daMn liFE riTE? sO i'M qUite sCared taT 1 day i faiL oR hAf tO rePeat agAin. i dUnch waNna rEPeat agaIn, coZ it haPpeneD wHen i'm sEc 3. ai ya...taT tiMe yOung la. pLay and pLay things taT shLd nOt be pLayed. theN alwAys gO scH Zzzz.tAT's y reTain. it's reaLLy veRY lAng feI shI jIan(waSTe tiMe). i dUnch wANna wASte aNy mOre tiMe.  eRM. thiNking oF iF i reALLy fiNish my pOly, waT dO i waNna dO after taT? cOntinue? mAYb... iF i caN... i'LL see hOw... i reALLy wiSH caN be hOusewiFe, lyK tai tai, everyday aT hOme. be it sLackin, or dOin hOusewOrk, or lOokin aFter kIds, Or heLpin d3Ar in hiS paRents' fOOd staLL.(nXt tiMe d3AR gOnna take over. he wANNa gO aFTer he fiNish his ns).  i think i wiLL enjOy it mOre thaN haVin tO stdy aNd lOokin at bOoks. sOmetiMes i reALly enjOy dOin hse wOrk de...keke... i lUv tO waSH the pLates, clEAning tHe cUpbOarDs aNd mOppIn the fLoor, fAR mOre thaN gOin tO sch!!!

hMmm...ya, 2dAy nv gO sch. 1 oF my teAM mates, paL alsO nv gO sch. i think onli 3 meMebers in my gRp in scH. theY sUre very bz de... fEel kInda oF baD. acTuaLLy nOw my gRP pRogrESsing vERy weLl. we tOk 2 oNe aNother mOre oFtEn. I begIn tO feEL mOre cOmfOrtaBle wif thEM le. aNd sTarTIn tO trEAt thEm lyk fREns thAN jUz oNli coLLegues Or sCH maTEs. i lyK tiS. haVing freNS aRd U is gOOooodDDD!!! i lUv TO be wiF fREns. lUv tO haVe mANy fREns ! ! !. lUv tOkin tO fRENs. lIsTEning tO theM. gOssiPpiN wiF thEM. dOin maNy things tOgetHEr... i haTe beIng alOne... hMmm...nOw me & rOswinA aLsO geTting clOser. gOoodie. sHe's a vERy nIce fREn~ keke... saNdra aNd rOswina saId waNna gO wATCh meAN geRs. wOooo... i waNna waTch tAT shOw. heArd taT it waS gOod... keke... ai ya, nEEd to gO le...wrIting tOo mUch shIt 2dAy.... BuAi bUai...


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

7/17/2004 ♥

wOoo... nOw caN pUt cOlOuR le wORx. mE nOw aT d3AriE's hSe, jUz wOke up niAz. yEsTerdaY gO waTch sIsTers(thAi) shOw aT shaW pLazA. bUt the shOw sUx sia. siAnz.  2daY my oFf daY, kaKa, nO neEd tO gO tO scH tO wOrk!!! yEA!!! =pPpp dUnch nOe latER d3aR waKe up waNna gO whEre neH. i dUnch wanT oFf thEN stUck at hOme wOrx, vEry siaN 1. I alsO dUnch wAnT on my ofF daY gO see hiM pLAy biLLiaRd neHx. bOrinG alsO~!!! yESteRday gOt sOme pResEntatiOn, bUt I thinK i sUx leh !~. hai ~ dUnch caRe le la!~ 2daY oFF mUz njOy la... nOthin 2 blOg le...
("v")= jAsm1n3 & aDaM 06/07/2003 =("v")

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

7/13/2004 ♥

wOoo...jUz upLoAdeD piCs aT imagestation. caN gO visit the weB http://www.imagestation.com/members/xiaOm1n . But I think U wOuld haF tO sigN uP aN aCcOunt iN oRdEr tO viEw miNe~ gOin tO upLoaD mOre piCs wHen i'm fReE ...

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

7/11/2004 ♥

tis pIc wAs taKen hAlF a yeAr agO wiF my fRinge cUt (slOpe dOwn de). I wanTed tO gO cuT tis haiR styLe agAIn. bUt stiLL haVen deCiDe. Or shLd i cuT abIt mOre laYerEd? hai~ stiLL duNCh nOe. bUt eNd oF tis mOnth i sUre gOin fOr rebOrnding aNad a cHange oF haIr styLe...siCk oF my haiR styLe le...  Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

tiS 1 tOo waS wiF the slOpe fRingE... hOw is it? hai~  Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

tiS 1 tOo waS taken oN oUr aNniVErsAry. aT his hsE tOo... tiS 1 i lOok hiaO... LOLx Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

tiS pIc wAs taKen aT d3aR's hSe dUring oUr 1 yeaR anniVersAry~ kaka... d3aR sO hiAO ... LOLx Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

tiS piC wAS taKen hAlf a yeAr agO wiF my fRinge cUt (slOpe dOwn de). I waNteD tO gO cuT tis haIr sTyLe agaIn. bUt stiLL haVen deciDe. oR shLd i cUt abIt mOre laYereD? hai~ stiLL duNch nOe. bUt eNd oF tiS mOnth i sUre gOin fOr rEbOrnDing aNd a cHange oF haIr sTyLe...siCk oF my haiR styLe le... =X Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

taKen bY mE yeSterdAy.WheN dEAr aNd me aT haWker eaTing wAN taN mEe...HAha...nIce riTe? cOz i taKe 1 mah! =) sOooo cOol yea? Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

yeSterday aFter sCh(TEP) wENt tO deAR hsE...thEN Zzzz aLL the wAy tiLL arD 6+pm. TheN gO baLestieR pOint le. theN he dO his qUe theN laTEr aH beE (d3aR's cOusin) msG d3aR.asK him tO gO pLAy nuMber baLL wiF hiS frENs. sO wE wEnt tO maChpErsOn thERE de biLLiARd sAlOon aFteR he dO finiSH hiS qUe, inSteAD oF gOin buGis fOR shOppin. he's sO gReaT. wE rEAch thERe aRd 11+pM. finisH pLAyin aT 1+am. hE wOn $100+. 4 gaMEs oF nuMber baLL alREady wiN aRd $86. thEn snOoker 3 rDs win soMe mOre...sO he saY laTer (nOw) wE gOin bUgis shOp!!! hAhA... =) sOoo haPpy!!! sO i'M goIn oUt sOon. gOT tO go!!! =pPp

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

mY bAg... bOughT aFew mOnths bAck aT thaiLand... lUb iT sO mUch. bUt afTer anTHony kOr's bDAy. iT bEcOme kInda oF diRty eVen aFter I waSH. cOz kAnA cAke!!! =( Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

tiS is thE naiL pAInt fOr my fiNgeRs. DoNe by mySelf tOo... keke...  Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

kaka... tiS waS paIntEd by mEeee... my siSter's fingers!~! kaka... Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

7/09/2004 ♥

mY eLdeR siSteR nOrhx wiF heR haIr tiEd uP...iTs hER lOr, alWAys lyK tO taKe piCs alsO de...shE's gOin chiOng aT suLtan wiF heR cOLLeguEs. nOw she gO out le, tAT's Y i finaLLy cAN uSe the cOm!!! =) AWww...caNt gO out,sO tiRed Le. tmL stiLL gOt TEP!!! she's 25 tiS yeAR le,stiLL chiOng...oLd le woRX!!! haHa. dUnch kiLL me wHEn U see tis!!! Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

hMmm...Sch sTartEd fOr almOst a wEek le...1st fEw daYs oF TEP sUx.cOz my gRP dIDnt rEALly cOmmunicAte.sO wAs preTty hARd fOr uS tO gET oUr pROjeCt dOne.hMmm...bUt aFter tOday,i thinK tAT Our gRp is stARting tO hAF bOnds baH. hOpe fOr the bettEr tOo. hOpe at the enD Of tis 7 wEeks,b4 gOin tO my nxT stOp ovEr wE wOuld rEALLy b fRens le. lET's sEe hOw. hMmmm...dUring TEP waS sTucK at thE lAB fOr thE whOle day. bUt tiS few days i staRteD rUnning oUt fReqUently.LOlx. gOin fOR strOlls, gO fINd sAndRa (jUz 1 lvl belOw).kaka... bUt hAfin my cLass mAtes wiF me aT TEP wAS reALLy 1 lUcky thIng fOr me. wE reALLy njOy ouRsELvEs aNd fOoL aRd wHen tEAchERs aRen'T in. ExAMpLe, i'm in caLl cENtRE,sO Our cALLs aRE beiNG recOrdEd de, thEN tAt day reAGan caLLeD keLvin, theN keLvin wAS lyK sayin "whO thE heLL aRe U?" aND thEN he sTArteD siNging jOLin's sOng oVEr the phOne. rEagaN on the sPEakeR on hiS phOne aNd thE sOng wENt sO lOud.it cOntinUeD fOr aLmOst 2 mInuTes. N it mAde thE whOle cLass rOllin oN the fLoor laFfing. espeCIaLLy mE!!! LOLX. I waS sitTIng bEsIDe kELVIn! tHen alsO oNce we jOke abT iMagining sOme 1 caLl aNd I ansWEr "hi gD mOrning, SingapOre cASket, hOw can i help U?" aND "hi Gd mOrning, bla bla kTV, I m mAMA sAN 3, hOw caN i heLp U?" LOLX. I cant imAgine iF tAT reALLy haPPen. taT toOpid reAgan kePt oN caLLing pPLE whEN he's bOred. mOSt caLL waS mADe tO keLvin. cOz theY bOth jOkerS maN. reaLLy rEALLy hAD tOo mUch tO teLL here!!! oN wEd, rEAgaN,rOswinA, me aNd saNDra wENT tO jUbiLee MOS bUrgeR tO eaT aFter sCH. fRM 550 we staYEd thERe aLL the wAy tiLL 9+pM.kaka. . . aLL the wAY tOkin mAN. gOssiping tOo... hee...reALLy hAD a nicE tiME wiF thEM... hOpe we wOuld hAf aNOther 1 lyk taT agaIn. mE, rEagan,tiAN caI, sANdra aND rOswiNa aLsO gET alOng veRy wELL sINce tEP~ I alsO begiN tO fiNd tAT keLvin caN be qUite hUmOurOus aNd fUn aT tiMEs. aLways saYin "yeA baBy." sO faRNie!!! hee...sO haPpy tO haF cloSe fRENs aRd U~ =)

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

7/06/2004 ♥

me and d3ar 1 year aNNivesaRy 2day...~~~

!~! m1n3 !~! :

Libra Lover

Emotional relationships are based on equal give and take. Librans tend to be involved in a number of affairs and sometimes their affection and friendship is misunderstood as something quite different. Since you tend to get attracted to the opposite sex quite
frequently, you must think before getting into a life-long
commitment. Ideal matches will be with those born under Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius.
Librans like to have friends come over frequently for meals and
parties; being good hosts, they ensure guests have a relaxed and comfortable time.
As a sociable person, you have a large number of friends; this could
arouse a lot of jealousy and suspicion in others, therefore, an imposing partner would not be wise. You work very hard to be amiable, so you have no problems in getting along with family members and can go to great lengths to keep them happy and contented. The home environment will be comfortable and neat, a garden with flowers would be nice, but if that is not possible, a few ferns and indoor plants will be fine.

Libra Traveller

For you a holiday must have style and elegance. You are made for glamour and luxury. Camping holidays are not your cup of tea; unless of course the tent is fully equpped with lots of trappings. The journey has to be short and comfortable. You don't much care for the idea of being on a train from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. Physically you like to look good so stylish luggage with elegant clothes is a must.

Libra Teens

She is a beautiful young lady who is always surrounded by admirers. She is a born charmer who loves to have people around. As Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of Love and Beauty, she is always well dressed and possesses a fine sense of style. Many Libra lasses wind up in the beauty and fashion industry for this reason. Librans can't
stand being alone and constantly socialise, and in all probability, are in relationships. And being a born charmer, she will be able to keep the group enthralled. She is sometimes dismissed as superficial and insincere, but her intentions are always genuine. Since Libra is an air sign, she should do well in academics. She is drawn to beauty and aesthetics in her career.

Libra Kids

A born negotiator, the Libra child wants everyone to live in peace and will combine persuasion with flamboyance to effectively mediate in any kind of conflict. This trait, coupled with a preoccupation for a fine external appearance gets the Libran child a lot of friends. This child gets good grades at school, and when it comes to sports, prefers individual games like tennis or golf. Chances are that the Libran kid will be a little indecisive at times, so you may need to do a bit of hand-holding then.

!~! d3aR's !~! :

Gemini Personality

Funny, brimming with life, full of ideas on one hand;inconsistent,capricious,superficial on the other. These are the twins that represent Gemini, a bundle of maddening contradictions. Be that as it may, they can be simply adorable creatures who love life and add zest and happiness to the world by being what they are. You are the life
and soul of any party, amazing all and sundry with your apparent knowledge of everything. Although, it is easy for many to see through how you only skim the surface- it does not really bother you since you are going to give up your audience sooner than they are going to give you up. You may be a Jack-of-all-trades but it does not mean that you lack the ability to master skills; you just don't have the time, something else always seems to come up. You are versatile and have an amazing grasp of the
subject you choose, although it may not interest you for long. With an active and creative mind, you can come up with the goods but it still requires great
effort for you to follow them up. However, your talents, like you, need to
be recognized and appreciation serves as encouragement.

Gemini Lover

You are best advised not to rush headlong into marriage; give adequate thought before popping the question. Libra, Aquarius, fellow Gemini, and Aries are best suited as life partners for Gemini. Make sure you feel very comfortable with the person you want to marry, before you commit yourself. Anyone romantically involved with you, even for
a short while, is likely to find you affectionate, interesting, adventurous and a fun person to be with, but your fickle, almost uncaring attitude will manage to break many hearts before you finally settle down. You may be a notorious flirt, but it will be wonderful coming home to someone who has stood by you through all the highs and lows. Be sure that your partner shares your sense of humour. You are a fun person to be with. You
get along with children like a house on fire. You will never stray if your family life is satisfying.

Gemini Professional

You will do well as linguists, teachers and writers. In fact any field, which allows you to come in contact with a variety of people, will hold interest for you. Some of the well-known media personalities are Geminis. Travel and marketing are other areas of work you can be satisfactorily involved in. It is easy for you to work for people who
admire your capabilities and trust you with your work. A word of advice -
don't be greedy about money and avoid speculation.

Gemini Traveller

You love to travel with close friends and family in tow to talk to. Mercury the ruling planet wants constant interaction and mental stimulation. You get easily bored so they prefer to go on a package tour. ou would probably pack your cell phones, books, magazines and best sellers go where you go.just incase you are caught in a situation
that has you doing nothing! Television sets are a must your room..you like
to stay connected.

Gemini Teens

He is a smart and likeable young man, who charms everyone with his ready wit and humour. Though he is not a born leader, he always participates in group activity -- he loves people. He generally lacks in consistency and flits from one thing to the next. A variety of things capture his imagination, be it chess, trivia or computer games.
The chief dangers are a lack of patience and an unwillingness to persist until a
thing is thoroughly mastered. He sometimes glib-talks, simply skimming over a X-Scanned: By Symantec Anti-Virus Scan Engine X-Scanned: By Symantec Anti-Virus Scan Engine Subject: FW: FW: Zodiac Zone without a thorough understanding. He is a born charmer and can leave a group enthralled with his talk. He may find his calling as a politician or a
public servant. However, he may change his mind a hundred times about his future career.

Gemini Kids

This is a child who revels in doing too many things all at once and needs to have his or her hands full to keep boredom away. Of course this mischievous youngster is very likely to spring nasty surprises on Mom, but is equally good at entertaining friends, of which
there'll be plenty. This kid has a great sense of humour and you have no choice but to sit back and take in all the action. The Gemini child loves to talk. Make sure you leave around a lot of good reading material.

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

7/02/2004 ♥

hMmmm...yESterDay aNd weD wEnt baCk tO scH fOR sOme briEfiN oF tEP sTuFfs...waS bOrin... TeP is sOme scH aTtaChmeNt thiNgy.gOttO wOrk in sCh 4 fREe (fRee labOur) bUt stiLL gOtTO paY scH fEes.tiS is sOme scH stUffs fOr all yeAr 2 stUdents, cOmpulsOry. tO gain sOme eXpeRienCe oF wOrkin. yEAr 3 wiLL b aTtacHmeNt in thE reaL wORkin liFe le... hMmm, i waS pOSteD tO sOme sORt lyk a caLL ceNter...wiF rEAgaN,tiAn cAi, rOswinA, keLVin aND gaNesh. waS kiNda oF lUcky tO b wiF afeW oF my cLAssmATes. cOz sOme pPLe waS pOSteD tO theiR dEpArtmEnt alOne...sOooo i thinK taT wOuld b kiNda oF sCary!!! hMmm...sO fRM nXt mOnday onWArDs i wiLL be wORkin oR shLD i sAY schLing? s1AN...fRM 8:30 - 5:30pM... nOrmaL oFficE hRs. oH ya gOttO nOe tiS gEr caLL sU-aNne fRm neighbOur clAss. i aLWays sEe her bUt nV knEw hER nAme tiLL yesterday...LOLx. shE's a pREtty cOol gER wiF gReen friDge. chiOngstER aNd quIte styLish pERsOn...gOt a cOOl peRsonality. cOz shE seLDoM tOks. eVEr sAw heR at pLAnet wiF my fREn's eX gf. hMmm...bUt i hAven ask her if shE did sAW me taT day...maYb sHLd asK heR 1 day...keke... (cOz wAs kiNda oF suRprisE tO see heR wiF my fRen's eX gF, waT a smaLL wOrld) --- eRm, acTuaLLy maNy oF my fREns aRE linK bUt i stiLL fiNd it qUite amAziNg...LoLx. i'M sUch 38! LOLX. hMmm yESterday acTuaLLy dUn waNna gO sch de...bUt i dRag myseLF thERe. cOz the wOrk haVen staRt n i aLReady stArt giVin mC,wOuldnt b sUch a nicE thIng bah...waS tiREd cOZ i sLpt aT aRd 3aM aND haD tO waKe up aRd 7aM...cOZ the nitE b4 waS d3aR's fRen - dA bOy's gF bday...sO wE wENt tO bOat qUay tiS kAraoKE pUb caLL , vInce... waS qUite a sMall pLace aT the 2nd lVL,nXt tO xzOdiC. maNy ppLe wENt.oPen maNy bOttlEs alsO. bUt waSn't sUre hOW many. cOz i diDnt stay tiLL the eND. wEnt baCK at b4 2aM. aT tAT tiME alReadY oPen abt 4 tO 6 bOttles oF chiVas bah...iF i nOT wrOng... hMmm...aNd yESterday niTe d3aR cyCLe me tO a nEAr-by ( 15 mins wALk) kOpitiAm aT baLestiER tO haf oUr lATe diNner... he lOng tiMe nv cyCLe me le...thOugh itS lyk itS onLi a biCycle nia...bUt waS kiNda oF rOmantic mah~ keke...tOkin dUring the jOurney...lASt tiME b4 he gO ns beTter,cOz waS kiNda oF fREe eVEryday.sO he eVer cYCleD me tO espLanAde aNd kALlang bRidGe aNd kALlaNg haWkER tO eAT sUpPer...lUv the tiMEs. sOoo lOving...keke!!! =)

i nOw aT deaR hse...jUz sTarTed pLAyin sOme sORt oF thEme pArk gaMe. iTs nOT a onLine gaMe. bUt it seEms prETty inTerESting tO me. i sAW aLFreD (aDAm's diDi) pLayin. sO gOT hOOk tO the gaMe. d3AR nOw aT baLestiER pOint pLayin biLLiaRd agaIn...aLL tiME fAV... hai ~ hOpe he faSter cOme baCK peI me. i vERy bORed... hiS daDdy jUz caME baCK fRM biLLiaRd saLoOn tOo...his daDdy is OMG!!! daMn zUn! i'M sUre he lOse his daDdY agaIn.d3aR actuALLy alsO qUite zUn de, cOz he pLAy tOurnamEnt b4 de, bUt his daDdy is eVen beTter lOR. hMMm....ya, jUz hEArd taT my cOusin opeNing haiR saLoOn wiF hER fREn aRd bUgis aRea...wOOoott!!! hOpe she's dOin wELL...$$$ cOMe...da ji da li !!! HahA... hai ~ alfRed nOw alsO nOt at hOme. i'm sUre he's aT sPArks agaIn! 16 yeAr oLd aLL tiMe fAv. We're tOo oLd fOr tat pLAcE liaO. nOW onli d3aR's dADdy N mUmmy aT hOme...hiS muMmy wATchIn tV nOrhx.aS usUaL... aNd ya...miCkeY suRE at hOme. miCkey is d3ar's dOg nOrhx. feMALe dOg sO sHLD b bitCh bah!~ LOLX! he's bLack + brOWn coLour 1...vERy tOopid aNd sUper naUghty 1...sHE neEd tO gO yUn nAN jIan fa liAO.i thInk. cOz she eVEry tiME dROp fUr de. anYway i miSs my eX bf's dOg, bOnzOr...he's mY fAV dOg! SMart, aCtivE aNd cUte!!! aNyway, lOng long tiMe nv seE hiM le... =( eRm, my blOg tOday is fuLL oF cRaP aND its pREtty obviOus tAt I'M BORED!

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]