welcome to my blog ♥
if you are unhappy with anything , just go away .


Jasmine ♥
04 Oct
Long black and brownish hair
Small eyes
Big Nose
Simply Ugly
Canossa Convent Primary
Saint Anthony Canossian Convent
NYP Finance Services(Graduated)
SIM - Banking and Finance (Part time UOL)


Total Visits since 01 Mar 2009:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


HIM ; Lawrence aka Fatty Tan ♥
Dolling Up
Taking pictures
Listening to Music
Chill out
Friends: Sharon, Julia, Bei boy, Jasmine Tan, Linda, Ah An, Clara, Neth, Roswina, Max, Pal, Suriani, Jenny bf, Reagan, Yashi, Jiang Hao, Jeffrey, Sandy, Sze Ping, Elaine, Lay Eng, Celine, Jessie, Annie
My bday(04 Oct; pressie please!)
Valentine(14 Feb)
Drinks: Jasmine Green Tea, Coke, Red Bull, Lemon Tea, Mango Juice
Fruits: Mango, Honey Dew, Grapes, Apple, Strawberries, Banana, Guava with LOTS oF Pulm Powder
Food: bEef stEak, ScallOp, crAb, lObster, PraWn, chEese fRies, Salted Popcorn with LOTS of Butter, Cup corn with LOTS oF Butter, MOS Burger, Minestrone Soup, Teriyaki Chicken burger, KFC Drumsticks, Long John, Onion Ring
Snacks: KinDer bReunO, Super Ring, Lays

Red Beans/Green Beans
Root Beer
Hor Fun
Loh Mee
Bastards & Flirts
Bitches & Sluts
Attention Seekers
Egoistic, Arrogant, Supercilious People
Attitude Problem


mOi wiSh LisT

-more dresses, more skirts, more tops-
-LV Damier Neverfull and Chanel Bag-
-$$$ and more $$$-
-IPL legs and hands-
-Go DRX Clinic-
-repair aircon-
-renovate room-
-Travel to Australia, US, Europe and Japan. Go Taiwan again-

New Resolution:

1) Learn to cook
2) Punctual
3) Sleep early
4) Exercise
5) Save up
6) Bring mummy and sister out more often
7) Slim down
8) Complete my degree


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Blog Archive

人生就是为了找寻爱的过程,每个人的人生都要找到四个人。 第一个是自己, 第二个是你最爱的人, 第三个是最爱你的人, 第四个是共度一生的人. 首先会遇到你最爱的人,然後体会到爱的感觉; 因为了解被爱的感觉,所以才能发现最爱你的人; 当你经历过爱人与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的, 也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。 但很悲哀的,在现实生活中,这三个人通常不是同一个人; 你最爱的,往往没有选择你; 最爱你的,往往不是你最爱的; 而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱也不是最爱你的, 只是在最适合的时间出现的那个人。 你,会是别人生命中的第几个人呢? 没有人是故意要变心的,他爱你的时候是真的爱你, 可是他不爱你的时候也是真的不爱你了, 他爱你的时候没有办法假装不爱你; 同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你 。 当一个人不爱你要离开你, 你要问自己还爱不爱他, 如果你也不爱他了,千万别为了可怜的自尊而不肯离开; 如果你还爱他,你应该会希望他过得幸福快乐, 希望他跟真正爱的人在一起,绝不会阻止, 你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已经不爱他了, 而如果你不爱他,你又有什么资格指责他变心呢? 爱不是占有, 你喜欢月亮,不可能把月亮拿下来放在脸盆里, 但月亮的光芒仍可照进你的房间。 换句话说,你爱一个人,也可以用另一种方式拥有, 让爱人成为生命里的永恒回忆, 如果你真爱一个人,就要爱他原来的样子─爱他的好,也爱他的坏: 爱他的优点,也爱他的缺点, 绝不能因为爱他,就希望他变成自己所希望的样子, 万一变不成就不爱他了。 真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的, 你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你; 真正的感情是两人能在最艰苦中相守,也就是没有丝毫要求。 毕竟,感情必须付出,而不是只想获得; 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们感情不够稳固,只好认输, 真爱是不会变成怨恨的。 两人在谈情说爱的时候, 最喜欢叫对方发誓,许下承诺我们为什么要对方发誓, 就是因为我们不相信对方,我们根本不相信情人, 而这些山盟海誓又很不切实际: 海枯石烂、地老天荒,都不能改变我对你的爱! 明知道海不会枯、石不会烂、地不会老、天不会荒; 就算会,也活不到那时候。 许下诺言的时候千万注意,不要许下可以实现的诺言, 最好是承诺做不到的事, 反正做不到的,随便说说也不要紧, 请记住:”不可能实现的诺言最动人” 在爱情里,说的是一套,做的是另一套; 讲的人不相信,听的人也不相信。 你呢?找到了第几个? 茫茫人海中,你遇见了谁?谁又遇见了你?

please go to view encoding: Unicode (UTF-8) if you can't see those words on top. =p





please to not rip the credits =)
designer- X pictures- X
brushes- XXX
hosts- XX
fonts- X

for the brushes part , i try to credit as much as i can .
for those things i got from deviantart , i really cannot remember e poster of e pic or brushes . sorry about that . =)

5/29/2006 ♥

i'm at taiwan now. waiting for our breakfast at this cafe. =) can check mail and friendster. cool!

we reach taiwan about evening time yesterday. booked into our hotel and went to xi men ting last night. sad to say, our hotel was pretty run down and unexpected. but anyway, just have to put up with it for another 3 more nights. =) at least we didn't stay in a motel which we are suppose share our bath rooms with the other guests, so its good enough. =)

slept at 12am last night. early eh? hehe. was so tired. actually planned to go the 12th storey party world at xi men ting. our hotel is near there, just 5 to 10 minutes walk away. will be going taipei 101 later after we eat our breakfast. anticipating more fun!

oh ya, zi yang's chalet was great too! on our way there, we teased the taxi driver. we were with our laggage. so, when we boarded the cab, we just said "CHANGI". Then the uncle replied "AIRPORT?". We laugh and say "Changi Village. Civil Club.' its lame but everyone will prolly think we're heading to the airport with laggages. its rather embarass when we drag our laggages into the chalet. people were looking at us with that puzzled look. dumb. anyway, yang's relatives, wanting's relatives and friends were invited. thus, it was a pretty large group. they had 4 bottles of chivas, 1 bottle of martel, 1 bottel of vodka, 1 white and 1 red. hehe. cute. i didn't drink a single sip! such a good girl right? yes! i am!

i couldn't sleep the whole night when i was at the chalet. someone sleeping at the bed beside us was moving around the entire night! and then to the toilet. haha... if you read this, you should know who i was referring to right? haha!

the next morning, piyo, yang and wanting sent us to the airport. then fly fly fly... here we are. AT TAIWAN!

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/27/2006 ♥

been sleeping late recently. woke up late apparently. i woke up at 2pm when i'm supposed to meet jennifer at 4pm Parkway. quickly messaged her that i'm gonna meet her much later.

woke up, clean his room, did abit of chores. ate my lunch, bath, pack his laggage (he seems to rely on me for almost every single thing, time for him to learn to be independent when i've officially move home), get prepared. cabbed home, took $, changed then took bus to parkway. reach at 7pm. ate mos burger. yes mos burger again! =) saw ming wei smoking there, so i ate while chatting to him. jennifer came shortly after i finish eating.

check out the exchange rate from sing dollars to taiwan $. the best rate we could get is 20. so, both of us changed 500 bucks only.

we shopped around parkway, but strictly only window shopping. before we took a bus to new cathay, went over to the pet shop. i love looking at the puppies there, so cute!

reach cathay pretty earlier, so we walked over to Plaza Singapura to buy mineral water, 40 cents. haha.

back to new cathay. waited for jiang hao to reach, then in for movie. this time round, we caught the movie "x-man; the last stand" at grand cathay. so nice the theatre. i like. the movie is great, must catch ok! MUST watch movie!

after our movie, we cabbed over to lao pat sat to eat. had dim sum, sting ray and squid. yummy. chatted for quite a long time before we left for home. haha. so late. reach home only at 2+am. =)

jiang hao asked if we wanna go bangkok late june. need to see if i'm able to save that amount of $ that soon. =) anyway, passed him another $200 each and see if he and jenny are able to get better rates tomorrow.

tomorrow going zi yang's birthday celebration at changi chalet. would be staying over and he's driving us to the airport the next morning. =) wait for me taiwan! anyway, i'll need to abandon my blog for about a week. sayonara!

so many people ask me out tomorrow, but yang have the honour of my presence tomorrow. pal ask me to go drink at some pub. kk and group wanna celebrate early nic's birthday. sharon and julia wanna meet me out. jeffrey have a party at his place. wow wow. so sorry everyone. i have to go yang's bday. =) meet up soon k!

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/26/2006 ♥

Jiang Hao Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

i like this pic.  Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Me and Jiang Hao. and the spaltese. I'm in uniform. Can see? haha. A giant and a dwarf Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Fer aka Jennifer Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

me, Jiang Hao and Jennifer Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

my ugly pic. with jiang hao Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Jiang Hao and Jennifer Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

chooooooooo Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

fiona's friend and fiona Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Fiona and MEeeee Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

I am so farking piss off today. I came back from chalet last night feeling kinda of tired. After the hard time escorting the drunkard home. He vomited in the living room and I had to clean up. Was only able to catch some sleep at 4+am. At 7:30, I tried to wake him up for work. He asked me to wake him up alittle later. So I wasn't sleeping till he wakes up. At 8 or 8+, I tried waking him again. He refuses to wake up and told me he don't want to work today. Got so worked up and started packing my clothes. I've said, I will be moving after the trip. But just couldn't tolerate with his nonsense, thus I decided to move eariler. Endurance has its limit. He got agitated by the fact that I'm moving earlier than expected and got kinda of violent at me. Held my neck and pinned me down on the bed, thrice! I hate that k!

Anyway, I was adamant on moving home, so I did. I had tonnes and tonnes of things to move. I ended up with packs and packs of clothes & shoes (more than 10 pairs) and 2 luggages (with rollers). Finally, he gave in and I made him move my things for me. We reach my place at 10+am. I started unpacking. Ain't really done with the packing, I have to clean the shelves again before re-placing my stuffs. Maybe after my Taiwan trip. I still have not move my bags back, there's still some stuffs here and there. I know I'll miss sleeping with him. But past memories are still better than the recent ones, when we hug while we sleep. Now? No longer... But still, I'll miss the air-con room. My air-con is down, my computer is down. I'll be so bored at home. I guess, I'll probably end up meeting my friends than staying at home being an obedient girl. I'll prolly have to abandon my blog for sometime. Then I won't be blogging that frequent. *keep my finger cross*

I kinda of finish unpacking at 12pm, took a short nap and woke up at 1:45pm. I'm dead shit. So LATE. I'm meeting Fiona and Melvin at Cineleisure at 2pm. I bathed and woke him up. We cabbed back to Whampoa, because I forgotten all about my handphone. Then I cabbed down to Cineleisure. I reach there at 3pm. Stupid Choooo Melvin and Fiona were at Heren then. It started pouring and we're stucked at different places. I had to take my lunch all alone at Pasta Mania. Ate creamy chicken again. My favourite. Anyway, I don't feel its weird. Don't freak out k, I don't mind eating my lunch alone, doing shopping alone. =) Sometimes I'm that eccentric. It gives me some space to breathe, a space to think when I'm alone. Its better that way sometimes. But not EVERYTIME. =)

They finally managed to walked over at 4+pm. We wanted to have ice-cream buffet at the Japanese shop, but it was under renovation. So we had Fondue Fun at 2nd level (escalator go up first shop). Its yummlicious! Must try k! The chocolate is so thick and heavenly! We dip the strawberry, the marshmallows, apple, etc into the hot chocolate. Wow! I can still feel the taste of it now. Its making me drool. I'm going there for more, I'm sure! =p

After we're done with indulging ourselves sinfully. Fiona and her friend left. Melvin and me strolled around town. We were chatting at the same time. I told him about my quarrel with him. Melvin said I was petty. Was I? I really don't think so. I had enough of him. Almost 3 years, I had been nagging. Telling him not to drink so much. Know his limits. Till I get tired of nagging. I don't even wanna nag when I see him drinking alot. Just want him to be responsible for what he does. Allow him to drink all he wants, just wanna test if he's responsible enough to go work the next day. I even wake him up. But... Disappointment. Never pinned hopes on guys, they never make you surprise in joy. Surprise in disappointment - ALWAYS. I like talking to Melvin. He's rather matured for a guy at his age. Always talking senses and logic to me. Until I went dumbfounded.

Was strolling over to Far East and saw one of the guy working at Big by Safe. If I've not remembered wrongly, his name should be Wen Pie (don't know how to spell). Just smiled at one another.

At Far East: Was so tempted to buy things, but I controlled. I ended up window shopping. Lucky, I'm still able to refrain from buying. *praise myself, pat on shoulders* heehee... But I didn't actually left empty handed. I bought my ZA powder, since it was about to finish. Its darn cheap ok, $12.90 refill and new box. Approximately 10 bucks cheaper! Worth buying. If I ain't saving my money for Taiwan, I'll definitely buy more!

I left at 6:35pm for work and Melvin went home. I crossed the bridge to the other side of the road. Wanted to catch a bus or a cab. Depends on which one I'm able to get first. The bus came real soon, so I took a bus to work. Was about 10 minutes late, but Lawrence didn't scold me. *phew*. I always hear things that they were scolded by him. So scared its soon gonna be my turn. hehehe. *pray not gonna ever happen on me*

Was working all the way until Jiang Hao and Jennifer walked in. I was stunned to see them. Didn't expect them to come by. So sweet. No wander Jennifer messaged me and asked if I'm working. Still replied me nothing, just asking. =p Sweet sweet. I was smiling all the way after seeing them. I like it when friends bother to look up for me when I'm at work, even when its just a hi. I will be doubly please if friends bother to pick me up from work. =) I'm thankful for those who had picked me up k! Thats why, I always pop by Sharon's work place to say hi or even meet her up for her dinner break. hehe. *i'm sweet!* lolx =p

They ordered Spaltese and Sausage platter. Lawrence allowed me to sign out at 11pm so I can join my friends. Sat down and drank with them. I drink very little. I hope I can stop drinking eventually. =) Left at 12:15am. Jennifer's boyfriend came over to fetch her home, while Jiang Hao and I walked to the main road to catch our cabs.

hai~ chatted online with HIM. *bullied* I don't know why, but he replied me in such a rude and harsh manner when we were talking about something. Don't know what's going through his mind. Just didn't like it when people talks to me in such a hostile manner. *sad*

to add on. I think I'm out of my mind. I felt my fringe was kinda of long. I saw a pair of scissors right infront of me. And... Snapped. I cut my fringe real short and ugly. FUCK. I'm soooo out of my mind.

Whatever, I'm posting some pictures and then I'll tuck in. Night.

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/25/2006 ♥

the doggy that he bought for me on cruise about 3 years back. =) I don't need anyone as long as I have doggy by my side when I sleep. Sweet. Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

wad are they doing at the road side. I took this pic in yang's car. I'm relaxing in the car while they sat there like refugees
 Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

wad are they doing at the road side. I took this pic in yang's car. I'm relaxing in the car while they sit there like refugees Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

me at chalet Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

usss with janet and piyo at the back Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

him at the chalet
 Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

him at the chalet
 Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

him at the chalet Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

him waiting for yashi's cab Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

hmm... looking seriously at the computer Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

yesterday night. So shaggged. Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Woke up late today. Cousin woke up even later. We were supposed to meet at 3pm. But ended up we only meet up at 4+ to 5pm. Went to Big by Safe's office. Handed up my time sheet and uniform, and both of us are freed from the company~ yeah! =p

We left subsequently, she left for Suntec and I went back Whampoa. After awhile when I reach home, Yashi came and pick us up on cab. Cabbed over to Pasir Ris Park chalet. We were rather early, cause most of the people there are his/her family members. They bbq some food for us and I ate quite alot. =p *greedy* I'm glad my appetite is coming back! I want to gain back my weight. Since many people said I've lost weight, what a bad thing!

The rest of them came in at 9pm or so. Had a enjoyable time. Adam was drunk again. 2 consecutive days. I didn't drink for both days, and he was drunk for both days. There's a upcoming chalet on Saturday. Zi Yang's birthday celebration. I hope he will be sober, if not it will be difficult for us to catch our plane the next afternoon.

We left chalet at 1+am, Ah Seng was supposed to drive us back Whampoa. But he stopped at Circuit Road to sent Yashi back. At the same time, Adam alighted. He was entirely drunk, he couldn't even stand properly. I asked the rest to leave since they had to work the next day. I took care of him myself. Make him vomit and then tried to leave the place. Had a hard time walking out to the main road to catch a cab. There was this kind man who offered to help me carry him back. I thanked him and said it was okay. (Since I don't intend to stay at Circuit Road, wanna go back Whampoa because I got to work tomorrow as well). He passed me a packet of tissue. Thanks man! It came in handy. Stupid Adam kept falling down. I really really encountered big problem to hail a cab and get us back to his place. Finally, I made it and I'm blogging now, while he's lying on the sofa. Now. It's none of my business, he'll be sleeping on the sofa. I warned him many times not to drink so much but he doesn't know his limits. So, I'll wash my hands off him. 3 years, still the same old him. What had changed? Just that our relationship has gone really dull. So... Time to let go? Pondering.......

Meeting my colleagues at Cine tomorrow. Gonna have ice-cream. =) Nights!

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

5/24/2006 ♥

(= adam and jasmine =) He sucks, I'm cute. bleah/ Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

not singing. just posing! haha Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

i don't care if you wanna take this picture or not. I'll snap it =p bleah Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

i'm angry. stop the stupid smile on ur face! Posted by Picasa

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]