welcome to my blog ♥
if you are unhappy with anything , just go away .


Jasmine ♥
04 Oct
Long black and brownish hair
Small eyes
Big Nose
Simply Ugly
Canossa Convent Primary
Saint Anthony Canossian Convent
NYP Finance Services(Graduated)
SIM - Banking and Finance (Part time UOL)


Total Visits since 01 Mar 2009:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


HIM ; Lawrence aka Fatty Tan ♥
Dolling Up
Taking pictures
Listening to Music
Chill out
Friends: Sharon, Julia, Bei boy, Jasmine Tan, Linda, Ah An, Clara, Neth, Roswina, Max, Pal, Suriani, Jenny bf, Reagan, Yashi, Jiang Hao, Jeffrey, Sandy, Sze Ping, Elaine, Lay Eng, Celine, Jessie, Annie
My bday(04 Oct; pressie please!)
Valentine(14 Feb)
Drinks: Jasmine Green Tea, Coke, Red Bull, Lemon Tea, Mango Juice
Fruits: Mango, Honey Dew, Grapes, Apple, Strawberries, Banana, Guava with LOTS oF Pulm Powder
Food: bEef stEak, ScallOp, crAb, lObster, PraWn, chEese fRies, Salted Popcorn with LOTS of Butter, Cup corn with LOTS oF Butter, MOS Burger, Minestrone Soup, Teriyaki Chicken burger, KFC Drumsticks, Long John, Onion Ring
Snacks: KinDer bReunO, Super Ring, Lays

Red Beans/Green Beans
Root Beer
Hor Fun
Loh Mee
Bastards & Flirts
Bitches & Sluts
Attention Seekers
Egoistic, Arrogant, Supercilious People
Attitude Problem


mOi wiSh LisT

-more dresses, more skirts, more tops-
-LV Damier Neverfull and Chanel Bag-
-$$$ and more $$$-
-IPL legs and hands-
-Go DRX Clinic-
-repair aircon-
-renovate room-
-Travel to Australia, US, Europe and Japan. Go Taiwan again-

New Resolution:

1) Learn to cook
2) Punctual
3) Sleep early
4) Exercise
5) Save up
6) Bring mummy and sister out more often
7) Slim down
8) Complete my degree


05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
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Blog Archive

人生就是为了找寻爱的过程,每个人的人生都要找到四个人。 第一个是自己, 第二个是你最爱的人, 第三个是最爱你的人, 第四个是共度一生的人. 首先会遇到你最爱的人,然後体会到爱的感觉; 因为了解被爱的感觉,所以才能发现最爱你的人; 当你经历过爱人与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的, 也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。 但很悲哀的,在现实生活中,这三个人通常不是同一个人; 你最爱的,往往没有选择你; 最爱你的,往往不是你最爱的; 而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱也不是最爱你的, 只是在最适合的时间出现的那个人。 你,会是别人生命中的第几个人呢? 没有人是故意要变心的,他爱你的时候是真的爱你, 可是他不爱你的时候也是真的不爱你了, 他爱你的时候没有办法假装不爱你; 同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你 。 当一个人不爱你要离开你, 你要问自己还爱不爱他, 如果你也不爱他了,千万别为了可怜的自尊而不肯离开; 如果你还爱他,你应该会希望他过得幸福快乐, 希望他跟真正爱的人在一起,绝不会阻止, 你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已经不爱他了, 而如果你不爱他,你又有什么资格指责他变心呢? 爱不是占有, 你喜欢月亮,不可能把月亮拿下来放在脸盆里, 但月亮的光芒仍可照进你的房间。 换句话说,你爱一个人,也可以用另一种方式拥有, 让爱人成为生命里的永恒回忆, 如果你真爱一个人,就要爱他原来的样子─爱他的好,也爱他的坏: 爱他的优点,也爱他的缺点, 绝不能因为爱他,就希望他变成自己所希望的样子, 万一变不成就不爱他了。 真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的, 你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你; 真正的感情是两人能在最艰苦中相守,也就是没有丝毫要求。 毕竟,感情必须付出,而不是只想获得; 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们感情不够稳固,只好认输, 真爱是不会变成怨恨的。 两人在谈情说爱的时候, 最喜欢叫对方发誓,许下承诺我们为什么要对方发誓, 就是因为我们不相信对方,我们根本不相信情人, 而这些山盟海誓又很不切实际: 海枯石烂、地老天荒,都不能改变我对你的爱! 明知道海不会枯、石不会烂、地不会老、天不会荒; 就算会,也活不到那时候。 许下诺言的时候千万注意,不要许下可以实现的诺言, 最好是承诺做不到的事, 反正做不到的,随便说说也不要紧, 请记住:”不可能实现的诺言最动人” 在爱情里,说的是一套,做的是另一套; 讲的人不相信,听的人也不相信。 你呢?找到了第几个? 茫茫人海中,你遇见了谁?谁又遇见了你?

please go to view encoding: Unicode (UTF-8) if you can't see those words on top. =p





please to not rip the credits =)
designer- X pictures- X
brushes- XXX
hosts- XX
fonts- X

for the brushes part , i try to credit as much as i can .
for those things i got from deviantart , i really cannot remember e poster of e pic or brushes . sorry about that . =)

8/31/2004 ♥

hMmm... nOw in sch nehx... sian w0rx... later have to do some project work... on hygiene... then later at 10am got briefing on our client's project... tis time haf to do flash for comfort, i guess... sian... i juz hope i no need to come to sch, can slack at home. till i rot. i dunch mind... awww...my eyes are so heavy rite now~ juz feel lyk ZZzzzz...

later after sch meeting sharon and gwendy @ orchard. gonna haf dinner and tok cock... but anyway, i already spend tis week $$$ away le... so later i will juz see them eat~~~ -_-" today tues nia, yet i already spend all the $ till friday de...yesterday asked my fren, jenny who's working at baleno to help me buy some stuffs at giordano. since she noes some fren who's working there, and can entitle to 30% discount. then i bought 5 of them which cost me $49... so now so broke le... my mother only gave me $75 for monday to friday. then sunday i already spend $4 on a pouch and $12 on a pink top.

juz came back from north canteen. some of my frens went for breakfast. so we followed... juz got very angry juz now... shouted at reagan... tat time when tat toopid dumb guy in my stop over asked for my number, i gave him reagan's number. then reagan said yesterday nite he called him. then he say he very annoying. yes i noe he is! then he shld pick up and scold him. since i already told him to the other time... then he say if he call him again, he will gif him my number... I HATE TAT TOOPID DUMB GUY!!! I DUN WANT HIM TO HAF MY NUMBER... i dun mind them joking about me and him... but i juz dun want him to haf my number! coz it was all meant to be a joke and not for real!!!! and reagan my fren, soOooooooooooooooo irritating! since i was already kinda of angry wif him coz he nv come bbq coz of some reason, tat's y i can't tolerate le, juz flare and shouted in the canteen...

last sat when for the bbq wif crmcc2 pple. was kinda of fun... after sch went immediately to suntec wif joan, kok chuan and ting ting... we go get the bbq food and stuffs. later on tiancai and roswina joined us... we shop kinda of long for all the stuffs, bought many things... then at the bbq we chat and eat lor... as usual... then after the bbq. my teacher offer us vodka. (coz the bbq at her hse de)... only drank abit... became kinda of red. as usual... but tis time really get red very fast leh... haha... dunch noe y... then when i go back home. dear wait below my block to pay the cab fare for me... he dunch believe i only drank 2 cups... coz usual, go drink wif him or his family, i also not so fast turn red...haha... but i thing i hate about drinking, i get rashes and turn red from head to body... everything!!! then my face really will turn very ugly... but usually i dunch mind la, coz drink at pubs or ktv, dark wat... no1 really go see my face very red or wat... haha.... anyway, i left the bbq ard 11+.... coz if too late then midnite charge le... some more my hp low batt le... need to use roswina's hp to call d3arie faster go my hse downstairs... then teacher's family also need to slp le... then when i reach home, i Zzzz le...

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/27/2004 ♥

hai ~ nowadays hardly got time to blog worx... so bz wif sch stuffs... need to do up a flash by today... i juz finish by yesterday nia... so 2day abit slack abit....then now also stayin at dear hse le... everyday pei him... then juz lend the dolphin bay cd part 2 de frm Ting Ting... then now watchin norx... everyday at least 1 cd... i already watch part 1 very long time ago le... but dunch haf part 2. coz i nv buy. then now got pple lend me le... can save $ no need to buy~ keke... =)

yesterday juz went shopping awhile wif dear at Far east plaza. bought a cap and visor. keke.. d3ar bought specs again.. hiao !~ hahah =) then after tat he go play billiard. we ard 11pm then reach home... finish watchin the 1 cd then i zzz le... but 2day so tired... cant wake up.. suppose to go to sch @ 8:30am, but only reach sch at 11am... keke... =X

then tml need to come sch again.. every sat de.. sian rite? hai~ but after tat got BBQ wif CRMCC2 pple~ my last stop over de pple... @ our supervisor's hse~ wOooo... hope it will be fun... then say after tat wanna go china black.. but damn sian eh, i dunch feel lyk goin.. aiya, see how. . . tml then say~ anyway, gotto go... bb~ =)

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/21/2004 ♥

hmmm....2day already br0ught s0me cl0thes t0 d3arie's hse le~ tml then m0ve there le. tml g0t m0re things to bring there.

hai~ yesterday, the too0oopid reagan frm my class!!! awwww... disturb me... when we on the way in MRT wif sandra, r0swina, myself and him. then saw tis guy call ha0 en frm my TEP de. he damn nerd de l0r. and als0 ''hands0me''... hahaha... sOoooo Eeeeeeeeeeeeee.... then reagan go di siao me, tell tat ha0 en i lyk him!!! OMG!!! tat would be NV happen man!!! evER!!! nV evER!!! he told him tat i lyk him, i lyk his smiles and stuffs. then 2day is the last day of TEP. then he t0ld him, tml remember to gif her ur hp number leh. then tat guy even say 'ok, np' or something lyk tat...FARK? i'm scared. i kept pinching him and asking him to stop. but then he go tell tat guy i'm too happy tat's y i kept laffing. but i laff coz i think its sOoooo farnie! he actually believe... OMG. dUmb!

then today, tat hao en came ar0und asking the attachment pple their msn address. then he came to ask me at last, then he some more ask me f0r my hp number leh... which he didnt ask the other. i'm scared. i'm really scared. wat the fark should i do man... soOooo, i decided to gif him reagan's number!!! hahahahahahahaahhahahahahahaha... then later some of my frens go di siao him say, hey so how u feel about tat. he say i'm very excited, its a life time experience tat i nv had... Eeeee...sUx man!!! my hair are standing... i can't stand...then later i went to the toilet... then when i came back, roswina and some of them told me tat they go ask him when i not ard. they ask him, so how u make the 1st move? then he say ya. then they asked again, so wat u plan to do nxt? he said i not sure. muz plan. then they asked again, are u goin to ask her out for lunch? then he answered, something lyk mayb? i not very sure la... but was something lyk tat. i scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW? if he's 1 yandao or cute guy, i dun mind he thinks i lyk him. but he's lyk WTF? it really scares the hell out of me man... i'm not trying to booast or act as if some1 lyk me. but i think he bec0me lyk tat c0z he t0t i lyk him!!! WHICH I NV! then later tian cai was tokin to me. he play play bang the table. then tat hao en say him, 'hey how can u lyk tat, not gentle man!'. can see tian cai was kinda of shocked. so he di siao hao en, 'hey y i cannot do tat to ger, why i cannot do tat to JASMINE?' he say, actually me and jasmine....then i added on sayin we got 1 leg liao. then tian cai say ' hao en, u dun mind hor, me and her already the past'. then i think tat hao en also believe lor~ he damn dumb leh!!! how? some more my nxt stop over same as him leh!!! i really dun noe how. i muz see him for the nxt 7 weeks again!!! ai ya... i really wanna knock myself on the wall. pls help me god!!!

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/20/2004 ♥

Yesterday was juz another unhappy day f0r me...

during sch, we did the mystery calling for can0n pr0ject. then later the agent sp0ke s0 s0ftly tat i c0uld hardly hear her. she did greeting lyk ' good aftern0on, can0n singapore'. h0wever, it was really too s0ft tat i miss it. then later i did n0t review my calls b4 i went off. c0z its n0t as and when u can review the calls, u muz wait till n01 is on the line, then u can review ur calls. m0reover, i wanna g0 stdy f0r the test which is in an h0ur time... then later, my teacher actually helped me review my calls. then she was lyk saying me. th0ugh she nv sc0ld, but i feel s0 eeee... she say i wasnt seri0us during the call, tat's y i c0uldnt hear th0se... but its NO... when she review the calls, she c0uld adjust the v0lume, tat's y she c0uld hear it...and the agents sp0ke s0 fast f0r the greeting and s0 s0ft. h0w the hell was i supp0se t0 hear. i was juz g0in back to d0 my call reviewing. b4 i c0uld d0 the review, she already did it f0r me...

after sch, i met d3arie @ n0vena mRt. then later we wanna g0 opp. take bus to his hse tat time. he saw his fren. a malay ger. then he juz smiled to her... but he did n0t tell me tat he saw his fren. i dun mind him smiling 2 her, obviously! i w0nt even mind if he st0p to t0k 2 her.. but he think i invisiable mah? can't he juz say, 'hey tat's my fren'? i'm his gf leh, then he cann0t share his things wif me de meh? even if i see my fren on the r0ad, we nv greet, tok or smile to 1 another, i will still tell him ' hey tat's my fren'... but y can't he share things wif me? d0es tat means tat he als0 d0 tat f0r 0ther time? lyk when he see his other frens outside? he w0nt even tell me? mayb even if he see his ex gf, he juz smile or d0 s0me eye c0ntact w/o telling me? i juz feel lyk he treat me as if i'm n0thing... hai~... dun care... i will d0 s0mething even w0rst...

i stayed at d3ar hse until i finish watching Singapore Idol. after tat, went my hse there the hawker to eat my dinner. then later kenneth came up my hse t0 d0 s0me scanning. he reach my hse approximately near to 10pm. then later my sister was using the computer at tat time. i t0ld her to hurry... anyway b4 tat, on tuesday, i already called her up to ask if the scanner pr0gramme was already install. (coz we juz ref0rmat our c0m as it was down wif s0me to0ooopid virus). she t0ld me yes. s0 i assume wat she said was c0rrect. rite? then later she wanna scan the stuffs, then she f0und out tat the pr0gramme wasn't install yet. then she install it. she wanna help pple d0 stuffs, then she still on her farking game, tat farking lags the c0m lyk fark. she was using msn, checking mails, yah00 chat, game and helpin installing the pr0gramme. she made us wait fr0m 10pm to 11:50am. the pr0gramme still wasn't install. d0 u think it was p0ssible? c0z i m using a 1.7 c0mputer. it sh0uldnt be tat lag. s0 u n0e y it lags? yes, her game is farking lag! it always hang the c0m too. its a taiwan server and many pple playin tat game. its n0t the 1st time, she said she all0w me to use the c0m or d0 my stuffs and she nv 0ff her game, she juz park there. ok. fine, i t0lerate wif it... it was 11:50pm s0 i ask kenneth if i c0uld pass him the stuff back by tml. c0z he 2day als0 g0t sch at 8am. s0 i feel bad to ask him stay l0nger. then he say 0k.

s0 after he left, my sister t0ld me, ' OK I'll help u scan by tml'. s0 i juz say 0k, juz remember to d0 ar... i was quite happy, at least she offer to do s0me things f0r me... but after awhile, she started yelling at me... she said i very stupid always kana used by my frens. she say 'why u s0 haolian want to help ur frens do thing'. i juz tell her nicely, my fren already noe that i haf scanner at home, and its juz a small stuff, y she make such a big mess. she say tat kenneth is my bu 3 bu 4 fren. but NO, he's NOT!!! he's obviously NOT!!! he's a nice guy, he's my gOod fren. he's not making use of mE! he's always there to listen to me whenever i'm sad. he's very understanding... i luv him as my fren!!! i really really get al0ng well wif him de. y muz my sister say i always kana use by my fren, when i nv... it's all bullshit! i g0t afew good gers fren, who's shar0n, julia and more. (real cl0se 1) and i haf afew g0od guy frens whO's kenneth, ah an and m0re... (real cl0se too)... hu is she to say my fren making use of me? fark man... then later she start sayin me, i get all the crap for her to do. hey, she's the 1 offering to do the stuff when i did n0t ask her to d0. and now she's yelling @ me. i already tried not to use the com when i reach home. for many days, i havent been using my hse computer... i even rush my sch project juz bc0z i noe she SURE wanna use the com, and i dunch wanna snatch wif her. coz we'll juz end up quarreling. i lyk to be in peace wif every1. but y is she always picking on me. and its always bcoz of the stupid game! she's my sister and juz bcoz of the game, she's yelling @ me. i t0ld her. she said cant she juz play game after a whole day of tired work. as if she's the only 1 workin. as if she's the only 1 tired. she said everytime i wanna use the com, i want it NOW. if i ever did tat, y is it tat i waited since 10pm to 11:50pm? i juz wait u noe, i nv said anything! and b4 i came back yesterday, i already msged her ard 7pm to let her noe my fren comin to scan his stuffs. she did not make any disagreement, and now she lyk tat... i really cannot stand it anymore. she's such a pain in the ARSE! the other time she als0 quarrel wif me c0z she dun all0w me to use the c0m when my fren wanna send me a pr0ject tat needs to be printed and handled it the following day. actually its many times i gif in to her already. and tis time, i dun mean to quarrel wif her. i juz tell her nicely and she start shouting. u can't expect me to keep my thoughts to myself rite? if i nv tell her, she's nv gonna noe wat she do to make me angry. she's nv gonna noe y she did something so unreasonable. i juz told her everything to let her noe. but she's juz getting on my nerves. i'm fuming mad!~ i juz sh0uted her 'fark u, i dun wanna tok 2 u'. i noe i scold her lyk tat not good la. i noe if we still continue our arguement, it wouldnt lead us anywhere. i feel i shld juz stop and let her think.

anyway, when my mother came back from church. i told her about it. and she say i muz forgif and stuffs. as usual. then i explained to her and told her i w0nt be g0in h0me anym0re. onli during the weekends(friday and sat), coz my sister would go back to her new hse during the weekends. she already married, i mean ROM, but not the traditional wedding and the dinner yet. actually my mama dunch agree, she said dun becoz of tis kinda of things then dun wanna come home.she said she will miss me. i told her, its not the 1st time, u haf eyes to see, ya i do miss u too, tat's y i still come home. but now i dun wanna come back anymore. if coming back juz make u sad, unhappy. then wat f0r u want to c0me back. u shld all the m0re try to avoid quarrelling. rite? i believe if we go on quarrelling lyk tis, it will really affect my relation wif her. so my mama agree, she agree to gif me my $ by week. coz now is everyday i take frm her. then if i nv go home, d3arie will gif me $ for sch... so i guess starting frm nxt week, i will be moving to d3ar's hse...

hmm... i gonna go.. bb... bz le..

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/16/2004 ♥

another RU HUA pic... d0 i l0ok lyk her? yea...!!! whahahah Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

d3ar and me again Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

d3arie and me...  Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

kaka...too many Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

haha... RU HUA!!! Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

yesterday got kinda of angry wif d3ar. actually yesterday suppose to stay @ his hse de. then my mama called me to go home, coz i really very l0ng nv g0 h0me le. then the main reas0n was, c0z i need to take my script for my CRM thingy. the customer satisfaction script, c0z n0w d0in s0me pr0ject f0r can0n. g0tt0 d0 s0me survery f0r can0n cust0mer to understand can0n's customer satisfact0ry level. s0 its kinda of impt. f0r me t0 g0 take that to0pid script. s0 i went h0me... b4 tat, i t0ld d3ar to g0 my hse. he said ok. then later i think, 0h ya. need t0 g0 back early, s0 i can practise my script thingy. then i t0ld him. at tat time he dunch wanna g0 anym0re, he said he's feeling very sick. ya, i n0e he's sick. but he pr0mise to g0 my hse many times le, but at the end he nv g0 c0z he sick. ya, i n0e he sick, if he dunch wanna c0me, then i shld n0t f0rce him. but yesterday, i really h0pe he c0uld c0me. then at the end nv, s0 i was kinda of disapp0inted. he didnt even send me d0wn, he knew i was kinda of unhappy. he didnt even gif me $$$ t0 take cab h0me. i n0e, he kinda of br0ke le, after all the cl0thes he b0ught f0r me and stuffs. i dunch mean to be angry, but s0metimes, if u really h0pe s0mething to be tat way, but it turn out n0t 2 be, and u will get very disapp0inted. s0metimes u think the pers0n feels the same way as u feel. u feel tat the you l0ve to stay wif the pers0n and u th0ught tat the pers0n l0ve to haf u ard. and it turn out tat its n0t. u'll haf n0thin 2 say, and u w0nt wanna say anything too... hmmm... i n0e he's sick, but when i sh0w him tat i wasn't tat happy that he isnt c0min 2gether to my hse. he said s0mething lyk ' ok, wait f0r me, i'll c0me'. i was at the lift already. i juz said nvm. i knew tat he dun mean wat he say. he's juz acting... he dunch even want to c0me my hse... then y muz he act as if he wants and its juz c0z he wasnt feeling well, tat's y he can't c0me... aww... i dun noe la... he kept calling me. but i'm still angry n0w. i dun n0e wat to do... sianz...

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/15/2004 ♥

duNch wOrry. tat's nOt me... taT's Ru Hua or Yi Duo Hua... hahahah... the 1 in jACky wU's shOw... alWays saBo ppLe de...  Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

hmmm... its bOred here. i'm at d3arie's hse. he's waTching vcd, 'yi tian tu long ji', the 1 tat is showing everyweek end on channel 8. he t0ok th0se vcd frM my hse de... cOz my fatHer finish watchin le. kiNda of 'bz' tOday. cOz i maDe myselF bz. jUz nOw clEAn up my fisH taNk, haMster caGE, batH my haMsters, tOok down the dRieD clOthes, fOlded theM, irOn sOme oF theM and haNg thEM up. oh thinK later i gonna wasH sOme plAtes bAH. oh ya, jUz nOw the tOooopid miCkey (d3aRie's dOg) uRine oN hiS mama's beD. shit tAt bitCh. sOmetiMes i plaYed wif her cOz i'M bOred. aNd shE's jUz an animAl, aNd i shOuldnt geT sO aNGry wif it. ritE? bUt she's kiLLing me. alWAys anyhOw uRine. eVEn oN d3ar's beD tOo!!! wE always neEd tO cLoSE our dOor tO prevEnt her fRm enTering the rOom. aNd nOw i dUnch nOe y his mAmA's rOom dOor wASn't cLose. she diD it thEre. ok, sO i jUz tOok oFf the maTress aNd puT theM in the bASket. siNce the waShing maChine is nOw 'bz' wiF sOme clOthes inside. i caN't pRObably wash theM up.

ai ya, nO mORe 'Ru hUa' shOW... hAha, was reFerriNg tO sOme jACky wU's shOw... which sABo ppLE 1... theRE's a wOman whO alsO dO the saBotagE. tAt wOman sO faRnie... shall post her pic up fOR U pple tO see...keke...

wOOo... i heaRd fiRewOrks nOw... wOooo... i almOSt fOrget taT tis mOnth is the firE wORks fEstivaLs... AWww... i misSss it. shLd haF weNt therE tO see fiRe wOrks... it wOuld be sO rOmantiC. sOme mOre its by sOme fiRe wOrks eXperTs frM oVErsEAs wOrx... hai~

hMmm...yeSterday didn't weNt tO mARina sOuTh wiF CRMCC2 pPLe. reALLy feeL baD. bUt rOswina dUnch waNna gO. i dUnch wannA feel sO akwArd wif thE others. sRRy jErry if U eVEr gET tO see tis. sRry fOr sayin tAt i'M gOin, aNd lASt miNute, i didn't tUrn uP.

inStead oF gOin there, d3Ar bOught me fOr shOppin. WEnt bUgis 1st. wANna geT my dr3ss. bUt i thinK tat shOp was clOse. taT's y can't geT tat dress yesterday. nvm, d3ar say tuEsday then we gO again. aT bUgis, d3ar gOt himself a T-shirt. after bUgis, we weNt tO ciNeleisUre. diDnt bOught anything @ the shOp tat i aimed. duNch nOe y. didNt see tHose nice cloThes taT i saw the other time when i gO wif rOswina and saNdra. sO we heAded tO hMV. i bOught 2 tOPs, 1 of them was fRM 77th stReet. i wanna bUy 2 mOre tOps. bUt d3ar refUse tO bUy thEm fOr me. cOz he say it's kiNda of reveaLing, he dUnch lyk it, and he's nOt bUying them fOr me. nVM... ( i thinK i'll gET theM myself). theN aFter hMv, we weNt tO fAr eaSt. gOt a 3/4 paNTs fRM therE. its nOt reaLLy veRY nice, bUt d3ar saiD tat's its oK. nOt bad. sO he askeD me tO geT that 1 tO gO wif the tOp i jUZ bOught at hMv. i alsO wanteD tO bUy caPs, bUt the design wasn't taT mUch. i think the nxt time we gO shOpping, i'll b gOin to hUnt fOr caPs!!! kakaka. we sPent aRd $110. theN we weNt hOme... wHen reaCH d3aR's hse, i was lyk daMn tiRed le. sUppOse tO gO hOme yeSTerday nite. bUt waS tOoooo tiREd. sO jUz zzzz le... tiLL 2daY...

tmL gOin tO scH again. i thinK i waNNa bUy the blUsher fOr peRSonal seLLing. i gOT myself 1 b4. iTs suiTs me, i thinK aNd the blusHer itSelf lOoks cUte... piNk bOx, anD the powDer itsELf is insidE the puff...wOoo... sEems lyk a tOy bLusher tO me... aCtually, i waNted tO geT it on sAT de. bUt whEn i gO there, theY tOLd me its out of stOck. sO let's see if they caLL me by tmL. if sO , i will get theM tML. iF nOt, stiLL haF tO wait loR.

thinK 2dAy stiLL stayin at d3aR's hse bAH. tmL theN gO hOme. bUt as he saiD, we'll be gOin bUgis. sO i thinK we gO bUgis le, theN we gO hOme. . . its beEn a lOng tiMe, i reALly stAyed aT hOme... i thinK mama misses me, i miss her tOo... she mUz be saD, cOz i'm alWAYs nOt at hOme... hai~ $#%%#$ d3ar, shld stAy my hsE mOre oFtEN, thaN me cOmin his hse!!! nOt fair. whEn its the daY tat we sUppose tO gO my hse, we wiLL reaCh my hse arD 10+ to 11pM. wHen its almOSt tiME for beD. theN i haRdly haF tiMe tO speAK tO mama aNd eVEry1 eLse. bUt whEN itS sUppose tO be gOin his hse, wE'll reACh his hse aRd 6+ tO 7pM. sO its reaLLy uNfaIR!!! i wANNa cOmplain !!!

tmL is jUlia's bdAy. my gOod fREn! keke... hAPpy biRthday wORx!!!

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/13/2004 ♥

tis 1 tOo... Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

d3ARie & me... uSE anThOny kOr's hP taKe de... anTHony kOr leNd d3AR his nOkia 6230... cOz he gOt the lATest nOkia pHOne...sO envy. he sO riCh...keke... =) tis 1 taken neaR anTHony kOr's hse the bUs stOp there after taKing the pHone frm him...keke Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

my hP. GD 88...alOt of sCraTChes le.. bOught dUrin fEb de... Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

my wATch...keke...sAW aT my aUntie's shOp...then i lUv it alOt... i nv weaR waTch de.bUt dunch nOe y i luV tis 1. then she gave me...kekeke.  Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

my shOEs... nicE? my eldest sisTer bOught fOr me de...keke Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

anOther piC oF the saMe naiL paInting... tis week de..  Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

tis 1 is painted by myself...all handd0ne. n0 stickers and stuffs. keke..  Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

tis 1 taKen aT nOvena sqUare...caN see d3aR kissing me? keke.. Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

tis 1 taKen in sch. CRMCC2. keke Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

tis 1 tOo...tis 1 i put eye liner worx...kaka...goin kbox (paradiz centre) Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

and tis 1... Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

reCent piCs afTEr i cUt and reborn my hAir... Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

tis 1 tOo... Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

jUz uPdaTeD my piCs into multiply.com and imagestation. can go log in and view if u want... keke... goin out soon...2day nv go 2 sch... awww...coz i nv hear the alarm... gotto go. kinda of rush le...bb~

yesterday jasmine tan and weihong bday...anyway, happy birthday!~

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

juz reach d3ar hse... so tired... but i still feel lyk painting my nails...but i scared i cant wake up tml m0rning f0r sch w0rx... hai ~ d3ar havin fever of 38.3 degrees. sO i came tO his hse. jUz nOw after sch went to watch the movie 'notebook' wif roswina. actually jasmine tan, jianghao, tiancai and tiancai's gf (jamie) wanna watch tat movie too. but last minute they decided to watch twin effects 2. so left both of us watching. the show was really wonderful. i onli haf 1 word 2 describe it 'FANASTIC'. its a romance story. and its super touchin. i shld not tok abt the storyline here. in case u pple reading wanna watch tat show. i strongly recommend tis show man. its been i long time i've watch a show that's nice. in fact i love to watch horror movie. but saddly, there's none ! all the horror movies i've watch the past few months are lame` sOoooo lame!~ dunch really lyk them except for dawn of the dead and eye2. hmmm.... in the story the main actress and actor love was really true f0r 1 another. at the moment of watching tat movie. i was lyk...how i wish my love was lyk tat. who doesn't wants to haf a wonderful luv rite? yea, i dunch doubt. but i would say, how many of them really had the so called 'wonderful luv'. i bet its juz a handful. hai~ i muz be dreaming at tat time... to think of it we should be living in the real world man. hello jasmine, pls wake up... haha... we shouldn't b living in the world of fantazising. erm my english and grammar mistakes and spellings are lousy. dunch mind me. if u wanna read juz read. haha...

hmmm... after the show, we meet the other 4. since we watchin at the same place. which is Plaza Singapura. sO we met at MOs burger to eat... i didnt haf the appetite to eat... dunch noe y. onli drank minestrone soup. then we talk all the way till 10:30pm, frm 8:10pm. show was 6:45pM to 8:10pM... thEn when i reacH home, it was almost 11:30pM. i rUsh to pack my stuffs. then took a cab to d3ar hse le... po0r dear. sayang~ tml he's on MC again... i'll be going to sch... then after sch meeting shaRon to buy juLia's present. then miGht be goin to julia's workplace to pass her the present and give her a surprise. hopefully, d3ar would recover by tml. then he'll be goin to my hse tml... kakakaka.... luv d3ar d3ar~!!!

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/12/2004 ♥

Gemini ( may22- jun21)

Very Good : Aries Scorpio Taurus Libra Leo Sagittarius

Good : Pisces Capricorn Aquarius Gemini Virgo

Gemini Man:

The dual nature of Gemini man combines two completely
different personalities. He always contradict himself due to this
dual personality. His personality keeps changing constantly. He
cannot be tied down to one place or one idea. He cannot stand
routines. He could breakdown with boredom. He likes to converse
and mix with people and hates loneliness. He is generous with
money. He has a brilliant humor, tact, diplomacy and adroitness
yet lacks persistence and patience. He is faithful and very honest
person. He likes his woman to be a mental companion, one who
matches his wits. He is not an egotist.Love is not just physical
to him. He is a romantic person. He makes a friendly father and
very close to them. He spoil them as he doesn't like to impose any
discipline over them.

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

Libra ( sep23- oct22)

Very Good: Gemini Virgo Capricorn Aquarius Libra Taurus

Good: Aries Scorpio Sagittarius Pisces

Libra Woman:

Libra woman treasures the man she's chosen to love and
honor above all else on this earth. She is a perfect companion and
is romantic.She doesn't like to be a stone around her husband's
neck. She is fair and weighs everything twice before making a
decision. Her decisions are usually right, as they are made after
careful considerations. She is highly intellectual and has amazing
powers of analysis. She makes a good professional advisor in
business. One cannot help appreciating her efforts at fairness and
her ability to judge correctly by weighing all sides, when it
comes to something that really matters. She is sentimental and
affectionate. She is very dependable and raises herself to face
the problem when there is crisis in the family. A Libra woman is
affectionate and never neglect her children.

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

tOok tiS tEst


You are Tweety!You are cute, and everyone loves you.You are a best friend that no one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings and seldom have your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You are witty, and calm most of the time. Just keep clear of backstabbers, and you are worry free.

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/11/2004 ♥

i'M sOooo bOred... nOthin 2 dO wOrx... jUz noW weNt tO seE my PEM - persOnal mentOr(FoRm tEAcher). sHe jUz caMe bacK frM matErnal leAve. wOoo congrATs!~ she shOwed uS heR baby pHoTo. cUte... mOehOg haiR~ kaka... =)

haI~ 2day d3ar nV gO wOrk again. sO envy... he sO naUghty. alwaYs sicK de... lAteR shLd be gOin tOa pAyOh bah. change oUr hp adaptOr thiNgy. theN laTEr gO baCK his hsE take mOi thiNgs thEN gO hOme ... tmL sCh agaIn. AWww....bOring.... i heArd fRM my frEN the mOvie 'nOtebOok' is a vERy tOuching lOve shOw wOrx...feEl lyk waTchin~ oMg... miss sO maNys mOvies le... waNna waTch bRotherhOod and mEAn geRs. bUt nOw shLd be dUnch haF le baH~

nxt mOnday is my beSt fRen jUlia's bday. me aNd shArOn pLanneD tO gO bUy her pResent tiS fRidaY aFter my sCH. meEting her aT bUgis... thEn wE plaNnEd tO giF jUlia a sUrpriSe. gO heR wOrkpLace tHere lOok fOr her and paSs her the preseNt. keke... 3 oF us bEst frENs!!! aLways wiLL be~ keke =)

oH ya, juZ nOw sAW aMelia. WOooo... shE paInteD her naiLs. shE alWAys gOt a tALent tO dO manicUre herSElf. vERy niCe wOrx!!! wANna leT her paiNt tOo!!! reaLLy lyk oUtsidE maNicUre 1 lOR... sHe's dOin fOr her aTtaChmeNt. I thinK she cAMe oUT the idEa heRself wOrx... cOool...

hMM....shld update my blOg nXt tiME... c yA...

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/09/2004 ♥

jUz wOke uP at 1+pM 2daY. cOz yeSterday slePt aRd 7aM oR 6+aM. yESterDay weNt kbOX wiF d3aR anD d3aR's fRens(kK, eDdy, xiAObOy). 5 oF us. oPen chiVas (kk's fAv). aCtuaLLy shLd be gO wiF d3aR's mAma de. bUt she's tOo tiREd. sHe didnt slEep fOr mOre thaN 1 day le. cOz she wEnt IndOnesia gAMbLe wiF frEns 1 whOLe daY. yESterday eVEning thEN she caMe bacK. sHe sAId shE's tOo tiREd tO gO le. sO she gaVe d3aR aRd $150 tO gO ouRselvEs lOr. We rEAch kBox (paraDiZ cEntRe de) @ aRd 12aM. cOZ 11+pM theN wE wENt Out mEet thEM. wE wEnt mAkan 1sT theN gO kBox. thEN yEsterDAy is eVe oF nAtiOnaL daY. sO oPEneD tiLL 4aM, sO we saNg tiLL 4aM nOrhx. bO lUgi. HAHA =) fUn wORx. haHa... sAng aNd sANg. acTUaLly waS pUt in thE smALlEst rOom. cOz nO rOom. aFter we saNg fOR aRd 1 hR theN we cHanGEd intO the nOrmaL siZe rOom. thEN theY sANg aNd pUrPosely mAke faRnie patTern aNd exPressiOn. thEN d3aR gO recORd theM in the hP. haha... =) thEN at 4aM. they stiLL wanna drInk. sO we wENt whAmPoa maRket theRE. tOk and d3aR. tOk and tOk abT many thIngs. abT the paSt tOo. tiLL 6+aM nORhx. sO tirEd wOrx. tHen aFter wE went hOme taT tiME. gOt tis uncLe fOlLoweD us. i tOT he siaO 1. thEN laTEr he gO apPrOAch eDdy wOrx. (he aCtuaLLy nOe eDdy, c hIm fRm yOUng de. nOe his pARents and unCle alsO de). thEN cOme scOld eDdy wORx. cOz whEN we tOkin, eddy feLt sleEpy le. thEn he plAy pLay gO take the beEr bOttle knOck oN the tabLE. N it wAs kiNda of lOud. theN the uNcle actuALLy nOT siaO wORx. is whaMpoa ppLe. LOLX. OLD pai kia. !!! LOLX... theN he scOlded eDdy. sAY dUnch kNock the the tabLE. then keeP say eDdy's unCle bla bla bla... i think he's kiNda of dRunk tOo... bUt qUite tRue La, knOck bOttle on the tabLe lyk nO rEspeCt. theN he tOk tOk oR scOld and scOld. d3aR feLt irRitatEd. theN staRted tO scOLd him. thEN they almOSt fiGht. theN eDdy pUll the uNcle aWAy. thEN i kiNDa of pUll d3aR alsO lOR. bUt at laSt nOThin haPpen. siNce aNyway, aLL nOe 1 anOTher 1. sO everything sEttle thEN we gO hOme le... sO its arD neAr tO 7aM le baH. theN tiREd le ... then jitaO Zzzz...

AWww...ok i feEl lyk gOin oUt 2DaY. bEtter gO out nORhx. bOh si beI siaN. bUt tmL gOt scH wORx. sian. h3lP mE!!! =( ok, i go eaT my lUnch nOw le... GOod bYeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~ =pPpp

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/06/2004 ♥

hMmm....jUz wOke up. cHattin wiF rOs in mSn nOw... haI~ gOt abit fEdup cOz of somethiNg & a tOoooopid peRsoN...wEll, shAll nOt wriTE it here...

anYway, yeSTerdaY weNt tO mR qUah's (my PE teacher in seC sCh) fUnerAL aT siNgaPore cASket therE. wAh, ppLe mOuntain ppLE sea sia~ LOLx. i meAn alOt of ppLE la... hMmm...sOme pPle cried. I feEl kiNDa of sAD fOr him tOo. bUt nOt tO the eXteNd oF cryin. i hATe him in the pASt.bUt at thE mOment i sAw hiM in hiS coFfin. thE meMoRies jUZ faDed aWAy. i wAs thinking nEed nOt be sO caLculative wiF a dEad mAn le ritE? hmm...i nv eveN thOught aNy1 wOuld cRy fOr him. bUt yes, thERe's oUght tO be... his mOther wAS there. hIs moTher is oLd le. i reaLLy feel sad for her tOo.coz itS nOt reaLLy gOod tO be thE 1 aTtendIng ur chiLdren's fUneraL. wEll, i gUEss. the legOndnAry mR qUah oF SAC is gOnez.... Rest in Peace man...

hmmm...diDnt gO to sCh siNce wEd. bUt mOst pRObably i wiLL tmL. tMl gOt tis fLash wORkshOp. me aNd rOs siGN up 2gether. bUt she's on leave tmL. i dUnch wanNa gO aLone.sO saD... GottO eNd here...bb~!!!!!!!!!!!

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/05/2004 ♥

回憶裡想起模糊的小時候 雲朵漂浮在藍藍的天空 那時的你說 要跟我手牽手 一起走到時間的盡頭

*從此以後我都不敢抬頭看 彷彿我的天空失去了顏色 從那一天起 我忘記了呼吸 眼淚啊永遠不再 不再哭泣

#我們的愛 過了就不再回來 直到現在 我還默默的等待 我們的愛 我明白 已變成你的負擔 只是永遠 我都放不開 最後的溫暖 啊 你給的溫暖

重唱 *,#

不要再問你是否愛我 現在我想要自由天空 遠離開這被綑綁的世界 不再寂寞

重唱 #

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

hMmm....jUz caMe baCk. tOday didNt gO tO sch again...dUnch feEl lyk gOin tML tOoo...sCh sUx tO tHE cOre... tmL gOt qUiz. mCQ aNd shORt sTruCtURed. i dUnch even nOE wat's the tEst abOut.aNd yes, i haVen evEn rEAd my nOtes. i feEl sO sIcK wHen i eVen thiNk abOut the wOrd sCh!~ haI~ hOw. sHld i gO sch tML?

aNyway, 2day is yaShi's bdAY ceLEbraTiOn. wEnt tO pArty wOrld kTv. sANg qUite alOt... lyK I aLways dO. i simpLy lOve tO sing. bUt... I dUnch sIng wELL lA. kaka =Ppp maNy ppLe wEnt. thOse rL7 ppLE. lOng tiMe fREns le... bUt stiLL keeP in cOntaCt. ppLe hU weNt: piyO akA mErVn, saMueL aka hOrny + gF, ruBen, aH baO, yaNg + gF, me akA stREet + bf, yaShi the bday bOy, ah nEh, ah sEng. hMmm... weNT therE at 6pM. sANg tiLL 10pM. nOt baD. wAS pREtty fUn.

AfTer taT, tHey aLL went sepAraTee waYs. me aNd d3ar wENt oRchARd emERald tO eAT mOS bURgeR. theN latER meEt anthOny kOr and 2 of his fRens & da sAO xUepiNg. wE wEnt mUsiC unDergROund. hMm... ok nOrhx. as usuaL. opEn maRtel. aLL timE fAv. aRd 1:30 lEft thEre le...d3ar sAW his eX gF there... LOLX. dOh. eRM, nO coMments... gO pLAy wiF d3ar aNd tOuch hiM...LOLX... nO cOmmentS tOo...

nOw at hOme nORhx. dUnch nOe waT tO dO... lisTening tO my bLog soNg maH? my fAv sOng wORx. thE lyrIcs sO nicE...sO tOuchin...reMinds me oF sOme1. wO men dE ai, guO le jUi bU zaI hUi laI. hMm... sOmetiMes whEn U treaT sOme1 tOo gOod, bUt taT sOme1 wOnt reaLise. ai ya. dUnch wanna tOk abOut it le. aNyway, i nOe sinCe we nv be 2geTher lasT. wE wOnt nOw. n nv in the futUre tOoo...

jUz nOw tOk 2 ah bEe oN msn... thEn aH BEE if u gOt sEE my bLog. I TELLING U AR! BETTER DUN PLAY PLAY AR!!! HAHAHAAHA... YAO YAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whhahahahahahaha.... ROFL... m1n m1n kIck yaO yaO's fACE...keke...nv seE nIchOlas tSe or eDisOn tOday wORx.sObx sObx...

aNyway, i shLd eNd heRe le baH. nitex... =)

tO all the fREns: waNNa leT u all nOe: i haTe tO drInk: rOot beer, gaS-sy tyPe oRange, 7-uP, lemOn oR liMe drInks, sUgar cANe, sPritE. i hAte tO eaT: bUrgER kiNg. . .

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

8/01/2004 ♥

3rD piC Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

3rD pIc oF haMster. aCtuaLLy hAf 3 haMster. bUt... all lOok the saMe nOw...mUz wait fOr it tO gRow bigGer... Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

2Nd pIc oF haMsteR...  Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

hAmsteR taKen aT d3Ar hse... Our baby haMsTer.!!! keke... Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

last 1 noRhx Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]

pApA haMsTer...kaka Posted by Hello

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥ [::+ ♥ xiaOm1n ♥ +::]